You are reading: How do i reverse “sync turned off” in my google account?
Go bachồng to lớn the Settings thực đơn, and in the Wireless and Networks section tap Data Usage. Then press the menu button & in the popup thực đơn check the Auto Sync Data box.
You can then return lớn the Google account page mentioned in the question, where the danh sách of services is, và select the newly visible checkmarks next khổng lồ which ones you want to lớn automatically sync.
Even more hidden is this… For Moto lớn G năm ngoái…
Go to:
SettingsData usage Scroll down to GmailSelect Gmail App settings
Select one of your gmail accounts and there you”ll find a kiểm tra box to lớn turn sync on, you”ll probably also find you can change notification settings msg tones etc everything you lost ages ago và almost gave sầu up on finding the answers lớn 😉 ! Totally ridiculous
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On your điện thoại device, open Settings. Under Personal, touch Accounts. In the top-right corner, touch Menu More. Chechồng or unkiểm tra Auto-Sync Data.
Go baông xã to lớn the Settings thực đơn, and in the Wireless and Networks section tap Data Usage. Then press the thực đơn button và in the popup thực đơn check the Auto lớn Sync Data box.
You can then return to lớn the Google account page mentioned in the question, where the danh mục of services is, và select the newly visible checkmarks next khổng lồ which ones you want to lớn automatically sync. Rethành viên to disable “Background data restriction” under Data settings sub-thực đơn. Also don”t forget khổng lồ switch khổng lồ more stable network connection like 3G, 4G poor network also causes syncing failure. Finally check if the core system apps that helps in synchronisation vày really startup during booting (incase you anable tự động hóa start killer by some task killer apps).
For me it”s:SettingsPersonal > AccountsPress Menu keyYou will see checkbox (when it”s selected it means it will auto-sync your data)Cheông xã itYou will see popup with more info about auto-sync và confirm buttonPress OK
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