45 Blog Name Ideas & ExamplesHow to Name a Blog (Brainstorming Ideas & Inspiration for All Bloggers) in 2023

If you’re interested in starting a blog, you’ve probably already started thinking of blog name ideas and spent time thinking about how to name a blog, right? This is an important question to answer during this process.

It is estimated that there are more than 500 million blogs on the Internet. So it stands to reason that it takes a bit of effort to really stand out from the crowd. Especially if you hope to write blog content that people will actually want to read in the long run.

But before you can start writing amazing content (either with AI content tools or the good old fashioned way), you have to want to think of a great blog name idea. Part of your branding strategy and making yourself memorable to readers is choosing a lasting blog name that you can use for the foreseeable future.

This is the part that baffles many new bloggers. How about a blog name that represents your personal brand and can be remembered later when people search for you on search engines like Google?

Here are some of my best strategies and tips for how to name a blog, which includes 45 of the most creative blog name ideas and examples that you can use for brainstorming inspiration to create your own clever blog name today.

45 Blog Name Ideas & Examples: How to Name a Blog (+ Brainstorm Ideas) in 2023

  1. Blog Name Ideas ( quick tips and simple brainstorming techniques)
  2. Research your blog’s niche thoroughly
  3. Think about why want to blog
  4. Get to know your potential readers
  5. Identify strong branding opportunities
  6. Start with an approach of keyword
  7. Use a blog name generator
  8. 45 blog name ideas and examples (Pl us why work)

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and are at no additional cost to you. I will earn a commission. Please know that I only recommend products and services that I have personally used and endorse. When you use one of my affiliate links, I get compensated by the company, which helps me run this blog and keep all of my detailed content free to readers (like you).

I get a version of this Readers’ question… “How do I name my blog, Ryan?”

Your blog name represents you and can be the difference between someone clicking through to your blog or pass it on to choose your competitor’s site to continue reading. And while this is true, naming your blog is actually NOT the most important part of creating a successful blog.

The content you create, the feeling you give your readers, and the value you give them It far surpasses any blog name you can think of when you first launch it.

Consider the company Apple. People don’t spend billions of dollars each year on Apple products just because they love the name. People buy Apple because they love their products and believe they have original and intuitive ideas that outperform the competition. Today, many people love the name Apple, but it was its ingenuity, its brand name, and its marketing that gave the company name its value today.

Despite this True, your blog name will be the first thing people see in search results, and recent blog stats show that your name does matter. The name of your blog (and the domain you choose) will tell people something about you and your blog, so you want to make a good first impression.

If you’re ready to start your blog, but You can’t commit to a name, so start right here with my quick tips on how to name a blog first.

On the other hand, if you already have some ideas about how you’d like to call your blog, then you can check if your dream blog name is available or not using this quick search tool:

Get domain now”; }else{ document.getElementById(“availability- result”). innerHTML = “Sorry, “+domain+” is not available.”; } } }); var domainCheck = formData.domain.value; if(domainCheck.indexOf(“.”) == -1){ domainCheck = formData. domain.value+”.com”; } domainCheck = domainCheck.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z.]/g, “”); console.log(domainCheck); xhr.open(“GET “, ” https://domainr.p.rapidapi.com/v2/status?domain=”+domainCheck); xhr.setRe questHeader(“x-rapidapi-host”, “domainr.p.rapidapi.com”); xhr .setR equestHeader(“x-rapidapi-key”, “719aad359amsh8a4ceb17f353410p1b1516jsnfbaaf13366db”); xhr.send(data); } const form = document.getElementById( “domainNameForm” ); var lastMovement = 0; form.addEventListener( “send”, function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if(Date.now() – lastMove > 600) { sendData(form.elements); lastMove = Date.now(); } } ) ; });

If you’re still looking for the right blog name, let’s move on with our blog naming guide.

Blog Naming Ideas (Quick Tips & Easy Brainstorming Techniques)

If trying to figure out how to come up with a blog name makes you feel like you’re stranded in a desert – take a deep breath and relax.

We’re going to start with some very useful (quick) ways to help you warm up your creative thinking, so you can find the right blog name ideas for you today.

1. Read a book (or article) to come up with a smart blog name idea

Did you know that reading can open your mind and enhance your imagination in fascinating ways?

Your The Perfect Blog Name can be hidden inside your favorite book, or even in one of my free blog books. It can be a word or phrase that grabs your attention in just a few pages.

Or, in most cases, the simple act of reading something that interests you can open your mind to thinking outside the box. for a while. This is a great way to create a new blog name that has a connection to something you already care about.

2. Dust off your thesaurus or dictionary

When new parents want to name a baby, they often turn to Amazon for a baby naming book. These books are full of names arranged alphabetically from Aaron to Zylina. If you’re looking for a great baby name, there are even entire websites dedicated to that process.

So where should you go if you want to figure out how to name a blog? Try a thesaurus or dictionary.

