VNPost | Express mail services (EMS)

ems is an express mail service for letters, documents, printed matter and goods from sender to recipient between vietnam and other countries under the universal postal union (upu) and cooperative ems according to transit time published by vn post express joint stock company. visit website: for more details.


Nationwide and in more than 100 countries and territories around the world under agreement between ems company and members of the postal universal postal union (upu) or other partners.

weight, size

weight: – normal weight: maximum 31.5kg/piece. – the item that is so bulky that it cannot be separated into small parts will be transported by truck with a maximum weight of 5 kg, however, it must be limited by size according to regulations. – for light items: (items with an actual weight less than the converted weight), the weight is not based on the actual weight, but on the converted weight calculated as follows:

converted weight (kg) =

length x width x height (cm)


– for international articles: it will be adjusted to the ems declaration of each country. size: – minimum size: + at least one side of the item must be no smaller than 90mm x 140mm with 2mm, with a tolerance of 2mm. + if rolled: the length plus twice the minimum diameter is 170 mm and the largest dimension is not less than 100 mm. – maximum size: not to exceed 1,500 mm for any dimension and 3,000 mm for the sum of the length and the largest circumference measured in a direction other than the length. – the article with a size larger than the normal article is a bulky article stipulated by other regulations based on acceptance, places of delivery or conditions of transport. – for international ems items: the normal size does not exceed 1500 mm for any dimension and 3000 mm for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a direction other than the length.

transit time


postage rate table


additional services

1. “hand delivery” service: is the service in which the sender requests to deliver the item to the recipient’s hand based on the name and address on the item. This service does not apply in the case of delivery by the leaders of the competent authorities of the party government. 2. Declared Value Goods Service: The sender can declare the value of the item when it is posted. in case of loss, damage, the sender will be compensated based on the declared value. 3. “delivery outside business hours: service: the sender requires to deliver the item between 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day, except holidays. 4. cash on delivery: the sender orders the post office to collect the amount of the merchandise from the recipient at the time of delivery and return the amount to the sender. 5. Proof of Delivery: The sender requires proof of delivery to be provided with the recipient’s signature. 6. verification service: Shipper requires the post office to verify the quantity of products in the item at the time of pickup and delivery based on the minute provided by the sender. 7. ems_vun service: This is the service to ensure the safety of items and minimize the risk of vun items transported through an airline. the airline will place these items in the sealed container and will be attended by an independent staff throughout the process, from booking, receipt at the departure airport, boarding and delivery at the arrival airport. vun items include: camera, camcorder, laptop, personal support equipment, mobile phone, electronic products and other high-value goods. 8. Item pick-up service: The sender can pick up at the exchange office of origin if the time from the time of acceptance to the time of pick-up of the item does not exceed the transit time. 9. Recipient name and address correction service: The sender may correct the recipient’s name at the originating office of exchange if the time from the time of acceptance to the time of correction does not exceed transit time . 10. pickup address: the shipper requires to provide the pickup service at the address provided by the shipper and pays fees for it. 11. cash on delivery (emsc): is the service in which the recipient signs the contract with the post office to guarantee the payment of all shipping costs of ems shipments to the recipient. 12. ems ppa: is the service in which the sender signs the contract with the post office to instruct the post office to collect all the postage of the items from the recipient at the time of delivery. multi-package service: is a service for the acceptance, handling, transportation and delivery of multi-package items that include items sent to the same recipient at the same address.

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special services

1. ems visa: is a service in which the client from all over the country who requests the visa will present the visa file through the ems service to the embassy/consulate. After getting the result, the visa will be returned to the client through ems service. 2. diplomatic and official ems passport: is a service in which the client from all over the country will send the diplomatic and official passport application file through the ems service to the department of the consulate in hanoi and to the department of foreign affairs in hochiminh city. After getting the result, the visa will be returned to the client through ems service. 3. application file to the university: is a delivery service for the application file of the candidates including proof of delivery and collection service which is a priority to manage in all phases of the process from handling, transportation and return. 4. express service: is the high-quality express courier service, in which the transit time is shorter than the national ems service. the item will be delivered to the recipient after 2 hours after receiving it at the provincial post office. 5. delivery before 9:00 a.m.: it is a service in which the item will be handled and delivered in the same process as household items, but this type of item will be agreed to be delivered before 9:00 a.m. 6. delivery in one day: is a service in which the item has priority to be accepted, delivered to the recipient within one day. 7. EMS Overnight Delivery (EMS NDD) : It is a service where the item will be delivered the next day after the day of acceptance between Vietnam and Taiwan, South Korea. 8. agreed ems service: – is a service with the lowest postage rate and transit time 2 days longer than normal ems service. – This service applies to items delivered to nearby and distant provinces, not to the local area. – size standards: size: length x width x height of the agreed ems article: maximum 180 x 52 x 52 cm. – weight: for an individual piece: – weight: maximum 31.5kg/piece (the minimum weight is not regulated) – for bulky pieces, the maximum weight is 50kg, but the size limit will be in accordance with the regulations. per item in a shipment: – the minimum quantity: 02 items – item weight: + minimum: 02 kg/item + maximum: 31.5 kg/item. for bulky items, the maximum weight is 50 kg, but the size limit will be according to the regulations. – maximum weight for shipment: 500 kg/shipment.

