You can find answers to many of your questions on this site. Before contacting us, please review our FAQs and try our search page which searches all pages and files (including pdfs) on this website.
If you received a letter, notice, or bill, please call the number shown on the correspondence.
our opening hours
Our oahu office hours are Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays, 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. m. to 4:00 p.m. m.
Our office hours at the Maui, Hilo, Kona, and Kauai District Offices are Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. m. to 4:00 p.m. m.
civil legal complaints/legal process
taxationroom manager 221830 punchbowl streethonolulu hi 96813-5094
taxpayer advocate
If you have a state tax issue that you have not been able to resolve through normal channels, please call the Taxpayer Advocate at 808-587-1791, fax 808-587-1560, or email [ email protected]
office of administrative resources
If you were audited and issued a tax assessment that you disagree with, the Office of Administrative Appeals can help. for more information, visit their website.
reporting fraud/tax cheating
Know someone or a company that is violating Hawaii tax laws? please contact our special compliance section.
public records requests
To request public records under the Uniform Information Practices Act, send your request in writing by email to [email protected] or by mail to the Department of Revenue, Office of the Director, 830 Punchbowl Street, RM 221, honolulu hi 96813. please provide enough contact information for us to contact you, a detailed description of the record requested, and indicate how you would like to receive the record (eg, pick up a copy, mail, or email).
mailing addresses for specific tax forms
postal addresses for general correspondence
maui -54 sec. main street #208wailuku, hi 96793-2198
molokai-p.o. box 275kaunakakai, hi 96748
district office locations to visit in person
Our oahu office hours are Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays, 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. m. to 4:00 p.m. m.
Our office hours at the Maui, Hilo, Kona, and Kauai District Offices are Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. m. to 4:00 p.m. m.
maui state office building54 s. main street #208wailuku, hi 96793-2198
molokai -35 ala malama streetroom 101kaunakakai, hi 96748
hilo – state office building 75 aupuni street #101hilo, hi 96720-4245
kona state office building 82-6130 mamalahoa hwy, #8captain cook, hi 96704