Hercules setup 3

Hercules SETUP utility is useful serial port terminal (RS-485 or RS-232 terminal), UDP/IP terminal and TCP/IP Client Server terminal. It was created for HW group internal use only, but today it”s includes many functions in one utility and it”s Freeware! With our original devices (Serial/Ethernet Converter, RS-232/Ethernet Buffer or I/O Controller) it can be used for the UDP Config.

Bạn đang xem: Hercules setup 3

Complete support for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10All basic TCP and UDP utilities in one file, no installation required (just one .EXE file)Implemented Serial Port Terminal is working with the Virtual Serial Ports (COM12 for example). You can check and control all serial port lines (CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, RI, CD)Simple TCP client (like the Hyperterminal) with the TEA support, view format, file transfers, macros..Easy to use TCP Server with the TEA support, view format, file transfers, macros..Hercules contains simple UDP/IP “Terminal” with view formats, echo, file transfers, macros..Support the NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) in the Test mode tab, as like as NVT debuging features.. Using Telnet extended with NVT allows serial port configuration (RFC2217), device identification, confirmation of data sequence, etc.It”s FREEWARE you can use and share this software free
Applications and usage:



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Technical Information

Technical Information

Remote device configuration:
User Management:
UDP config (search):


IP Serial
IP Relay HWg-ER02b
I/O Controller 2

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Software & Firmware
SW version:
Hercules ver. 3.2.8 – 18.06.2014 – Release history
Used Protocols:

Hercules is great utility if you are working with the serial and Ethernet devices & interfaces. General useful parts :

Serial port terminal (COM5 and higher support)TCP/IP Client terminal (similar to “Telnet”)TCP/IP Server “terminal”UDP “terminal”

For HW group devices only :

UDP Config utility (IP, Port, MASK, GW setting)Test mode (TCP/IP terminal with TEA authorization support and NVT (Network virtual Terminal) parser for remote I/O pins control.

The Hercules SETUP is compatible with our free Virtual Serial Port, you can debug applications connected to remote serial port using Windows 2000 or higher.

UDP Config

This tab is to be used with Httl.com.vn/wiki devices only. In this window you can assign the IP address to compatible devices (PortBox, PortStore, PortStore2, I/O Controller, Charon 1 module, Poseidon etc..)

Parameters :Search for the devices over UDP broadcastList of all devices on the network segment (MAC list)Check and assign main network parameters (IP address, IP mask ans Gateway)Change main communication IP portDefine IP filter range (useful for the security reasons)Special parametersTEA authorisation enable (useful for the security reasons)NVT enable (for the remote serial port devices)TCP Setup mode enable (port 99)3x quick button (TCP Setup, TCP data communication, WWW Browser)


Find Devices buttonClicking on this button will find all the devices on your network segment.Apply Changes buttonThe parameter changes are applied by clicking on this button. Otherwise the changes will not take place.Device typeNot supported by most of the devices


Modules MAC listIn this window will be displayed the MAC addresses (a.k.a physical addresses) of the devices connected to your network segment. Clicking on a particular MAC address will highlight it and will show the parameter values of the respective device in the Required parameters field.


Module IPThis field displays the IP value of the respective device which has the MAC address highlighted in the Modules MAC list. PortThis field displays the port the device (operating as server) listens to. For the Connect with TCP Client button to work it has to be set to 23 (Telnet). Module IP maskThe Subnet Mask in this case It must be the same for all the devices in the network segment.GatewayThe IP address of the PC, router or switch interface, etc., with which the device is directly connected.IP Filter Address RangeW: Address ( allows all)IP address of a network or computer that is allowed to communicate with the device. This value must result from multiplying the remote IP address and the restriction mask (option N), otherwise the device does not react. More details to the IP Filter you can find in the device”s manuals, include examples and counting formulas..IP Filter MASKN: Mask ( allows all)This mask restricts addresses that can communicate with the device. Security can be greatly enhanced by setting a fixed address or a suitable restrictive mask that disallow communication with unauthorized parties.(IP requesting access AND N ) = WIf this condition is valid, you can access the device (AND is binary multiplication). More details in the device”s manuals.Enable TCP setup: Checking this box enables the configuration of the device with the TCP Client.Connect with TCP Client buttonClicking this button will automatically open a Telnet connection with the device (port 23). If the Port field of the device (the port where the device listens to) is not set to 23 this connection will fail. Open in the WEB Browser buttonClicking this button will open the page of the device in a WEB browser, if the device has a WEB server running.