Personally, I recommend choosing a physical book (like one of the best hiking books if you’re working on an outdoor blog) that you can flip through and see the variety of words available right in front of you. But if that’s not an option, look up the Merriam-Webster Dictionary or Thesaurus online.

If you have a topic in mind, but still aren’t sure which word(s) to use, a thesaurus it will be your best friend.

If you have no idea where to start naming your blog, try flipping through a dictionary. Chances are you’ll come across words you’ve never heard of, find some that pique your interest, and might lead you to the right inspiration to figure out the right blog name for you.

Or if you’re feeling more creative, try creating your own portmanteau. A portmanteau is a word combination in which parts of several words are combined into a single new word, as in smog (mix of smoke and fog), podcast (mix of iPod and broadcast), or motel (of motor and hotel). ).

3. Try alliteration to create a catchy blog name

Take a look at the address bar of this personal blog and you’ll see the domain “ryrob.com ” sitting there (my nickname), which I came up with during a brainstorming session.

Best Buy. Dunkin Donuts. Coca Cola. PayPal. Luisa Lane. Fred Flintstone.

¿¿ What do all of these names have in common? They are all great examples of alliteration.

Alliteration is a literary stylistic device, and it also leads to some incredibly catchy ways to name a blog. Names that use this stylistic technique are fun and they stick in your mind.

4.Find a good pun for your blog name

Puns are surprisingly common in the world of blogging and are a great way to help readers remember the name of your blog in the future.

If you want to use a pun like As a basis for figuring out how to name a blog, try using familiar phrases and incorporating a word within your blog’s niche.

Here are some examples of humorous blog names that do a great job of setting a light and airy tone. communicate the topics being discussed:

  • Dollars and Sense
  • In Tents Camping
  • Budget Bytes
  • Girl Gone Travel
  • She’s in the Glow

If you come up with a pun-inspired blog name, just be careful not to choose something too dark than most people. people won’t understand. That will leave readers scratching their heads.

5. Use humor to name a blog

Similar to a pun-driven blog name idea, you should consider using humor to lighten things up with your blog name (if matches your style and tone.)

Coming up with a blog name that makes people laugh when they see it is an amazing way to get more clicks and stay in your readers’ minds.

Here are some examples of bloggers who have used humor to decide how to name a blog that sets the tone for the style of their content, to help inspire you:

  • Pregnant Chicken
  • Girls in tight pants
  • Cats Who Code
  • They’ll run for daisies
  • The Lazy Baker
  • Do you even have a blog?

As with puns, keep in mind how readers will perceive and form their own opinions as you decide how to name a blog with a comic twist. Or you can be really smart and use less common synonyms in your name to get the same point across.

6.Unrelated words are memorable

Remember little John from Robin Hood? His name stands out from a children’s story because it is the opposite of small.

Many successful bloggers have applied this concept to their own efforts when it comes to choosing how to name a blog that stands out from the rest. crowd.

On top of that, you can also create a clever personal branding game by putting together two words that are totally opposite or unrelated for your blog name.

7 . Use your own name (or nickname)

There are many bloggers who use your name for their personal blogs (myself included, ryrob).

This can be a great This is a particular strategy for lifestyle bloggers, or for a blog focused on a single person offering a service.

Many bloggers who offer courses or share authoritative information on a topic often use their own names for your blog.

This technique can be especially useful if you have a unique or unusual name (as long as the domain is still available and at a reasonable price).

8 . Brainstorm words that relate to your blog’s niche

Once you’ve identified your blog’s niche, you can start thinking about words that are most closely related to your blog’s niche. related to these topics that he will now publish. about. The best blog names come from having a deep connection to the topics you’re blogging about.

Start thinking of words that match the topics of your content. Here are some examples of blog name ideas with a niche-focused domain to inspire you, especially for bloggers in the travel and craft niches.

If you’re writing travel blogs, you might find a blog name that uses words like:

  • Adventure
  • Wayfarer
  • Explorer
  • Venturer
  • Travel
  • Traveller
  • Swindler
  • Vagabond
  • Nomad
  • Nomad
  • Wanderer

Think of words that evoke the excitement and feeling of what it is like to travel to a new (beautiful) country. Nomadic Matt is a great example of a travel blog name like this, which is perfect for a travel blog. Words that make people feel like they’re joining you on a life-changing adventure can be very compelling when deciding what to name a blog.

If you’re creating a blog, you can use words like:

  • Creator
  • Make
  • Craft
  • Stitches
  • Designs
  • Creations
  • Creative
  • Art
  • DIY
  • Builder
  • Handmade
  • Projects

Each of these words shows that your blog is clearly related to creating DIY spaces, but these types of name ideas Blog ideas work best when combined with other unique ideas or interesting word The Underground Crafter is a good example of an unusual word combined with a common one in this particular blogging niche, but if you are working on eCommerce business ideas or in a new company, you are likely to take a different approach to name.

9. Take a break and try something new (like a blog name generator)

Sometimes when you focus too hard on a problem (or for too long), it’s hard to find a solution.

