Are you interested in working for the United States Postal Service? We’re here to break down everything you need to know about the USPS postal exam. Formally known as the 473 Postal Exam, this test was completely redesigned in April 2019. The USPS now uses the Virtual Entrance Screening system to screen candidates based on the specific position they’re applying for.
what is the usps postal exam? what happened to postal exam 473?
Until April 2019, if you were applying for a job with the United States Postal Service (USPS), you would be required to take a 473 postal service test, no matter what position you were applying for. Virtual Entry assessments are now broken out based on the position you are applying for. The USPS has focused on the specific skills needed for each position. Let’s take a closer look at each of the exams.
usps 474 postal exam
This is a 45-minute self-administered test administered to urban and rural mail carrier job applicants. After submitting your application for a vacant position, if you are deemed a good fit, an email will be sent to you inviting you to take a virtual entrance assessment: mc 474.
mc 474
usps postal proof (potential names):
- mc 474 virtual entrance exam
- see postman exam
jobs: postman positions
- rural carrier
- rural carrier associate
- rural carrier assistant
- urban carrier
- urban carrier assistant </li
- occasional urban carrier
test sections:
- work scenarios
- tell us your story
- describe your approach
work scenarios
This section has eight questions that focus on how you would respond in specific work-related situations that a letter carrier might encounter on a daily basis. once you click “next” in this section, you will not be able to go back.
tell us your story
This section consists of 20 multiple-choice questions that cover your work experience and background. Make sure your answers match what you put on your resume. in this section you can only go back one question.
describe your approach
This section is a personality quiz consisting of 56 questions to complete in 6 minutes. the point of this section is to see if you are a good personality for the position. again, there is no going back in this section.
Take a look at this postal exam 474 practice test.
usps 475 and 476 postal exam
usps mh 475 is the test for those applying to be postmasters. The USPS MP 476 is for those applying to be mail processing clerks and data conversion operators. these two tests are very similar and cover the same sections.
mh 475
usps postal proof (potential names):
- mp 476 virtual input evaluation
- see mail handler exam
jobs: mail handling positions
- postmaster
- assistant postmaster
- informal postmaster
test sections:
- work scenarios
- tell us your story
- describe your approach
- check the bugs
mp 476
usps postal proof (potential names):
- mp 476 virtual entrance assessment
- vew mail processor exam
- vew mail processor exam
jobs: mail processing jobs
- casual mail processing clerk
- mail processing clerk
- pse mail processing clerk
test sections:
- work scenarios
- tell us your story
- describe your approach
- check the bugs
The purpose of this section is to give you a brief history of the postal service and some information about the position you are applying for. the introduction includes a description, sample questions, and instructions.
work scenarios
This section consists of 9 questions that will take 11 minutes to complete. the questions focus on work scenarios you will encounter on the job. You will be presented with four answer options and you will choose two. the two answers will be the most likely and the least likely solution to the problem at hand.
check for errors
This section has 12 questions. You will be presented with a pair of 8 numbers. you will be asked to identify pairs of numbers that are the same (match) or different (error).
tell us your story
You will be asked 22 questions about yourself and your history. only include the information you put on your resume.
describe your approach
This section has 79 questions. The goal of this section is for USPS to learn about your personality, how you work with others, and how you handle stress.
practice for the usps 475 and 476 postal exam.
usps 477 postal exam
The CS 477 Virtual Entry Assessment is for those candidates applying for customer service, service, sales, and distribution positions. there are four sections in cs 477: work situations, work your record, tell us your story, and describe your approach.
cs 477
usps postal proof (potential names):
- cs 477 virtual entrance assessment
- customer service exam see
jobs: customer service employee jobs
- sales service pse & distribution associate
- casual sales and distribution associate
- sales service & distribution associate
test sections:
- work scenarios
- tell us your story
- describe your approach
- check the bugs
The introduction will cover a brief history of the postal service and some of the possible careers covered on the exam. will provide instructions and sample questions for each section.
work situations
This section of the test is similar to the work scenarios section on the other exams. The test covers 10 questions that describe work situations you might encounter on the job. you will be asked to choose two of the four options that you think would best solve each situation.
work your registry
You will be presented with transactions that include the purchase amount, the amount paid, and the change needed. You will have to find the least number of bills and coins necessary to provide the change to the customer. You will be graded on how quickly and accurately you make the change.
tell us your story
You will be faced with 21 questions focused on your background and employment history. Please make sure all your answers match what you have previously included in your application.
describe your approach
This is a personality assessment that has 56 questions to complete in 6 minutes. The goal of this section is to make sure you have the right personality traits to be a successful worker in these positions. in this case because you’ll be working with people, so they want to see how you relate to people and how you work under stress.
usps 477 postal exam practice.
How much time do I have to complete the postal test?
You will only have 72 hours from the time you receive the email to take the exam online. if you don’t complete the test on time, you’ll have to start the recruitment process all over again.
what is the passing score for the postal exam?
Like its predecessor, the 473 Postal Exam, you’ll need to earn a passing score of at least 70. The USPS ranks candidates based on their scores, so you should aim for at least an 85. Your score will be available on the usps website. if you receive less than 70, the word “not eligible” will appear.
what happens if I don’t pass the postal exam?
If you don’t pass the USPS postal tests, you’ll get a status of ineligibility. you will be allowed to take the test again after one year. if you want to improve your score, you can wait 24 months and take the test again. As you can see, it’s important not only to pass, but to get a high score the first time.
how can I prepare?
know what to expect! There is no longer a Postal Service 473 exam practice test. Each position requires different skills, backgrounds, and personality. Take a practice test to find out where your strengths and weaknesses lie. make sure you prepare for the test you are taking. Check out these practice tests with answers and explanations:
- postal exam 474
- postal exam 475 and 476
- postal exam 477
- postal exam 955 (formerly known as exams 931, 932, and 933)
remember that you are expected to score at least an 85 to be considered a top contender. if you work hard today, you’ll be rewarded later!