how to get them from your mail order ad sheets

simple, easy and unlimited earning potential! you can set up this program right from your kitchen table and easily turn it into $100,000 per year.

You’ve no doubt heard of the millions of dollars “raised” by ad agencies each year, and that’s what this business is all about. in fact, that’s the name of the game with this business!

Here’s what to do: Call the owner, general manager, or advertising director of your local “nickel ads” or buyer’s newspaper. Tell him you’re a mail-order advertising agency, with clients all over the country. Explain that you would like to have a regular space 2 columns wide by 6 inches deep in each edition of your newspaper for at least the next 12 months. you’ll like a headline in this space, the headline to read mail order money-making opportunities. will deliver to you on each of your advertising closing dates, a series of mail-order ads. you want me to place each ad within this space, as if you were running 2 columns of classified ads. then, at the bottom of this space, you want me to type the name and address of your advertising agency in slightly larger font. below that, in

italics, you want your tagline, like: a full service advertising agency for mail order distributors nationwide!

establishing a contract for a “defined” amount of space in each edition of the

on paper for at least 12 months, you’ll save at least 30% off your normal daily monthly rate charges. By talking to the “top dog” in charge, you’ll be able to avoid a lot of hassle and negotiate the best deal. This is the first step: explain your plan and assure them that you will be a long-term regular customer; and negotiate the best final cost figure.

Assuming each ad you post in this space will require 3/4 inch, this means you’ll have room for 14 ads, plus your headline and nameplate. your cost will likely range from $50 to $75 per week on an “all editions” annual contract. So now, simply set a price to charge your advertisers based on the total circulation of the post.

Charging $10 per ad multiplied by 14 equals $140 minus $50 costs, leaving you with a profit of $90 per week. $15 per ad multiplied by 14 equals $210 minus &50 costs, leaving you with a profit of $160 per week. $20 per ad multiplied by 14 equals 280 minus $50 costs leaves you with a profit of $230 per week earnings the important thing is to set up the first one and then double or multiply your efforts.

As soon as you’ve set up your program with one buyer’s newspaper, do the same with another. if there aren’t too many in your city, take a trip to a larger city nearby and set it up there. if there are no “buyer’s papers” in your area, check with your local newspaper

Once you’ve established this program in buyers’ newspapers, start making the rounds and install it in your area’s suburban newspaper. remember, the more you duplicate the “settings” of this program, the more profit you will make.

Now, you’re ready to go after the advertisers… I suggest you visit your local stationery store; Take a pad of “blurred” graph paper and a roll of black or red tape about eight inches wide. take these materials home, and on a sheet of graph paper, measure 3/4 inch from the top, and on the line from left to right, make a line with the border tape. do the same at the bottom of the page. measure 1/2 inch from the sides and do the same on each side. then take a sharp razor blade and square up the corners. you should now have a perfect rectangle framed by your border tape. so measure down from the top of your frame a half inch and run a strip of border tape on this line from left to right. this will be for your “header”. now measure to divide your frame into 3 equal width columns and run a strip of border tape as column dividers from top to bottom.


what you come up with is what’s known as an “ad sheet” in the mail order business, and it looks beautiful! Select a name, such as Pioneer or Rum Mail Order Opportunities. pay another visit to your stationery store, pick up some 18 or 24 point “transfer letters” in whatever style you like for your bulletin board title.

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Take them home and, on another sheet of graph paper, write the title you want to use on your bulletin board. then take a ruler and a razor blade, and cut the paper that your headline is on, into a strip that will fit in that half-inch space at the top of your ad sheet, the space we talked about for your header . simply paste the strip of paper with the title of your ad sheet in this space and you are ready to start pasting ads on your ad sheet, from advertisers. By the way, when you’re at your stationery store, grab what’s known as a “glue stick.” this is a tool you’ll be using from now on, and if you go with this for all your gluing efforts, you’ll get a much neater and easier job. I don’t recommend “rubber cement” and you most certainly don’t use a homemade paste for your gluing jobs.

Once you’ve designed your bulletin board, take it to a quick print shop near you and ask them to make at least 100 hard copies. you’ll want it to print on both sides, with your header omitted and your columns running to the top of your frame at the back. then, he takes home the original taped-in bulletin sheet and files it as his “master.” you will use one of your printouts each time you “paste” an ad sheet to print and/or post. this is all a part of setting up and organizing for the business that is about to start.

The purpose of your ad sheet is strictly to give you free publicity for your main project, so make up an ad like this and save on advertising. post our ad in your post, we’ll post yours in ours! control copies of each edition. Submit a sample of your ad sheet and the ad you’d like us to run. we can start next week, but hurry, space is limited.

write this or set it as a column, one inch ad and place it at the top of the left column on the front of your ad sheet; and at the bottom of the right column at the back of your ad sheet.

Now, create an ad for your core business, like: 200,000 spins! just $15 to list your 35-word ad one time! run it 5 times and save! only &50 for 5 consecutive inserts! subway buyers, your address.