It’s almost as if overthinking a project causes your brain to do the opposite of what you want. It shuts down and you can’t find any remotely good blog names. I know, I’ve been there myself.

If that’s the case for you right now, try taking a little break. Go out and take a walk in a park. Sit in a coffee shop and have a chat with someone new. Try going to the movies to relax or hit the gym for a good workout.

Take a complete break from thinking about what to name your blog and you’ll be amazed at how much the world can naturally inspire you simply being present.

Once you’ve given yourself some time, go back and write a list of the words or phrases that come to mind first; there is no wrong answer. This brain break might be exactly what you needed to create your new blog name, and don’t be afraid to try a blog name generator tool (more info here). Or you can try my free blog title generator and see what kind of suggestions it gives you.

Don’t rule out buying a blog that also has a name you connect with.

10. Use made-up words (or abbreviations) to name your blog

Finally, don’t feel obligated to use real words for your blog name.

Think of some of the the most recognized companies in the world today. Many of them have names that don’t really make sense when taken out of context.

  • Xerox
  • Kodak
  • Sony
  • Google
  • Häagen-Dazs

Yes, even the ice cream brand Häagen-Dazs is a totally made-up new word.Reuban and Rose Mattis, creators of Häagen-Dazs ice cream, wanted something that smacked of old-world craft and a name that still smacked of Danish. The name they came up with doesn’t really mean anything. And while it’s gibberish even in Dutch, today this name is associated with high-quality ice cream.

The natural downside of using a made-up word as your blog name is that it essentially makes no sense (until that I have made it big). People won’t automatically understand what your blog is about.

The advantage, though, is that you can make a good blog name mean whatever you want it to mean. Using a made-up word allows you to brand your blog any way you choose.

If you’re ready to see if some of your favorite blog name ideas are out there, use this free search tool I created :

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Now, if you’re more of a visual learner, here’s a video tutorial I made that goes through these blogs, naming ideas and strategies you can put into practice today:

Alright! ! We’re past the techniques and quick tips section of this blog naming guide.

If that still hasn’t gotten you a good blog name, then let’s ramp this activity up. a notch. We’ll dig a little deeper, then explore some real blog name ideas and examples so you can find the right name today.

In the future, take this step-by-step approach to finding a thoughtful name for your blog. blog.

1. Do some deep research into your blog’s niche

First things first. Before you can launch your blog, you’ll need to do some in-depth research into the niche you’re posting about.

Take time to discover other notable people in your industry. Find out what works (or doesn’t work) for them in terms of how to name a blog in this space. Seek to answer questions like:

  • How do they brand themselves?
  • What kind of names do they choose for their blogs? Are any trends standing out?
  • How are your readers responding to your work?

As you collect data and analyze examples, determine what type of blog you want to create. . How will your blog be different from everything else out there?

If you’ve spent enough time researching your blog’s niche, you’ll know what kinds of blog names are already being used.


You want to come up with a unique blog name idea.

If your blog name is nearly identical to thirty-five other blogs, chances are miss yours.

You can also search for niches or businesses outside of your industry for inspiration. And it’s worth taking the real time to do this activity, because the right blog name can be critical in how you promote your blog over time (good blog names can encourage people to share your site with your friends more easily).

Taking words or phrases from elsewhere can be the ticket to setting yourself apart and creating a unique blog name in your space. For example, if you are a beauty blogger living in Washington, D.C., you might consider a beauty blog name similar to Beauty Amidst Chaos.

2. Think about why you want to blog

If you’re starting a blog, you probably have a good reason.

Most likely, there’s something you’re passionate about, and you want to share it with the world.

Maybe you have a unique skill set to teach or professional knowledge that others in your field can benefit from?

When choosing how to name a blog, think about what you want your core message to be.

  • What are you trying to communicate to readers?
  • Which parts of that message are most important for you?
  • How do you want your readers to feel after seeing the name of your blog?

If you can identify what your purpose is for starting a blog on First, you’ll have a good foundation for coming up with a smart blog name that ties in with your overall message and blogging goals.

Stay Informed Keep in mind that not all blogs have to be deeply significant. meaningful or serious in nature.

Though most of my content here is related to blogging and building a side business. I’ve also written about things like my biggest failure, motivational quotes, and started a podcast to share weekly episodes covering a broader range of topics.

Some blogs are created just for fun or to express oneself creatively. A good blog name will reflect this just as much as one with a more serious mission.

3. Know Your Potential Readers

The next step is to think about who your ideal reader is. What makes them work? What will they be interested in?

In my guide on how to write a winning blog post, I outlined a very important step in the blog writing (and outlining) process, plus you can get my free blog post . templates too.

When you write a blog post (whether for your own site or as part of a guest blogging campaign), you want to find topics that have common ground between you and your reader.

The crossover point between what you want to write about and what they want to read is the sweet spot you should always aim for in order to cultivate lasting relationships with your blog readers.

