Forward an email as an attachment

Whether it’s an email marketing campaign or just a message to your club members, this post has everything you need to know.

You are reading: Forward an email as an attachment

In this article, we’ll show you how to send an email to multiple recipients using and Gmail, whether it’s now in 2021 or in 2022 and beyond. Just follow this walk-through guide and you’ll be sending mass emails in no time!

Here’s what this article covers:

(click on the links below to jump to a particular section)


2. Gmail

Let’s get started.


What Is is a powerful email outreach software that lets a user run email campaigns from their Gmail inbox. It’s powerful mail merge capabilities have made it an extremely popular Chrome extension that’s used by employees from Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google.

However, isn’t only useful to email marketers.It’s also used by different individuals and groups to send emails to their members, such as:

Schools and UniversitiesClubsChurchesOther social groups and organizations

With features like automatic follow-ups, analytics and scheduling – it’s got everything an email marketer could ask for!

A casual user can also greatly benefit from its streamlined mailing processes. With an easy-to-use interface, anybody could get started with instantly.

How To Send Email To Multiple Recipients Using

It’s incredibly easy to send emails to multiple recipients in Gmail using the extension. Here’s how to do it in seconds:

Enter all the email addresses in the “To” field.Compose your email subject and body.Hit the “” button (instead of the Gmail send button).


That’s it!You can now send emails to tons of email IDs within seconds!

The best part?They won’t know you sent this email to anybody else.

But what if you need to send an email to hundreds of recipients? You can’t be manually adding each email address, right?

Don’t worry, here’s a detailed breakdown of the multiple ways can add recipients to your emails.

1. Use Google Contacts

If you use Google Contacts to manage your mailing list, you can easily add them as recipients to your emails.

Step 1Click on the “Contacts” section in the upper-left corner.


Step 2Use the checklist tool to select all the contacts in your mailing list that you’d like to add as recipients. Once you’ve selected them, click on the “Mail” icon.


Noteyou can only select the 250 contacts on the current page. To select any others, you’ll have to navigate to the next page and select them separately.

Step 3Compose your subject and email body and click on the “” button at the bottom of the composer window.

2. Export Your Contacts To A Google Spreadsheet

Here’s how you can easily add multiple recipients to your emails using a spreadsheet:

Step 1Export the Google contacts you want added to a .CSV file.


Step 2Click the “Export” button in the dialog box that opens up.


Step 3Upload this contact CSV file to Google Sheets.


Step 4Delete any extraneous, empty contact columns that are present in the folder. This is unnecessary contact information that may not be able to process.


Step 5Use to connect to the spreadsheet. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to do this.


Step will now add all these contacts to the “To” line in your mail. In case there are more than 1000 recipients, will consolidate these into an alias address that represents all the recipients.


Click on the “” button and you’re done!

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While this method looks complicated, it’s fairly straightforward. It’s also the easiest way to add thousands of recipients to an email in just a few steps!

3. Use The “Build Email List” Feature

The “build email list” feature is a great way to easily identify the recipient and add their email address to your emails.

Click on the build email list button (the red magnifying glass icon) and type in a keyword. will go through all your emails searching for conversations where that keyword was mentioned.


For example, if you wanted to send mass emails to everyone who’s talked about Android phones with you, type in “Android phones,” click enter, and the software will add all their details to the “To” field.

As there’s no manual exporting/importing involved here, you should have no difficulty using this method in

The Benefits Of Using

Using a dedicated mail merge service like gives you tons of helpful benefits for email sending. Here are some of them:

1. Personalization

What’s the biggest problem with mass emails?

They lack personalization.

Even if the recipient can’t see anyone else added to a mail, they’ll be able to identify a generic, mass-sent email when they receive one.

How does that matter?The moment someone realizes that this is a mass-sent email, the chances of them taking it seriously drop considerably. They might even mark you as spam.

Name-dropping and personalizing emails are a great way to make the recipient feel like that this email was hand-crafted for them. It’s going to greatly increase your chances of receiving a favorable reply.

Luckily, can add personalization variables to your emails, such as:

{First Name}{Last Name}{Company Name}

The software will use the recipient’s email address and any other data to determine these values and automatically add them to each email sent.

Read more: How Do I Force Merge Contacts In Google Contacts? In Google Contacts?


This way, each recipient will get a personalized email – without you having to manually edit your email templates!

2. Detailed Analytics

No email campaign is complete without some analytics to help measure how well it did.Luckily, the mail merge feature comes with comprehensive reporting capabilities to determine how well your mass emails are doing.

You’ll have access to information such as:

Unique Opens – total email addresses that opened your emailUnique Clicks – total email addresses that clicked on a linkDidn’t Open – total email addresses that didn’t open your mailReplies – total email addresses that replied to your campaignBounces – total email addresses that were invalid

And many more!

