Google Apps & Listserv Technology : SLU

saint louis university offers support for slu’s google applications and listserv systems.

google apps

slu has partnered with google to provide google apps, a web-based collaboration system designed explicitly for an academic environment. All Saint Louis University faculty, staff, and students are eligible for a Google SLU Apps account. (Note that google docs and google sites are not hipaa or ferpa compliant).

training is available through slu skillssoft.

Applications offered include:

log in to your google apps account by going to the tools tab on the myslu portal.

For information on how to access or sync your Google apps with your smartphone, visit Google provides detailed instructions for setting up a variety of smartphones, including iPhone, Blackberry, and Android.

for information about the accessibility of google apps, visit

for information about privacy and google apps, visit

list server technology

saint louis university’s listserv system provides email distribution lists and email discussion lists. this system features web-based administration, message archiving, and analytics.

listserv addresses are on a different server than normal email accounts. this changes the part of the list server address that follows the “@” symbol from “” to “”.

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