Imap server error 78754

What is Gmail error 78754 Outlook?

Gmail error 78754 Outlook is a web log in error that usually occurs when the user’s password not being recognized, when the user signing in from a new location or device, or Google detects the log in as suspicious.

You are reading: Imap server error 78754


How can you fix Gmail error 78754 Outlook?

Some of the solutions to this error include configuring your Gmail account and Microsoft Outlook account.


Please see our in-depth walk-through solutions below.


SheilaStaffAsked on October 9, 2017 in Gmail.

Solution 1. Configure Your Gmail Account

Gmail error 78754 Outlook may be caused by a Gmail account that was not configured. To fix this, check for any verification email or configure your Gmail account. Please see below for the guide or watch it here on YouTube.


Log in to your Gmail account.Click the Settings icon on the upper right side, then select Setting.Then click “Forwarding and POP/IMAP.”Enable IMAP.Then click Save Changes.Scroll down look for “Allow less secure apps:” Turn it on.Check your Microsoft Outlook.

If you have not yet configured your Microsoft Outlook, please see below.

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Gino Genesis MarasiganStaff Answered on November 22, 2017.

Solution 2. Configure Your Microsoft Outlook

Gmail error 78754 Outlook may be caused by an Outlook account that was not configured. To fix this configure your Outlook. Please see below.

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Select POP or IMAP, then click Next.For the Server informationAccount Type: Select POP or IMAPIncoming mail server: mail server: click More Settings.Click the Outgoing server Tab check the checkbox “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.”Click the Advanced tab.Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL (Both Incoming server IMAP and Outgoing IMAP)Outgoing server IMAP: 465Click OK.Click Next.Then Open your Microsoft Outlook and check your Gmail for any verification mail.
Gino Genesis MarasiganStaff Answered on November 22, 2017.


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