Stopping Spam Contact Request On Skype? Spam Friend Requests Every Day

I am getting slammed every day with people (clearly web cam girls) trying to connect on skype. I have no idea how to stop this. I report them and then get twice as many more. Today I have had over 20.

Watching: Stopping spam contact request on skype?

I dont want anyone to connect with me, I only use this for business and know who my contacts are. Is there a way to block these completely and not just per individual?

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Good Day!

We apologize for the inconvenience.

You can control who can contact you on Skype, you just need to manage your privacy settings.

Clicksettings > Privacy >> click show advanced options; choose:



Allows calls from >>people in my contacts list only

Automatically receive video and share screens with >>people in my contacts list only

Blocking contacts are done manually, there is no option for mass blocking.

Thank you!

Marites P.

In reply to Marites_P’s post on July 4, 2017

Just asRandallCrockett, I have about 5-10 contact requests every day from spammers. I don”t use Skype too often, so once a week I manually remove ~40 contacts.

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And now after the recent updatemanual blocking has gotten 1 click longer.

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It just reminds me of why I stopped using ICQ and went to Skype… Because of spam. But nevermind.

In reply to Dmitry Elisov’s post on June 4, 2018

I have the same problem. Why i get a lot of spam request a day? Skype have no action to solve?

It make me so much uncomfortable.


In reply to Marites_P’s post on July 4, 2017

Nope, you cannot. Every spam bot can send you a message.

Maybe there are too few spammed people to bother about?

This is avery good corporate approach – distribute resources between products to cover 99% of users and never go for perfection.

I think it is my farewell letter to Skype.


In reply to CopperTax106640’s post on August 11, 2018

Yes, absolutely annoying and disgusting!

I am receiving a dozen of fake contact requests every day. That”s why I am not using Skype any more.

Skype must let us block all incoming contact requests!

Another solution is to quarantine them and not pop up every time.

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When I wake up in the morning there is a dozen of new pop up windows from Skype contact requests.

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