Proposing a name for your blog is a similar process: it should be mutually beneficial.

A good blog name should represent you and appeal to your audience.

If you’re still not sure who your audience is or how to engage them, your next mission is to develop that image of who your readers might be, then learn to understand their needs and wants as time goes by.

Often, your initial guess about who your future readers will be will be pretty accurate. But it can also evolve in the coming weeks and months as you begin to create and share content on your blog.

To build this important relationship with your target audience, you’ll need to do more than just a little research. keywords.

One way to connect with your audience is to find them in the real world (or online) in Facebook groups, niche online communities, and in the comment sections of other, more established blogs in your niche.

Next, you’ll identify those readers’ pain points by answering questions like:

  • What are their most pressing needs?
  • How can your blog offer unique solutions to these problems? (Hint: This should be incorporated into both your blog’s overall business plan and blog planner template as well.)
  • Do you want your blog name to appeal to a specific reader demographic?
  • What types of What skills and abilities do your readers have?
  • Are you thinking of offering a blog to absolute beginners, or are you interested in attracting people who are already very successful in your field?
  • Does the type of blog you’re starting lend itself to a particular content format? Consider ways to send clear signals in your blog name.

Answering these questions will help you think about your personal brand in general, brainstorm ideas for your blog design and color schemes , positioning from a marketing perspective, and especially helping you find the right blog name that will appeal to your readers.

Create a list of ideas that you like and think will resonate with your audience.

Once you’ve narrowed it down, try to pick a name that’s simple and easy to remember.

4. Identify strong branding opportunities for your blog name

No matter which blog name you choose, remember that how you brand your blog is crucial to its success.

Think back to our example with Apple. There’s a reason they’ve become such an enduring household name.

One contributing factor to Apple’s success is their consistent use of the brand name over the years.

From their iconic 1984 Superbowl commercial, to one of their most recent commercials titled Apple at Work: The Underdogs, they have time and time again reaffirmed their brand image as cutting edge, maverick, and deeply valuable to their customers.

Your blog has just as much potential to become a strong brand over time.

And the name you choose for your blog can be a crucial element in that overall blogging strategy, if you choose it wisely. .

So what you do with your blog name after you’ve chosen it is even more important.

5. Start with a keyword approach

There has been a longstanding debate about whether or not keywords in a domain name will help your blog with SEO.

According to John of Google Mueller, there is no significant increase in visibility (if any) with keyword domain names.

What is a keyword domain (blog name? )?

A Keyword domain is when you choose a blog name that incorporates a primary keyword you plan to blog about directly into your blog URL. For example, if you want to start a world travel blog, a keyword domain might be something like travelwithryan.com or findustraveling.com, where you have the exact word “travel” or a closely related term included directly in your blog name. domain.

Prior to 2011, a keyword on your domain tended to increase your SEO ranking.

Since then, Google has constantly changed its algorithm to devalue blog names from keywords keyword: so they don’t automatically rank higher in Google.

There is still a clear benefit to choosing a keyword domain if you can secure one.

While you shouldn’t expect any measurable SEO gains from having a relevant keyword in your blog name, it still comes with two very important potential benefits: branding strategy and topic signaling.

Something to keep in mind is that a keyword domain name is beneficial in terms of both your branding strategy and topic signaling. But as long as you learn how to do keyword research within your content creation process, you’ll cover that base.

Use my free keyword research tool

Try my free AI-powered Keyword Tool for dozens of research-backed keyword ideas and topics to blog about today.

If your domain name has a word in the title that people often search for can help your content stand out. For example, if you’re a makeup tutorial blogger, having the word makeup in the name of your beauty blog could be very helpful in showing readers what your content is about.

Readers can think your website is more relevant to their search and choose to click on your article over another blog name that is apparently unrelated to their query.

As a result, search engines like Google may also start ranking your website higher because it has a higher organic click-through rate. A win-win situation, but again, it depends on the types of content you want to create and also the type of blog you’re creating in the first place.

For example, if you’re launching a blog that talks about WordPress web hosting as its niche subject area, then it makes sense to try and get a domain with the word “hosting” somewhere on it. That way, when you post content like a roundup of the best cheap web hosting plans or a breakdown of hosting plans billed monthly, readers who find your content in search results will instantly make the connection that your blog is all about. mostly hosting, and trust can be more easily built.

Just make sure you follow other blog SEO best practices like choosing one of the best website builders and learning how to build a website correctly Don’t let your readers down.

6. Use a blog name generator

If you’re having a hard time coming up with a name for your blog, there are entire websites dedicated to helping you name a blog, and without adding anything to your running costs. blogs.

They’re called domain name generators and they give you clever variations and name ideas for your blog, and even usually recommend one of the best web hosting plans to go with your new name domain once. You have landed on a strong blog name. Try my own domain name generator today.