The Serial tab of the Hercules utility can be used as a simple serial port terminal for the RS-232 standard. It”s similar to the Hyperterminal, some functions extended.

Parameters :Set the parameters of the connection (speed, parity, handshake)Set the mode of operation (Free, PortStore test, Data, Setup)Set and display the value of the signal on each modem line (i.e. on each RS-232 pin)Send and display messages or commands to and from remote deviceFirmware update of deviceOther parameters (in Right-click menu)Display special characters (in ASCII, HEX or DEC)Log the communication to a fileCreate and send a test file..


Name define the number of the serial communication port.Baud specifies the transmission rate in bauds .Data size specifies the number of data bits in a character.ParitySpecifies how the system uses the parity bit to check for transmission errors. Options are none, even, odd and mark.HandshakeTransmission control to pause data transfer, when receiving buffer of the opposite device if full.Off: No handshake between the devices.RTS/CTS: Hardware hanshaking This method uses hardware lines RTS (Request to Send) and CTS (Clear to Send). When a receiver is ready for data, it asserts the RTS line indicating it is ready to receive data. This is read by the sender at the CTS input, indicating it is clear to send the data.XON/XOFF protocol: Software handshaking. The flow control used to protect against data overruns, uses data bytes as control characters. XON/XOFF protocol is controlled by the data recipient who sends an XOFF character (ASCII DC3, decimal 19, hex 13) to the sender if it is unable to continue to receive data. The sender suspends transmission until it receives an XON character (ASCII DC1, decimal 17, hex 11).ModeMode selection is dedicated for testing HW group devices For your operations use default “free” mode.Open|Close buttonOpen and Close the serial connection with a device with the above mentioned parameters.HWg update buttonOpends a dialog box to send a HWg firmware file (.Hwg) to update the firmware of the remote device. It”s detailed described in every product”s manual..

TCP client

The TCP Client tab of the Hercules utility can be used as a simple TCP/IP Client terminal similar to Telnet.

Parameters :Assign the parameters of the connection (IP, port)Set the TEA key and authorization codeSend and display messages or commands to and from remote deviceReceive test data – used with HWg devicesOther parameters (in Right-click menu)Display special characters (in ASCII, HEX or DEC)Log the communication to a fileSend a file to the remote device

PortThe port of the remote device – 23 for Telnet, 99 for TCP configuration of HWg devices.Ping buttonFacility to ping the remote device to check for a connection. Results displayed in the Received/Sent data window.Connect|Disconnect buttonOpen and close the TCP/IP connection with the remote device.

TCP server

The TCP Server tab of the Hercules utility can be used as TCP Server terminal andlisten to any port. The data received from the Client will be displayed in the Received data window

Parameters :Assign the port to listen toSet the TEA key for client authorizationDisplay how many clients are connectedSend and display messages or commands to and from remote deviceFind the Hex and Dec code for charactersOther parameters (in Right-click menu)Display special characters (in ASCII, HEX or DEC)Log the communication to a fileSend a file to the remote device

Listen|Close buttonListen to a port and close the connection.TEA authorization Here in the server version i.e., server just accept or reject connection, if client use the same TEA key. You can test it if you run 2x Hercules SETUP as the TCP client in first window and TCP server in second window.Client authorization Open and close the TCP/IP connection with the remote device.Client connection status Displays the status of the connection and the number of the clients connected.

TCP server lisening on specified port in the Server status and show received data in RAW format. You can try Listen on port 80 on your PC and entry your IP address into your browser..Note: Don”t use receiveing port lower than 1024 in MS Windows, it can make you troubles with TCP/IP comunication, because Windows using these port numbers for system functions.

Cursor decodeShow HEX and Decimal value of the character before cursor in the Received data window. If you want to know Value of some specified character, write it into Decoder Input window.Server settings – Server echoBy checking this checkbox the TCP Server start ECHO function = it”s send back every received data to the TCP connection.

UDP tab

The UDP tab is simple “terminal” based on the UDP datagrams.The main purpose of this tab is to send UDP packets from your computer to the destination. If you want to use UDP comunication mode, it”s quite complicated to find some utility for debuging under Windows.