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write this ad, or have it written in an eye-catching one column by one inch ad. then place one of these ads at the bottom of the right column on the front of your ad sheet and one at the top of the left column on the back of your ad sheet.

These announcements, one about the ad exchange and the other about your commercial paper advertising program, must appear in each edition of your announcement sheet that you publish. in other words, they should be permanent fixtures on your bulletin board. actually, they are the main reason you got involved in ad sheet publishing, free advertising/exposure of your service to mail order advertisers.

Fill the space on your first ad sheet with ads for other things you can offer, or cut out better ads from the ad sheets you receive in the mail and use them. Once you’ve filled the space on both sides of your ad sheet, take this “glue” to your local print shop and print 200-500.

Meanwhile, you start creating a 3×5 card file with the addresses of the editors of the different ad sheets you receive in the mail. each file card must show the name of the ad sheet, the name and address of the publisher, and the date

You received a copy of your announcement sheet. file these cards in zip code sequence. ask for our complete list of 1983 mail order publications, to get a jump on this file of ad sheet publishers you’ll want to keep…just $3 from the dealer who supplied this report. sort by item #1550.

The next thing is to have your list of mail order posts written in mailing labels. You keep these label sheets as master copies, marking on your file cards the sheet number on which each mail-order publication appears. the ace ad sheet may show an m-1, which means one of your masters for mailing labels is listed on the page. millers’s advertiser might show m-6 for sheet number 6, while zastrow’s active advertiser might show an m-12 for sheet 12 of his master list.

The purpose of the master list is to save time and more work when mailing your bulletin board. simply take your master copies to your nearest express print shop and copy them onto label sheets. As for encoding positions in the master list, this is also to save you time. when you get a “returned to sender” because the publisher has closed or moved, you look it up by zip code in your card file, mark that card accordingly, note the master sheet code, and turn right to that page without having to scan each of your master sheets to find that particular listing. These two procedures will be especially important when you add new listings to your master sheets without having to redo all the listings.

An added benefit will be your ability to advertise and sell your master list, from your 3×5 card file, of mail order publications at the start of each new year. You could also advertise and sell duplicate copies of your master label distribution list as active mail order advertisers. Yet another idea might be to collect copies of each mail order publication and offer a collection of sample copies. sample copies of 24 different mail order publications, only $10.

You are almost ready to go! The best way to start is to enclose a double-sided circular, like our Making Money and Saving Money Report Circular, and your bulletin board in an envelope, stick one of your mailing labels on it, and mail it first class. if you have another “special program” you can include a circular for that, but don’t put more than 3 circulars in each of your outgoing mail pieces. too many things to choose from will confuse the recipient and get no response.

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In general, it’s best to send these mail pieces via first-class postage to ensure you have “good” addresses. any “nixie” will be returned to you as undeliverable and you can flag or adjust your systems. accordingly.

Your bulletin board is for the purpose of getting free publicity for your main program, the space you make available to mail-order advertisers in buyers’ newspapers in your area. and reporting circulars are “quick sale door openers” that should bring in cash, from these other mail order publishers who will run their buyers’ print advertising. generally speaking, very few of the bulletin board publishers will buy commercial paper space from you, almost all of them are too caught up in their own “bulletin board thing” and “commercial advertising programs”, to see or understand the real advantages of the super circulation. paid advertising for a product. however, they’ll almost always buy the “low-cost” mail-order hit, he reports, and that’s how you get money from them on top of your free advertising.

Now you’re in business! Hundreds, even thousands of savvy mail order entrepreneurs will see your commercial paper ads on every ad sheet you’re trading ads with, and they’re the ones selling books and products who will take advantage of your offer. In exchange for this ad exposure that these ad sheet publishers provide you, your only obligation is to paste the ad they submit as your trade ad into your ad sheet, print the required number of copies, and send it to all of your trade advertisers. .

however, your efforts on your behalf will quickly result in hundreds of cash orders for your buyer paper space. the earning potential should quickly satisfy your wildest dreams with only a minimal amount of work and organization on your part.

Because his list of mail order advertisers is published in each of the buyer’s documents, he folds one and sends it to each of his advertisers as a control copy by third-class mail. what could be easier or more beneficial for your personal bank account?

It can take anywhere from six weeks to a couple of months to organize everything and get the orders in, but once they start, it’ll be like an endless river of money for you. Also remember, set up a paper shopper program first, populate it with paid advertising and run smoothly, and then multiply your earning potential by duplicating the same program with as many other publications in your local area as possible. when you go to talk to these people about the program you have in mind, remember, they are in the business of making money, and their plan is just another way to make money, they want your business and your money, they want to sell on you and your plan business.

so that’s it…the get rich plan, the rest is up to you…I assure you it’s easy to put into practice and it works…how soon you put it into action, and how much money you make with it is totally up to you…

Get started today!

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