Whether you already have a general idea of ​​what you want to blog about, or even if you don’t have an address at all, these blog name generators can help you tremendously, regardless of what blogging platform you are using to build your site. In addition to giving you a variety of ideas, many blog name generators also let you know if the name you like has domain availability right now. Keep in mind that you always have the option of using a free blog site like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, or Blogger.

Here are four of the best domain name generators you can use today:

1. SmartWP Blog Name Generator (For All Bloggers)

SmartWP Blog Name Generator is a completely free tool that uses computer algorithms to find SEO friendly domain name ideas for the place where your new blog will go. live. I teamed up with my friend Andy to build this domain name generator as an extremely simple, easy to use and straightforward tool that all new bloggers should take advantage of (and we have tons of WordPress tutorials too).

When you get to our domain generator page, you’ll see a single search bar that allows you to type in a few phrases, a few words that define your blog, or even the exact domain name you’re interested in registering (like yourawesomeblog.com ) to see if it can match. get the blog name you want the most.

The tool then gives you instant results with the closest domain names matching the words you entered, and will hide domains that are already registered. You’ll also see a list of domain name suggestions that are available right now and can be registered in a matter of minutes through my discount Bluehost link.

Here’s a full breakdown of our features:

  • 100% free to use and gives you immediate search results
  • Only see domain name suggestions that are currently available
  • Created to be super clean, uncluttered -free and has no ads or distractions
  • One click “Get Now” button that will immediately take you to where you can register the domain name
  • Very extensive list of different domain name ideas to choose from
  • Options for many different domain extensions (like .co, .io, .blog and more)

Try our tool to Generate blog name ideas today and I promise you won’t be disappointed. 🙂

2. Panabee Blog Name Generator

Panabee is an especially good name generator for international bloggers as it offers many extensions including .co, .uk, .in and .com.au .

This blog name generator also offers domain search, suggestions, word variations, and related terms, making it quite similar to another popular name generator, Nameboy.

An additional feature of this name generator is that it also checks your desired available app name and social media identifiers to ensure that your names and branding can be consistent across all platforms you will be participating on.

3. Name Station Generator

Name Station offers many of the same features as other name generators (like Nameboy), but it has some great additional features.

With Name Station, you have the option of running a contest for crowdsourced name suggestions, allowing other people to brainstorm to help name your blog.

When you use this blog name generator domains and companies, you can combine keyword lists and choose from a variety of extensions. Each search generates a list of synonyms for your word, which I have also found extremely useful.

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You also have the option of a “smart search” where you can choose a primary and secondary word for your search.

As with most name generator websites, you can also use several useful categories such as:

  • Compound Words
  • Business Names
  • Hand-picked nouns
  • Related words

4. Looka’s Business Name Generator

Looka’s Business Name Generator is another great option, helping you generate ideas from keywords, industries, and even more abstract ideas in case you need to. not sure where to start. You’ll also be able to toggle your name length up to 20+ characters.

Generates dozens of business names and automatically checks for domain availability and social identifiers. During your review process, you’ll find tons of name ideas from different categories, like invented, traditional, compound, and more.

If you find the perfect blog name and want to keep expanding your brand, this The generator tool A blog name generator will also allow you to get the logo design.

All that said, in my opinion, a name generator should be your last resort when deciding what to name a blog. Although a business name generator like Looka or Nameboy can still come in handy if you’re in a creative corner trying to find the right name for your business.

Instead of rushing to crowdsource a name or leaving Since a computer program gives you a few options, I recommend you be patient for a day to see if anything particularly interesting comes to mind before you start with a blog name you don’t like; the right name can go a long way in helping you figure out how to grow your blog.

As long as you know what blog topic ideas you want to cover, you’ll eventually come up with the right name.

Here are a few Final tips to keep in mind and some great blog name examples to spark your imagination.

Quick tips and takeaways on naming a blog

Keep Keep these brainstorming tips in mind when you’re deciding on a clever name for your blog:

  • Use a domain extension that fits your blog. The use of .com is usually the best and most universally recognized and remembered.
  • Think of a name that is easy to pronounce. If the spelling is too different or the word is too unusual, people may have trouble finding your blog again.
  • Try to avoid using hyphens where possible. Hyphens are another reason why people (especially beginners) may have a hard time finding your blog again.
  • Avoid using copyrighted names. For example, if your domain name could be mistaken for a high-end business website, you may be at risk of legal action.
  • Ask for advice. Do you know other writers in your niche? If not, reach out to a smart blogger with someone you respect within your niche and ask them for some advice.
  • If there’s a name you know you want to use, try to snatch it up quickly. It may not last much longer.
  • Once you come up with a clever blog name, you’ll need a logo (take a look at my favorite creative blogging tools).

Okay, now that we’ve covered a nice step-by-step tutorial on how to name a blog, let’s go over some sample blog names to learn.

Whether it’s to wake up your imagination or just showing you what’s possible when it comes to naming your blog, these examples won’t let you down.

45+ Great Blog Name Ideas and Examples (plus Why They Work)

One of the best ways to figure out a creative name for your blog is to look at what works for other bloggers.

