Not sure how to forward your mail when you move? Unless you’re planning to send out a mass moving announcement, it may take a while for friends and family to realize you have a new address. Banks, credit card companies, and government agencies may not know you’ve moved. To ensure that all mail is sent to your new address after the first year of moving, you will need to forward your mail with USPS. This way, everything from packages and letters to bills and magazines will be delivered to the right address. Here’s a quick rundown of how to forward your mail and why it’s so important.
why forward your mail?
Whether you’re moving somewhere temporarily or permanently, you should choose to forward all your mail when you move. This way, you won’t miss important correspondence from friends, family, government agencies, or banks. all you need to do to forward your mail is fill out an official usps change of address form.
how it works
- Those who are moving permanently can use this change of address form to officially update their address with usps.
- Those who are moving temporarily can use this mail forwarding service for a period 15 days to a year.
- Your identity will be verified with a credit card.
- Once you select a date to start forwarding your mail, all mail sent to your old address will be redirected to your new address.
- Those who forward your mail will receive a packet in the mail containing coupons that are helpful when you move.
premium forwarding service
Movers also have the option of choosing the residential premium forwarding service instead of regular mail forwarding. this is a temporary service that can be used for up to one year. All you have to do is pay a one-time registration fee and weekly rates thereafter, and USPS will hold your mail, package it, and ship it to you each week via Priority Mail®. the service is $20.15 when you sign up or $18.15 when you sign up online. after that, the service costs $20.10 for each week of service. For more information on Residential Premium Forwarding, see here.
how to forward your mail and change your address
what’s the easiest way to forward your mail when you move? do it online! simply go to, select the “quick tools” tab and click “change my address”. Once you have selected this tab, you will be redirected to the official USPS change of address form. From there, you’ll enter the old address, the new address, and the date you want to start forwarding your mail. there will be a $1 charge to change your address online. this $1 charge to your credit card will be used to verify your identification to prevent fraud.
usps will also give you the option to receive coupons from popular home and furniture stores including lowes, casper, crate&barrel, cb2, wayfair, overstock, allmodern, joss & main, rooms to go, elm west and more. Additionally, when completing your change of address online, you may be given the option to complete your voter registration application.
in person
To change your mailing address, you can also go to your local post office in person and request the official change of address form 3575. All you have to do is fill out this form and give it to a postal worker at the mail office. USPS should send you a confirmation letter to your new address within a week. If you decide to change your address in person, USPS will waive the $1 fee.
Other important tasks related to changing your address when moving
- Establishment of Domicile: If you move to a new state and make it your primary residence, you will need to establish a legal domicile for tax purposes. To do so, you may need to complete a declaration of address form. be sure to check your state’s specific requirements before you move.
- change irs address – if you’re expecting a tax refund or other mail from the irs, be sure to contact the irs to change your address as soon as possible. Form 8822 allows residents to submit their new address at any time.
- Change billing address with credit card companies:Most billing addresses for credit cards can be changed online. We recommend that you change your billing addresses as soon as you move so that you receive all necessary mail correspondence from your credit card companies.
- contact dmv for a new one driver’s license – moving to a new state? if you intend to drive, you will need to update your driver’s license with the new address. To receive a new driver’s license, research local requirements before heading to the DMV. you will likely need to bring your existing driver’s license, proof of residency, and social security card, among other forms of identification.
- update social security administration: if you receive assistance social security retirement, disability benefits, or are enrolled in medicare, you will need to change your address with ssa to receive these benefits.
- voter registration – be sure to register to vote later to move To do so, contact your state elections office to change the address associated with your voter registration card. then you will be assigned a new polling place.
- magazine subscriptions: do you receive magazine subscriptions by mail? if so, be sure to change the address on file with all magazines and catalogs as soon as you move.
Are you planning to use a PO Box?
If you plan to use a PO Box, we suggest setting it up as soon as possible. To do so, simply register online and search for an available PO Box in your new location. choose the size of the post office box you want to rent and the time you want to rent it. Once you complete the application, take the paper form, your email receipt, and two forms of identification to the post office. For more information on setting up a post office box when you move, see here.
ready to move?
To find the right mover to handle your next move, check out’s vast network of reputable and trusted movers. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. good luck and happy moving!