palo alto, california, May 24, 2012 /prnewswire/ – trustid, a leading provider of credit and identity protection services, today announced the acquisition of catalog choice, the nation’s largest preferred mail service. Through its free membership program, premium services, and community partnerships, Catalog Choice makes it quick and easy for consumers to opt out of spam to protect their privacy and reduce paper waste. The acquisition of Catalog Choice is part of trustid’s rapid expansion to provide the most comprehensive suite of identity protection products on the market.
“We are extremely pleased to welcome Catalog Choice to the TrustID family. In five years, Catalog Choice has earned a stellar reputation as an authority on consumer privacy protection and Mail Choice. Its suite of services Preferred Mail not only eliminates mail clutter and reduces paper waste, but also helps consumers reduce the risk of identity theft,” said Scott Mitic, CEO of TrustID. “The addition of catalog options will allow us to continue to develop value-added services that further empower consumers to protect their privacy and identity.”
More than 1.5 million consumers already use the catalog option to stop spam. In addition to its free consumer service, Catalog Choice partners with some 100 cities across the country, including Chicago, IL; san jose, ca; Seattle, WA; austin, texas; and portland, or to create custom mail preference programs that help local municipalities achieve zero waste goals by empowering citizens to reduce spam. Thousands of merchants also use the catalog option to manage their subscription preferences and maintain best practices in their customer contact communications.
In support of the Catalog Choice mission, 100 percent of the proceeds from the acquisition will go to the Catalog Choice Foundation, a nonprofit organization that will provide grants to worthy projects that help people reduce spam and save natural resources. “We are pleased to have Trustid take over management of the catalog choice,” said Daniel R. katz, chairman of the catalog selection board and senior director of programs at the overbrook foundation in new york city. “This is a unique, innovative and beneficial result because the choice of the catalog, created and managed by a non-profit organization, will continue while creating a new source of funding to support additional efforts to conserve our planet’s natural resources.”
“Spam, like pre-approved credit offers, is a nuisance and a waste of natural resources and a key privacy issue,” said Chuck Teller, president of Catalog Choice. “For years we have helped educate and empower citizens to take control of their mailbox. We are very excited about the opportunity to become part of Trustid, a company focused on providing identity protection and privacy services that provide peace of mind.” consumers and take privacy protection to the next level.”
The catalog choice service will continue to operate at and in partnership with communities across the country. New and existing catalog option users will have full access to the free opt-out service and mailstop™ solutions, including mailstop mobile, mailstop envelopes and mailstop shield.
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about trusted id
trustedid offers privacy, security and reputation management services to proactively help protect against credit and identity theft, safeguarding individuals, families and businesses.
Awarded best in class by javelin research, trustid services provide a full suite of protections including access to our 24/7 protection team and a limited warranty of $1,000,000. trustid idsafe™ is the first free credit and identity theft protection service that provides key safeguards to consumers. trustid’s™ service offers consumers a new layer of privacy protection on services like facebook, linkedin and twitter. trustid’s reppler™ service helps people understand and manage the reputational risks of using popular social networking services. trustid’s data breach solutions group services businesses of all sizes with immediate protection of the identities of those directly affected. TrustID is a private company based in Palo Alto, California. For more information about our products and services, visit our website at
on the choice of the catalog
Founded in 2007 to give consumers greater control over the marketing materials that enter their mailboxes, Catalog Choice is the world’s largest privacy and preference portal. since its launch, the catalog option has connected more than 1.5 million consumers with 4,200 direct marketers to process more than 20 million deletion requests through free membership services, catalog choice associations for mailstop™ solutions and communities, including mailstop mobile , mailstop envelopes and mailstop shield. By reducing spam and phone books, Catalog Choice’s free and low-cost services reduce deforestation, greenhouse gases, solid waste and water use.
Based on catalog choice
The Catalog Choice Foundation, launched with proceeds from the acquisition, will fund programs that support efforts to reduce paper and plastic waste and promote the sustainable use of our planet’s natural resources. To learn more about the foundation, visit our new website at
source trusted identifier