So how do you name a blog? Here are 45 cool blog name examples (broken down by category) to inspire you today.

Personal Finance Blog Name Ideas & Examples

1. Smart Passive Income

First on this list of blog names is Smart Passive Income.One of the reasons the name Smart Passive Income is so successful is because it tells people exactly what blogger Pat Flynn is all about.

There are a lot of blogs out there that talk about increasing your income, but This one is specifically dedicated to passive income. That’s a niche that a lot of people are interested in these days, and Pat has a lot of experience in the field.

2. Making Sense of Cents

Making Sense of Cents is a clever pun that is memorable and lets potential visitors know exactly what to expect.

Also, Michelle She has been blogging for many years about her own personal journey of paying off debt, mastering financial topics like taxes for bloggers, quitting her day job, and reaching her blog’s seven-figure income mark. Now much larger than just a personal blog, Michelle has a large following of readers who tune in to her advice, books, courses, and more.

3. The Penny Hoarder

The Penny Hoarder is a humorous title that will appeal to many people interested in finance, but especially those who are concerned with personal finances.

The page they wrote about says: “Penny Hoarder’s mission is to make personal finance less intimidating and accessible. We do this by providing inspiration and practical blog advice to millions of readers on how to earn, save and manage money. That’s a pretty good mission statement that ties directly into your blog name.

4. The Millennial Money Man

The Millennial Money Man is a popular personal finance website and blog. The creator uses alliteration and appeals to a certain target audience (millennials) by choosing how to name a blog very cleverly for this niche. It’s a great example of how much bloggers can earn.

Blog Name Ideas and Examples for Parents

5. Scary Mommy

A blog that started in 2008, Scary Mommy is cutting edge and also very relatable. They chose how to name a blog in a way that carefully expressed something atypical of the common mom blog. As their website about the page explains, “[the blog] has morphed into a massive and vibrant community of millions of parents, united by a common theme: parenting doesn’t have to be perfect.”

In other words, parenthood is hard. You are not alone and you can be a good parent without being perfect.

6. Have Baby Will Travel

Have Baby Will Travel is a blog about traveling the world with babies and toddlers. It fills a real need, as parents of young children often have many questions about the best way to travel with their little ones in tow.

The name of her blog is easy to understand and a fun version of a classic. sentence format in the English language.

7. The Growing Creatives

The Growing Creatives is a site about raising creative kids (as the name of their blog suggests). On this blog, you’ll find craft ideas for kids, creative play ideas, raising kids to be independently creative, and incorporating creativity into learning.

The creators of this blog for Parents worked very carefully deciding how to name a blog in this crowded space, and its content does a good job of showing that it’s different from your average parenting advice website, it’s really a blog for parents to raise more creative kids.

Ideas and examples of names for technology blogs

8. Learn to code with me

Coding has become hugely popular with kids and adults alike in recent years. That’s what makes a name like Learn to Code With Me a great personal blog name idea. It’s relevant, witty, and closely related to the topic Laurence covers on her personal blog.

Many people interested in coding don’t know where to start, but the name of this blog gives you an idea. easy. place to start. Not to mention the fact that Laurence’s content fulfills the promise of the name of her blog. What’s particularly nice about a name like this is also that it leaves the door open for delivering your content in multiple different formats (like videos and podcasts). Just make sure, if you choose to start a podcast, that you get the best podcast hosting to get your show to the widest possible audience.

9. The Verge

Sometimes a blog name is used to elicit a feeling. Such is the case of the blog The Verge.

In their blog they write: “The Verge is an ambitious multimedia effort founded in 2011 to examine how technology will change life in the future for a large general audience. Our original editorial idea was that technology had migrated from the extremes of culture to the absolute center as mobile technology created a new generation of digital consumers. Now, we live in a dazzling world of screens that has ushered in revolutions in media, transportation, and science.The future is coming faster than ever.”

This blog shows that humanity is always on the brink of something new, and they are here to expose what will be.

Ideas and examples of names for food and nutrition blogs

10. Pinch of Yum

Although there are many food blogs on the Internet, the blog name Pinch of Yum is one of the most recognizable and fun.

It allows visitors to know the niche of this site simply by reading the name of this blog out loud, without using other types of tired or worn ideas.

11. The Easy Homestead

Many people are interested in homeownership but worry that the learning curve is too steep.

Hence the name of the blog, The Easy Homestead , is a great landing spot for people who want to establish property but aren’t sure where to start.

12. Minimalist Baker

Minimalist Baker is a super interesting pair of words that also harks back to the minimalism trend. It is intriguing but also informative about the content of the blog.

How does one become a minimalist in the kitchen? In this case, it is by carefully choosing recipes that do not require many ingredients, time or cooking products.

13. Lazy Cat Kitchen

Lazy Cat Kitchen is another food blog name and cleverly uses alliteration in the way Ania chose how to name a blog. The title is a bit curious though, as it makes you wonder what a cat has to do with cooking.