For a more detailed guide on reports, check out this article here.

See Also:  How to Mark All Emails as Read in Gmail

3. Easy Scheduling

Scheduling is a big part of the email sending process. You want your emails to reach the right people at the right time to get the best results.

To make this easier, the mail merge feature lets you schedule and set your email campaigns in advance.

Once you’ve composed your email, click on the arrow next to the “” button to open up the settings box. You can choose between a list of predetermined times to send your mail or set a custom date and time.


In case you need to edit the timing of a scheduled email, go to your “Drafts” tab, find the concerned email and edit the time. For easy identification, all scheduled emails are labeled as “ Scheduled.”

4. Automatic Follow-Ups

It’s happened to all of us.You’ve sent a question or form via email, but haven’t received a response yet.

So what do you do?Send a follow-up email to the recipient.

But what if you have to send a string of follow-ups to 100s of people? You can’t type and enter that manually, right?Don’t worry – the mail merge feature will create it for you.

Mail merge tools like can send an automatic follow-up email notification to all your clients who haven’t responded yet. You can set:

the number of follow-ups they receive.the time gap between each follow-up email notification.the message in each follow-up email notification.


This way, you can automatically send your recipients a friendly notification to boost your chances of finally receiving an answer email!

5. Email Campaigns as Replies

It’s far easier to continue a conversation with clients than to create a new one.

With the mail merge, you can start sending email campaigns as replies to existing conversations instead of having to create a new thread. This results in higher engagement from your mailing list as your clients won’t have to open new threads to view your email campaigns.


2. Gmail

What Is The BCC Field In Gmail?

The BCC field (Blind Carbon Copy) is an easy way to send an e-mail to multiple recipients. The primary recipient of such a mail will be unaware of the other recipients you’ve attached.

How To Use The Blind Carbon Copy Method To Send Email To Multiple Recipients

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the BCC field for sending an email in email clients like Gmail:

Step 1Open your Gmail account and click “Compose” to open up the Gmail compose window.


Step 2Add your subject line and email text.


Step 3Add the primary recipient’s email address of your email in the “To” line. Once you’ve done that, click on the “Bcc” button at the end of the line.


Step 4Once you click the “Bcc” button, you’ll be able to add the address of each hidden recipient to your mail.


Note – while the primary recipient cannot see who else is added, all your “Bcc” recipients will be able to see that they’ve been added as a “Bcc.” While the account can’t see who has been added – they’ll know that they aren’t the only email account included in this mail.

Step 5Click “Send” and you’re done – you can now send an e-mail to multiple recipients!

The Problems With This Method

While the Blind Carbon Copy method to send an e-mail is straight-forward, it comes with a few drawbacks. Here are a few issues you’ll face if you opt for the BCC blind carbon copy sending approach:

1) Recipients Can Mistakenly Reply To All

A big issue with BCC emails is that any of your recipients could mistakenly use the “Reply To All” instead of the “Reply” option to answer an email. This will broadcast their reply answer to all the addresses in the email chain, which could result in an unintentional, embarrassing breach of privacy. You might even have to send a new email asking people not to reply to all!

2) Looks Unprofessional

Remember, all your BCC’d recipients can still see that they’ve been added as a BCC to your email. They’re aware that there are multiple people added to this email. This makes the BCC method highly impractical for sending a message in formal contexts.

It looks very unprofessional and will probably leave a bad impression on your recipients. The BCC is an outdated decades-old feature that has practically no role in 2019.

3) Impractical For Mass Emailing

It’s not advisable to use the BCC method for emails with more than ten recipients.


As you have to manually add each recipient, working with more than ten recipients can be unwieldy and prone to error. You could misspell someone’s email address, mistakenly add someone as CC; the list goes on.

Why use an outdated service like BCC, when you have tons of advanced email programs like in the market? They can simplify mailing multiple people to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

4) No Personalization

Gmail’s BCC feature doesn’t allow you to personalize your email message. It’s a highly impractical method to send pitches and marketing emails.

As you can’t make a personal connection with each recipient, they’ll receive a bland, generic marketing email message that won’t impress them.

5) No Analytical Data

Gmail doesn’t offer you any cutting-edge data insights about your email campaigns. You won’t know what Gmail address opened your email message, when they opened it, what they clicked on and so on.

While this might not be an issue for personal correspondence, it’s a big issue for email marketers and salespeople. You could have a great email campaign in place, but without the right analytics, you’ll never make the most of it.


Sending an email to multiple recipients doesn’t have to be a tough, tiring process.

Read more: How To Remove Duplicate Contacts In Gmail ? How To Remove Duplicate Contacts In Gmail

While the BCC feature in Gmail can help, it’s far from ideal. Using email programs like is a much smarter solution for your email sending needs. A user can easily send, manage and tweak mass emails in seconds to keep things personalized and efficient.

Categories: Mail

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