Parameters :Assign the port and IP to listen toSend UDP broadcastsSend and display messages or commands to and from remote deviceOther parameters (in Right-click menu)Display special characters (in ASCII, HEX or DEC)Log the communication to a fileSend a file to the remote device

PortThe port of the remote device where the UDP packets are sent.Server settingsServer echoBy checking this checkbox the UDP “terminal” start ECHO function = it”s send back every received data to the defined UDP destination.

Test mode tab

The Test mode is developed for testing all functions of HW group Ethernet devices. In fact, it”s just TCP client extended with some more functions.

Parameters :Assign the parameters of the connection (IP, port)Set the TEA key and authorization codeSend and display messages or commands to and from remote deviceOther parameters (in Right-click menu)Display special characters (in ASCII, HEX or DEC)Log the communication to a file

PortThe port of the remote device – 23 for Telnet, 99 for TCP configuration of HWg devices.Connect|Disconnect buttonOpen and close the TCP/IP connection with the remote device.

The TEA authorization

The NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) functions

InverseThe polarity of the output will change. That is check will mean ON and uncheck will mean OFF.Read buttonClicking it will read the value of the inputs and update each virtual LED of Hercules. These inputs are on the screen displayed by 8x LEDs on the left of the READ button. LED switched on = logical 0 on the input. (The display is inverted logic)Inverse LED checkboxBy checking it you change the polarity of the LEDs shown in the Hercules window, the virtual LEDs (that means if the virtual LEDs are OFF in the window the real LEDs are actually ON if the Inverse LED checkbox is checked).Show I/O Commands checkboxEnables the display of outgoing NVT commands from the ” Data I/O pins ” section. You can see the commands that switch on/off specific outputs every time you click on the respective D0 … D7 output.

Hercules – Right click menu

Don”t miss, there is configuration menu, you can open by click to the right button of your mouse in the main window.

Note: Different tabs have different features of this menu.

ParametersDisplay special characters (in ASCII, HEX or DEC)Log the communication to a fileCreate and send a test file (furnituremaisak.com format) to the deviceSend a file to a remote deviceClear window from textWord wrap


If checked then the interpretation of CR and LF will depend on Transmit EOL menu.Example:checked (Windows/DOS mode in Transmit EOL)ab = abab = abab = abthat is it ignores and but not

unchecked (Windows/DOS/Linux/MAC)ab = abab = abab = abthat is interprets all combinations as newline character

Local echo If checked except the sent characters the local echo characters will also be displayed in pink color.Delete EOLControls the (backspace) character.if checked and the cursor is in the beginning of the line and is pressed then the end of the previous line is deleted and the cursor moves to the end of the other line.If unchecked and the cursor in the beginning of the line and is pressed then the end of the previous line is not deleted and the cursor remains in the beginning of the line.NVT enable Allows to see the NVT commands received or sent. The NVT commands will be displayed in blue. If unchecked then these commands will not be displayed clearly in the Received/Sent data window.Special chars Displays special characters (for example CR – carriage return and LF – line feed) except the text. In ascii mode you can see that it writes the ascii names of the special characters. In hex and dec it displays the hexadecimal and decimal code of the special characters respectively. In text mode you do not see these characters.Transmit EOL Tells to the program what will be interpreted as end of line for different types of OS. For Windows the CRLF sequence will be EOL, for Unix LF and for Mac the CR character. It is important to choose the right one!Word-wrap enable If unchecked then the text in the Received/Sent data window will be written in one line because the CR and LF chars will not be taken into account.Receive data disableIf checked the received data will not be displayed.Clear WindowClears the window. Deletes the text displayed.

Other Terminals

Microsoft very useful and quite friendly serial terminal modified by Netburner. It works with all Virtual Serial ports, display modem pins status, you can send and receive files…

Distribution and usage conditions

This software is FreeWare, but only if you respect the following conditions.

Commercial licence :Organisations or any other institutions can use and distribute the software ONLY if they publish a link to our website (www.furnituremaisak.com) as described in the table on this SW product’s page..Publishing the WWW link:On the WWW pages of the company, which uses or distributes the SW.If the software is used or distributed along with other company”s product, the link can be placed on the product”s WWW page.If you distribute the software and you will not publish the link as described, you are in violation of our author”s rights and we will take action according to the law.

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