The reason for the name is blogger Ania’s love for animals. She developed this personal blog after incorporating a plant-based diet into her life. The backstory is that she raised some stray cats while she lived on a small Greek island and during that time she re-examined her life as a meat and dairy eater. She decided to go vegan and created The Lazy Cat Kitchen to share prep and cooking ideas with other vegans.

14. Beekeeping Like a Girl

To be fair, this isn’t technically a food blog. However, bees (and their honey) are a hot topic today. Beekeeping has been on the rise with the #savethebees campaign, but historically it’s been a male-dominated field.

That’s what makes Beekeeping as a Girl stand out as a great personal blog name idea. . It’s all about beekeeping, and it appeals to inspiring beekeepers, especially women.

Added bonus: Check out some of my own tips on starting a food blog, and you can even look at my own real-world approach. to blog about food with my girlfriend’s vegan food blog, Vegan Anj. Be sure to also check out her vegan spicy fusilli recipe, which leads us to…

15. Vegan Anj

My girlfriend launched this vegan food blog last year on Vegan Anj (her nickname) and already gets several thousand monthly readers of her recipes, vegan city guides (like this one about the best restaurants Vegans in Los Angeles) and informative content designed to help people transition to a plant-based diet. Just like here on my own blog, going with your nickname is one of the most timeless blog name ideas you can lean on.

Fitness Blog Name Ideas & Examples

15. Nerd Fitness

Nerd Fitness is a very popular blog in the fitness niche. The good thing about the name of this blog is that it’s very simple and straight to the point.

It’s a fitness blog mainly for nerds, which means that the content revolves around people who want to get fit , but who are also interested in comics and movies like Lord of the Rings.

17. No Meat Athlete

No Meat Athlete is a fitness blog for people who want to stay in shape while still being vegan. While many fitness blogs encourage eating meat for protein, this blog focuses on ways to stay healthy on a plant-based diet.

The name of this blog is fascinating because it combines two interests niche: physical conditioning and vegan eating. that shows people how they can do both. The name of the blog expresses this relationship well and is even more creative because it rhymes.

18. Torn Muscle

For muscles to be stronger, they must first be broken and then repaired. That’s the idea behind the name of the Breaking Muscle blog.

A blog with an intense name like Breaking Muscle is likely to attract an audience that is ready to get in shape.

Travel Blog Name Ideas and Examples

19. Expert Vagabond

Expert Vagabond is a clever combination of two words that you wouldn’t normally see together in a fun blog name.

According to the website, the word vagabond it means leading an unstable and carefree life. The word “expert” gives the blog a level of authority while the word vagabond appeals to the adventurous side of your readers.

When thinking about how to name a blog for your ideal audience, this blog might appeal to two very different sets of people. The first is people who want advice and inspiration for their world travels. The second are those who simply enjoy following their travels while continuing to live their non-nomadic lives.

20. Solo Traveler

There are plenty of travel blogs to choose from if you’re looking for information on where to go (or what to do) for your next big trip. What sets one particular travel blog apart from another is a more specific niche.

In Solo Traveler’s case, it’s a solo travel blog around the world. The name of this blog lets readers know exactly what to expect.

21. Cranky Flier

This blog is about airlines and the airline industry. The name of the blog Cranky Flier definitely catches the attention of the reader. Anyone who has traveled knows the feeling of being in a bad mood, so the name is also relatable.

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22. The Fearful Adventurer

In the same vein, The Fearful Adventurer blog touches on a very real idea. Many people want to be adventurous but are afraid at the same time.

In her About section, the author carefully explains: “For me, adventure is a vehicle to understand myself and human nature through of experiential learning. I believe that somewhere between the terror of fear and the euphoria of adventure, there is a sweet spot to understand yourself.” That’s a meaningful way to decide how to name a blog.

Writing-Related Blog Name Ideas and Examples

23. Copyhackers

Joanna Wiebe’s world-renowned copywriting blog has long been a staple resource for marketers, writers, and freelancers alike, especially those interested in conversion copywriting. She chose this clever name for her blog nearly a decade ago after launching the site to grow her conversion writing business. Her catchy name and immensely valuable content have cemented the reputation of this blog for years to come.

24. ProBlogger

Another way to come up with creative ideas for blog names is to play around with prefixes and suffixes. A good example of this is ProBlogger.

This name quickly shows two meanings. The first is to be a professional blogger. The second means “in front of” because the Latin prefix “pro” means “in front of”, which is a good play on words.

25. Literary Hub

Literary Hub is a blog that explores many elements of modern literature. This blog covers current issues in literature and shares ideas about contemporary literature. Literary Hub also publishes original content and shared works from its publishing partners. Their long list of partners include recognizable names like Penguin Press and the Little Brown Company.

The word center means “a center around which other things revolve or radiate; a focus of activity, authority, commerce, transportation.” The name of this blog has worked hard to place itself at the center of the modern literary world.

