How To Start A Blog For Free In The UK: Create A Blog In 5 Steps

Reading a blog is easier than creating one. And you can’t ignore the excitement at the thought of starting your own blog. You can start blogging for passion and fun and even have a conventional or passive source of income.

Blogging is a great way to build an online community and give your voice a reason to be heard. Surprisingly, you can start blogging for free! Thus, your online space can be at your fingertips. And you may be missing out on all the fun that’s out there.

But how to start a blog for free in the UK?

You should choose Medium, WordPress, Tumblr, or Blogger?

Let’s dive into the 5 steps to starting a blog for free in the UK and discover the best blogging platform for you.

Before that, why not explore two other critical points that successful bloggers ask themselves before starting an income generating blog?

1st. Point: Decide on a blog topic

Blogging starts with a topic that interests you. It can be something you love, know about, are passionate about, or even want to learn.

Specify what you intend to do with the blog. Come up with several ideas and narrow them down to a singular theme. But make sure there is a lot to talk about on the subject. Start your blog right here.

Here’s a quick checklist for deciding on your blog topic.


Point 2: Establish a USP

USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is your personalized strategy to stand out from the crowd and rise to the top. Starting a blog is not just about how to write blog posts. It is more about writing about the subject with the aim of selling. And a USP can get you there, effectively.

So, after deciding on a theme, think of a compelling USP. Research your competitors and avoid producing identical blogs. But don’t make a mountain out of a molehill when working on a new topic.

“You may not have a unique theme, however, you can outpace your competitors with a new USP.”


How to start a blog for free?

Blogging is easy when you’re on the right track. So, let’s break the bubble of confusion and start blogging today.

See Also:  Get started with WordPress

To start a blog, you need to follow these 5 simple steps:

1. Choose an easily understandable domain name

Select a name that matches the theme of your blog. And don’t expect to own a domain name without an extension from the free platform you’re using. Try to come up with a name that is unique but relevant to the audience. Think about search engine optimization and include keywords if possible. If you don’t like the idea of having the extension with your domain name, opt for a paid domain.

2. Select a suitable free blogging platform and sign up

Now select a free blogging platform to write your own blog. There are many platforms that offer free space for blogging. However, popular free blogging platforms are Tumblr, Medium, WordPress, and Blogger. They offer exclusive tools and customization features.

3. Create a unique, custom design

Once you’ve selected your domain name and figured out a suitable platform to start blogging on, now is the time to design your blog. Choose from free templates and customize them for your content and purposes. If that sounds intimidating, hire professional website designers and customize your blog in a unique way.

4. Write your own blog

Unleash your thoughts and ideas through powerful words. Make it compelling and thought-provoking to attract readers. Research your nearest competitors and get an idea of ​​how to blog in the UK.

Lower confidence? Get in touch with an affordable writing agency as they know how to write blog posts that inform, entertain and engage audiences.

5. Don’t Forget To Promote Your Free Blog

You won’t get visitors unless you promote it online. Even the best ideas can fail to create the buzzword while it’s hidden from view.

Do some SEO and let others know that you have great articles on the subject. If you are serious about your blogging journey and want to generate income from it, hire the best SEO agency in Essex to secure the #1 spot on Google SERP.

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Creating a free blog may seem pretty straightforward, but it depends on your goals and the vision of your blog’s website. It is best to weigh the pros and cons of creating your own blog versus having a design agency do it for you. For either one, we’ve put together an honest list of pros and cons below.

Creating a Free Blog


  • No /Low cost: The most obvious advantage of creating a blog for free is that it costs nothing.Platforms like WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr offer free hosting, and you can create a blog in minutes without spending any money.
  • Easy to use: These platforms provide an intuitive interface that makes it easy to setting up your blog and publishing your content with no technical knowledge or skills required.
  • Quick Setup: You can create a blog in a matter of minutes by simply signing up and choosing a template.


  • Time consuming: Creating content for your own blog can take time, and you will need to set aside hours to write and brainstorm engaging topics. This can be time consuming, especially if you have other responsibilities to manage.
  • Limited functionality – Free blogging platforms often have limited features and customization options compared to a self-hosted blog . . You may not be able to add the features you want or customize the layout to your liking.
  • Lack of Control – Since you don’t own the platform, you don’t have full control about your blog. The platform can remove your blog or change its terms of service at any time, which could affect your ability to monetize your blog or grow your audience.
  • Less professional: Platforms Free blogs often display ads on your blog, which can make it look less professional.
  • Limited Support: Free blogging platforms may offer customer support and technical assistance. limited.

Have a design agency create a blog for you


  • Custom Design: A design agency can create a custom design that aligns with your brand and stands out from other blogs. This can help establish a strong online presence and attract more readers.
  • Advanced functionality – A design agency can add advanced features and functionality to your blog, such as custom plugins , e-commerce capabilities, and integrations with third-party tools.
  • Full Control: When you own your blog, you have full control over it. You can customize it however you want, monetize it, and grow your audience without worrying about platform policies or restrictions.
  • Expertise: A design agency has a team of experts who can help you You optimize your blog for search engines and user engagement. This can help improve your blog’s visibility and drive more traffic.
  • Support – A design agency can provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your blog runs smoothly and be kept up to date. with the latest trends in design and technology.
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  • Cost: Hire a design agency to create your blog It can be expensive, especially if you need advanced features or a custom design. You’ll need to budget accordingly to ensure you can afford the services you need. Or you can contact a digital marketing agency like Leap Digital that offers flexible payment solutions that won’t hurt your wallet.
  • Technical expertise: If you hire a design agency, you may You need to have some technical knowledge or skills to manage your blog. This could involve learning how to use the platform or managing the backend of the blog. The right agency will offer training services after the delivery of your custom blog. Or, they offer additional support for writing and managing your blog posts in the future.

Final Words

Creating a blog from for free has several benefits, such as being low cost and easy to set up. On the other hand, having a design agency create your blog can offer several advantages, such as a custom design that aligns with your brand and a team of experts who can help you optimize your blog for search engines and engagement. users.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more valuable tips on blogging and digital marketing.


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