What Do I Do if My W-2 Is Lost in the Mail?

If you’re anything like us, you’re an early riser when it comes to filing your taxes; You want to apply as soon as possible. so as we get closer to February, you start to feel anxious. there’s a problem: your w-2 is lost in the mail.

Theoretically, your tax forms should have arrived in the mail by January 30, but things happen. From address errors to address changes to post office mix-ups and more, a host of issues can come between you and your tax documents.

so what do you do if your w-2 hasn’t arrived in your mailbox? o What steps should you take if you seem to have misplaced your tax documents since you received them?

well, first things first: don’t worry.

Actually, this is much more common than you might think, and the IRS has plenty of advice on what to do next. By taking a few careful steps, you can ensure you have all the documents you need to get started on your taxes. then you’ll be well on your way to filing a return they’ll love!

what to do when your w-2 is lost in the mail

The IRS is used to losing or missing W-2 forms and other tax documents. so much so, in fact, that they give you recommendations on what you should do.

Here’s all you need to do if you’re worried about your w-2 getting lost in the mail, according to the irs:

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1. contact your employer

Most lost w-2s are simply clerical or mailing address issues. maybe you’ve moved since you filled out your form, or a 2 in your address looked suspiciously like a 3. mail the paperwork!

If you still haven’t received your tax forms from your employer by mid-February, your first step should be to contact your employer and mention that you haven’t received your tax forms. if there is an error in your information on file, this is where you will find it!

2. call irs

If you’ve contacted your employer and followed up, but still haven’t received your W-2 from your employer by the end of February, the IRS recommends that you contact them.

the number to call is 800-829-1040.

When you call, you will need some information to confirm your identity:

  • your information: name, address, social security number, and phone number.
  • employer information: name, address and phone number.
  • dates of employment.
  • estimate: wages paid and federal income taxes withheld For the year.

3. file on time

Regardless of whether or not you received your W-2 form, you still need to file it on time. however, you can also request an extension, which gives you an additional six months to file.

if you file your return on time:

Without a w-2, you must use Form 4852, substitute Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. Here, you need to estimate your wages and taxes as accurately as possible. this option may take a little longer, as the irs will need to verify your information.

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if you request an extension:

If you prefer a little more time to file, request a six-month extension to file, which you can do through most tax programs and tax preparation services. As a reminder, you will still need to pay your taxes due before the due date.

4. correct your return, if necessary

Although you may have filed and paid before tax day, if your w-2 gets to you after the time you filed, you can always amend your return.

Even if your estimate was close to what you submitted, it’s best to handle any discrepancies and make sure irs has the exact numbers from you. the form you will need is form 1040-x.

What if I’m missing other tax forms?

If instead you are missing forms for a bank account, broker, or other asset, you can follow the same steps you did with your employer, contacting them to correct your information or resubmit it.

One way to reduce error is to go paperless. almost every bank or online stock trading platform has an online portal through which you can update your account information, and many of them offer “paperless” options that will ensure you receive your tax documents on their website or through your email.

Stop worrying about lost tax forms!

Your tax forms are important, but the lack of a form isn’t the end of the world, and it’s much easier to acquire than you think. Sure, it’s a hassle. But if you start thinking about the tax filing process early enough, you can still get it done on time despite a missing tax form, and maybe even have some free time!

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