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inquiries, compensation

1. Consultation time: 1.1. for domestic ems: a. six (06) months from the final date of the transit time of the article for loss, delay against the published transit time; If the transit time is not published, the term will be computed from the time of acceptance. b. one (01) month from the date the item was delivered to the recipient for damage, postage and related inquiries 1.2. for ems international: a. six (06) months from the final date of the transit time of the item for loss, delay against the published transit time. b. one (01) month from the date the item was delivered to the recipient for damage, postage and related inquiries. 2. compensation: 2.1. for domestic ems items: – in case the item is delivered after the transit time: please refund the postage when posting. – for loss and damage: the compensation amount will be equal to 4 times postage when shipped, the minimum is 200,000 vnd. for special documents: (tender document, plane tickets, passport, original family book, original bachelor’s certificate), the amount of compensation for redoing the paperwork is a maximum of 1,000,000 vnd. – for partial loss and damage: the maximum compensation for each item: amount of compensation: (% weight partially lost/damaged) x (the maximum compensation for loss/damage). where: (% of weight partially lost/damaged is determined based on the minute performed and confirmed by the sender/recipient.. – in case the item is incorrectly returned due to post office fault: free return postage and reimbursement of acceptance postage.- for important customer items with the content lost and damaged: the compensation amount will be agreed between the 2 parties for each case.*compensation conditions: – for loss and damage of special document item : + the sender must provide the necessary documents that prove the cost for remaking the documents (receipt, invoice) + the sender clearly declares the content of the item on the label e1 in case the content has not been declared the amount of compensation will be the same as normal document item – important customer item with missing/damaged content:: + document must be provided by sender necessary to prove the value of the item (invoice, receipt…) + the sender must declare the content and value of the item in detail when it is shipped. In case the sender did not declare in detail, the compensation amount will be according to point 2 part i. 2.1. for international ems items: a. regulated in rate table. – in case the item is delivered after the transit time: refund acceptance postage. – in case of partial loss and damage:

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every 500gr


200,000 vnd

– in case of loss or damage: postage refund plus compensation amount based on the actual weight of each item as follows:




every 500gr


200,000 vnd

minimum for each item

Vnd 1,000,000

Vnd 1,000,000

maximum for each item

4,300,000 vnd

– in case the item was incorrectly returned due to the fault of the post office: free return postage and refund of the acceptance postage

ems exit procedure

1. prohibited items, conditionally accepted items, licensed items (according to the stipulations of the Vietnamese authorities and destination authorities) a. items prohibited to other countries according to Vietnamese regulations – narcotic drugs, mental stimulants – weapons, ammunition, military technical equipment; – Depraved and reactionary publications, printed matter or documents against public safety – Explosive and flammable or unhygienic articles or substances, environmental contaminants. – Articles, goods of prohibited circulation, marketed by the government; – live animals – animal skins – articles, publications, goods whose importation is prohibited in the countries of destination; – Vietnamese currency, foreign currency and valuable documents such as money – Precious metals (such as gold, silver,…), precious stones or products made of precious stones and precious metals – Antiques (fragile) – Human body parts – Lithium battery – addictive substances – articles containing many articles sent to different addresses. b. conditionally accepted items to other countries according to Vietnamese regulations – alcoholic beverages (alcohol, beer…) – animal products – antiques (not fragile), art painting, handicrafts – drugs, sample samples ( blood, urine) – flowers, botany and botanical products (seeds, drug leaves…) – artificial diamonds, clothing, cosmetics – powder, liquid, electronic, perishable products c. items applying for an export license according to Vietnamese regulations






pharmaceutical products (low quantity, sent to individual recipient)

prescription; commitment document

circular 39/2013/tt-byt on non-commercial medical import and export



plant quarantine license by plant quarantine subdepartment – plant protection department

plant quarantine list according to circular 40/2012/tt-bnnptnt


mineral samples

mining, export licenses and request letter to the customs authority

circular 41/2012/tt-bct on mineral exports


wood and products of wood origin

license, fumigation

circular 88/2011/tt-bnnptnt


flora and fauna

verify by plant quarantine department, veterinary department,

circular 40/2013/tt-bnnptnt




circular 06/2011/tt-byt


liquid, sand, coal dust


official letter sent to aviation

aviation flight safety rules


books, hard drives

consult the department of information and communication, department of culture, sports and tourism

decree 32/2012/nd-cp

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