can my ex withhold my mail?
the federal law that covers mail theft is in the us. uu. 18 code section 1708. It’s a long, dry read, but essentially it says that stealing, taking, or withholding mail from any type of mail receptacle or mail delivery route is illegal and is punishable by a fine and up to five years in prison. . or both.
can my wife hold my mail?
Under the law, altering, concealing or opening mail addressed to another person, even if it is to your spouse or former spouse, is a federal crime. You may open mail addressed to your spouse or former spouse when: your spouse or former spouse gives you explicit permission; or.
Can someone refuse to give you your email?
no, it is not legal. tell her you’ll report her to the us. post office if she doesn’t give you her mail. she could be facing federal charges.
Is it illegal for the post office not to deliver your mail?
yes, if you have anything that could pose a danger to the carrier delivering your mail safely.
Is it illegal to keep someone else’s mail?
yes. it is a federal crime to open or destroy mail that is not intended for you. The law says you can’t “destroy, hide, open, or misappropriate” mail that isn’t addressed to you. If you intentionally open or destroy someone else’s mail, you are committing obstruction of mail, which is a felony.
what happens if you open the mail addressed to your ex-spouse?
If you open mail addressed only to your spouse or ex-spouse, your actions could have serious consequences. Under the law, handling, hiding, or opening mail addressed to someone else, even if it’s your spouse or ex-spouse, is a federal crime.
Is it against the law to hold someone’s mail?
* that depends on who holds the mail. for example, the post office may withhold mail delivery if you have a wild, off-leash dog on your property. == == * if you are not a minor, anyone in your household who has withheld your mail that has been delivered has broken the law!
What to do if your ex keeps your belongings?
List the items and the reason you are claiming them and provide a date for your ex to contact you or the matter will escalate through legal means. If he/she doesn’t contact you to arrange a delivery, I suggest you report it as theft to the police, maybe a visit from them will encourage your ex to return your belongings.
can a parent withhold mail from a child?
If you are a minor and your parents hold your mail, then they have the right to do so. in some cases, the police (if they are investigating a homicide) can take your mail even if it is not open. mail sent to prisons and military personnel may be searched and even held if it is considered a danger to good order.
If you open mail addressed only to your spouse or ex-spouse, your actions could have serious consequences. Under the law, altering, concealing, or opening mail addressed to another person, even if it is your spouse or former spouse, is a federal crime.
* that depends on who holds the mail. for example, the post office may withhold mail delivery if you have a wild, off-leash dog on your property. == == * if you are not a minor, anyone in your household holding your mail that has been delivered has broken the law!
If you are a minor and your parents hold your mail, then they have the right to do so. in some cases, the police (if they are investigating a homicide) can take your mail even if it is not open. mail sent to prisons and military personnel may be searched and even seized if it is considered a danger to good order.
how do you deal with an ex-spouse who withholds visitation from the children?
if your attorney contacts the custodial parent (or the custodial parent’s attorney) with a letter stating that interference with visitation is unacceptable and you are willing to go to court to enforce your rights, it may be enough to encourage you. custodial parent to comply with the visitation order and schedule your recovery time.