Fix: Oops, the System Encountered a Problem Gmail Error

You found this article because while using Gmail; you got hit with the error message, oops the system encountered a problem #001. So let us tell you all you should know about this error.

gmail is one of the most popular email clients, helped greatly by the enormous popularity of its parent, the google search monolith. but the mail user agent (mua) is not without problems.

some users have had to deal with an annoying problem: the system encountered a problem error.

There are several possible causes for this error. but essentially, the error prevents you from enjoying the conveniences you’ve come to expect from your email client.

why does my email say oops, something went wrong?

for some people, the problem occurs infrequently; works fine for a while, and then the oops! reappears out of nowhere.

However, for others it happens so often that they lose access to their email. this is not good and can mean that you miss important correspondence with serious implications for your work.

different users have observed that this error is triggered when performing the following functions:

  • open messages
  • delete old emails
  • move emails to folders

While there are many possible causes for this error, there are several fixes. First, we’ll go over the usual and sneakier suspects, which aren’t as easy to isolate.

you’ll want to consider and bookmark each one until the problem is fixed.

Before testing the fixes, we will consider whether you access your email through your browser or a desktop application. so you may want to check if it is still configured correctly and if the case is the latter.

You could even uninstall it and reinstall a newer version.

The following are the different iterations of this bug you may encounter:

  • oops… the system encountered a problem (#001) gmail
  • gmail oops, the system encountered a problem #2007
  • oops… the system encountered a problem ( #001) gmail firefox
  • gmail oops the system encountered a problem in 2009
  • oops… the system encountered a problem (#2014) gmail
  • oops, the system encountered a problem (#2005)
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Please note that the fixes discussed in this article should fix most gmail errors, regardless of the error message.

quick tip:

If clearing your browser’s cookies and cache data doesn’t resolve the issue, your next best option may be to switch browsers.

a great browser you should try is opera. It’s fast and robust, thanks to the chrome engine. but it does not have any of its well-known limitations, such as high demand for resources.

how do I fix the system encountered a problem error?

1. clear your browser’s caches and cookies

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Click on the menu, select More tools, and Clear browser data. oops the system encountered a problem #001 gmail
  3. Select a Time range, tick the options for Browsing history, Cookies and other site data, and Cached images and files, then click the Clear data button. oops the system encountered a problem #001 gmail

Cache and cookies both improve your browsing experience, but can sometimes harm it.

Caches are files that store information on the individual pages you visit, so the browser doesn’t have to make database calls or load page objects the next time you visit the same page.

This reduces the time it takes for your browser to load pages. Speaking of which, if google chrome is slow, check out these 9 solutions to speed up chrome browser.

but cache data takes up disk space and may include unimportant page information or malware. so it would help if you cleaned them regularly.

On the other hand, cookies are applications that websites use to store browsing information each time you visit them. They can then use this information to personalize your browsing experience, including the ads you see.

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Both cookies and cache can get corrupted and end up causing the system has encountered an error problem.

clearing cookies and caches will also help resolve other chrome issues, such as the unresponsive page error.

Hopefully clearing your browser’s cache and cookie data will remove all corrupted data that could be causing the problem error.

2. check your internet connection

Some gmail features have trouble loading if you have a long internet connection. if there is anything you can do to improve your internet speed, try it first.

Or you could try switching to an ethernet, wireless, or wi-fi connection, depending on what you currently use, to see if this is the source of your problem.

but in most cases, this is rarely the problem. when it is, you can tell by the slowness at which the gmail app loads on your pc. if this is true for you, consider this next solution.

3. switch to the basic html version of gmail

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Visit the HTML Gmail site.
  3. Click on I’d like to use HTML Gmail.oops the system encountered a problem #001 gmail

gmail is a feature-rich program that takes a while to fully load. on the other hand, the html version is lighter, often loads faster, and requires less system resources than the standard version, since it contains mostly plain text.

The html version was created for older unsupported browsers and slow internet connections.

However, there is a drawback to using this watered down version of gmail. if you choose it, you will not have features like chat, rich formatting, keyboard shortcuts, spell checker and others.

4. disable browser extensions and plug-ins

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Click the menu, select More tools, then Extensions.
  3. Toggle off the switches for each extension.

If you’re thinking of switching browsers, you can first make sure the problem isn’t caused by an extension you just installed.

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Sometimes third-party software, such as browser plug-ins and extensions, can conflict with other programs and settings on your computer.

Occasionally, a patch or update to outdated compatible software can introduce errors like this. oops, the system has encountered an error problem that didn’t exist before.

make a record of all the extensions you installed when this problem first appeared. then disable them one at a time until you discover the faulty one.

go to the previous extensions you have had. there is a possibility that a recent update to one of them is the cause of the gmail problem.

5. temporarily disable antivirus and other internet security programs

  1. Click on the Start menu, type Windows security, and then click on the Windows Security app.oops the system encountered a problem #001 gmail
  2. On the left pane, click on Manage Settings.oops the system encountered a problem #001 gmail
  3. Turn off Real-time protection.

Some people who have faced the problem that the system encountered a problem in gmail reported that the problem disappeared after disabling their internet security software such as anti-malware and antivirus tools.

As you have done with your extensions, the good thing is that you won’t have to disable your internet security software permanently. instead, disable them once and check if the error still repeats.

some users have reported that avast antivirus software causes this issue, so you may not need to disable it.

There is no specific solution for issue #001 in gmail; the goal is to find the cause of the problem and find a way to isolate or disable it.

In extreme cases, you may consider restarting the browser, but be aware that this may lead to data loss.

Before google can develop a more permanent solution, the best option is to try all the different solutions that have worked for others, as explained here.

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