Any eligible chatham county registered voter who wishes to vote by mail may do so. no reason is required.
Be sure to check my voter page to confirm you’re registered!
You must complete and submit an official absentee ballot form/application in order to have an absentee ballot mailed to you.
how to obtain an absentee ballot form/application:
Here are the various ways to get your official absentee ballot request form:
- you can download an absentee ballot application/form that you can print and complete, or
- you can contact the office chatham county voter registration office and ask them to send you an application/application form (912-790-1520) or
- you can stop by the voter registration office and fill out your application/ absentee ballot application there in person. ( 1117 Eisenhower Dr, Suite E, Savannah, GA 31406. Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm)
- Note: You must submit a separate application for each election and runoff election for which you are requesting a vote. by absence; except if you are a voter age 65 or older or disabled, service member, spouse of a service member, or foreign national (temporary or permanent). If so, you may request that ballots be mailed to you for all elections in the election cycle.
how to submit your completed absentee ballot form/application:
Your completed absentee ballot form/application may be submitted to the voter registration office any time beginning 78 days prior to an election, but must be received no later than 11 days prior to the election. election day. you have several options:
- You can mail your completed application form (po box 13757, savannah, ga 31416). Please allow at least 5 days for delivery. or
- you can scan and email your completed form to [email protected] or
- you can fax your completed form to the voter registration office. (912-790-1519) or
- you can deliver it in person to the voter registration office during regular business hours (1117 eisenhower dr, suite e, savannah, ga 31406 )
when will absentee ballots be mailed:
The voter registration office will begin mailing out absentee ballots 3-4 weeks before an election. If you would like to confirm that your absentee ballot request was received, you can check its status on my voter page
how to cast your absentee ballot:
Absentee ballots must be received by the Registrar of Voters office by 7 p.m. m. on Election Day to be counted. again there are several options:
- You can mail your completed absentee ballot to the voter registration office (address below) one first class postage is sufficient. Please allow at least 5 days for delivery. o
- you can deliver it in person to the voter registration office during business hours (address and hours below) or
- you can drop it off at one of the three official drop boxes that will be accessible during early voting by personal appearance. (Note: Drop boxes are only accessible during early voting hours.) Drop box locations are:
- Voter Registration Office (1117 Eisenhower Dr, Suite E)
- Mosquito Control Board (65 Billy B. Hair Drive)
- library of islands (50 johnny mercer blvd.)
Due to the passage of Senate Bill 202 (SB202) by the Georgia General Assembly in March 2021, voters are now required to enter their date of birth and Georgia driver’s license or state ID card number on the absentee ballot application.
In the event you are a military or foreign voter who does not have either of these numbers, the new law requires you to submit a copy of one of the following documents as proof of your identity with your application form: identification with your photo:
- us military identification card
- employee identification card issued by any us branch, department, agency, or entity. uu. government, government of the state of georgia or county, municipality, board, authority of georgia or any other entity of the state of georgia.
- georgian voter identification card
- united states passport
- tribal identification card
documents showing your name and address:
- utility bill
- bank statement
- government check
- paycheck
- other government document government
Call 912-790-1520 with questions or email [email protected]
- Federal Voting Assistance Program: For Military and Overseas Voters
Early voting by personal appearance begins 21 days before the general/special primary election.
Any registered eligible voter who wishes to vote early during this period may do so in person at any of the early voting locations. (You do not need to vote in your assigned early voting precinct. )
No reason is required for early voting.
On Election Day, you must cast your ballot at your assigned precinct polling place.
Before Election Day: Confirm your registration and polling location by calling voter registration at 912-790-1520 or use the website’s poll locator on my voter page. You can also review a sample of your ballot on my voter page so you can be better prepared to vote in person.