- to block emails in gmail on desktop or mobile, click or tap the “plus” icon and select “block”.
- you can also report spam or phishing in gmail to prevent similar emails from coming to you in the future.
- gmail also has features to unsubscribe from mass marketing emails and recommends unsubscribing to senders if you don’t read their emails.
gmail has built-in filters that help keep spam out of your inbox, but sometimes spam or phishing attempts get through anyway.
The good news is that there are ways to report spam and phishing, and block senders, so you can keep your inbox free of junk. If you get a lot of marketing emails, Gmail also has tools to unsubscribe from senders you regularly ignore.
once you block an email address, all future messages from that sender will be sent to your spam folder. When you report spam, Google receives a copy of the email and can analyze it to protect other users from spam in the future.
how to block emails in gmail on desktop
Tired of receiving emails from a specific sender or want to report spam? you can block and report emails with just a few clicks.
block an email address
1. go to the gmail website. Sign in to your account if you are not already signed in.
2. Open an email from the sender you want to block.
3. Click the three vertical dots iconin the upper right corner of the email, then click block [sender] strong>.
4. Click block in the pop-up window to confirm this action.
Quick Tip: To unblock an email address, click unblock sender at the top of the email, or repeat the steps above (selecting >unblock [sender] instead).
report spam and phishing
1. go to the gmail website. Sign in to your account if you are not already signed in.
2. Click or open the box to the left of the spam or phishing email.
3. for spam, click the report spam button on the toolbar and select report spam again in the window emergent.
4. For phishing, open the email. Click the three vertical dots icon in the upper right corner of the email, then click report phishing. Click report phishing message to confirm this action.
how to block emails in gmail on mobile app
You can also block and report emails in the gmail mobile app for ios and android.
block an email address
1. open the gmail app on your iphone, ipad or android.
2. Open an email from the sender you want to block.
3. tap the three horizontal dots icon next to the reply button (not the three horizontal dots icon on the upper-right corner), then tap block [sender].
Quick Tip: To unblock an email address, tap unblock sender on the email or repeat the steps above (selecting unblock [sender]instead).
report spam
1. open the gmail app on your iphone, ipad or android.
2. Tap the sender’s round profile icon to the left of the email or open the email.
3. Tap the three horizontal dots icon in the upper right corner, then select report spam.
how to unsubscribe from mass marketing emails
Whether or not you knowingly signed up to be on a company’s email list, you can unsubscribe at any time. Save yourself the five seconds it takes to delete that weekly, bi-weekly, or daily promotional email you don’t even read by following these steps.
on desktop:
1. go to the gmail website. Sign in to your account if you are not already signed in.
2. Open an email from the sender you no longer want to receive promotional emails from.
3. Next to the sender’s name, click the links to unsubscribe or change preferences. If you don’t see either of these options, follow the steps above to block the sender or mark the email as spam.
quick tip: You can also scroll to the bottom of the email and select unsubscribe or change preferences (or similar). copywriting) hyperlink, which is required in all mass marketing emails.
on the mobile app:
1. open the gmail app.
2. Open an email from the sender you no longer want to receive promotional emails from.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the email, then tap unsubscribe or change preferences.
Quick Tip: To turn off unsubscribe recommendations (sent by Google for emails from bulk senders you rarely read), tap the three horizontal lines icon > and then settings, then select the gmail account you want to edit. tap inbox suggestions and turn off unsubscribe suggestions.