26. Seth’s Blog

Another way to create a blog name is to use your own personal name (or nickname). That’s what I’ve done and many other bloggers have done the same.

This is a good option if you want to use your personal name for the brand.

Seth Godin, celebrity entrepreneur, author and speaker uses his personal name for his blog: Seth’s Blog.

Ideas and examples of names for music, film and entertainment blogs

27 The Music Ninja

The music and entertainment niche has many bloggers who want to prove that they have the best and most up-to-date information for their crowd . The Music Ninja is a blog and music hub for independent music lovers and strives to separate the good music from the bad. The name of their blog comes from the site’s self-proclaimed ability to share quality music despite the surrounding world of “bad” music.

On their blog they write: “Radio committed suicide by repeating the same hits once.” and again”. , print magazines are on the verge of extinction and the tubes of the Internet are clogging with so much bad music that it is almost impossible to filter everything. Fortunately, we’ve been trained in the secret arts of auto-tune detection and mediocre basslines to bring you digestible daily updates from genuine up-and-coming artists in every genre whose music truly deserves to be shared. And along the way, a couple of fun remixes and mash ups… let’s not take ourselves too seriously now!”

28. Consequence of sound

Music and entertainment is a niche that gives you complete freedom when deciding how to name a blog. The blog name does not need to have the word entertainment to fit.Found somewhere between underground music and commercial pop, the Consequence of Sound blog is a highly successful online publication with millions of readers.

And where did the name come from? They found their inspiration in a song of the same name written by artist Regina Spektor.

29. Film School Rejections

While you might think that a blog name like Film School Rejections would make people think that the people who write are not a good authority on entertainment , the opposite effect occurs here.

The name of this blog makes you feel like you’re part of a group of people who may have failed film school but still have an interesting take on entertainment.

Lifestyle and Fashion Blog Name Ideas and Examples

30. Cupcakes and Cashmere

The name of the Cupcakes and Cashmere blog evokes a lot of feelings in just two words. It gives the impression that it is going to be sweet and sophisticated. Not only that, but it’s a clever use of alliteration for the name of a fashion blog that millions have come to know and love.

31. Hippie in Heels

The funny thing about the Hippie in Heels blog name is that it uses opposite words AND alliterations. Combine two very different ideas and create instant interest.

What kind of blog would pair a hippie lifestyle with heels? The creator’s about me section reads: “Some of my friends think I’m a girly girl and some of my friends think I’m a dirty hippie. I am a bit of both, hence the name of my blog”. Due to the alliteration and conflicting nature of these two words, this is one of my favorite lifestyle blog name ideas.

32. Coco+Kelley

Many times people are drawn to simple blog names as they may be more appealing to the right audience.

Though Coco+Kelley it doesn’t immediately tell you what the blog is about, it uses a popular branding technique. Other companies employ the use of two names together to create a name. Examples include Aden + Anais, Mott & Bow, Wolf & Shepherd, and Whimsy + Row.

Adding the plus sign, ampersand, or the word “and” is a private label strategy. These companies are particularly popular with millennials and hipsters.

33. The Good Men Project

The Good Men Project is a website dedicated to exploring what it means to be a good man in the 21st century.

One of the biggest draws to this catchy blog name, is that you instantly know what the website is about. Plus, it’s simple and easy to remember.

34. The Art of Manhood

The Art of Manhood is another clever name for a blog. The name of this blog not only gives a clear idea of ​​what the blog is about, but it also does an excellent job of connecting with its target audience.

The website is a mix of advice, humor and information general attracting for men. This blog has a great name and a strong branding strategy.

Name ideas and examples for craft and DIY blogs

35. Love. Life. Thread.

You’ve probably heard of the phrase “Live. Laugh. Love.” before, right? Picking a well-known phrase and changing it slightly is a smart way to come up with a clever blog name.

Here’s what blogger Amanda did with her blog name, Love. Life Yarn (a blog about knitting and crocheting).

36. Repeat Crafter Me

Repeat Crafter Me is a blog about crafts , crochet and crocks.It’s a good example of a pun-based blog name that will make the (right) people smile.

It’s also pretty easy to remember and clearly defines what it’s about. try the blog.

37.Krazy Coupon Lady

If you’re passionate about saving, you’ll probably be drawn to the blog name The Krazy Coupon Lady. The word “Krazy” can’t normally instill a sense of authority, the way it’s used here does.

The name of this blog gives readers the impression that it will go out of its way to find the best offers as to share with your audience.

Hobby-Based Blog Name Ideas and Examples

38. Car Talk

Simple and straight to the point. That’s what you get from the blog’s name, Car Talk.

As the name of this blog suggests, it’s everything you could want to discuss about cars in both blog and radio formats, which could Arguably one of the best blog names you could use in this industry.

39. Fluent in 3 Months

Fluent in 3 Months is a blog name that really sells. If you read it, you will automatically want to know more about it if you are interested in learning a new language. Can you learn a new language fluently in three months?

If you are interested in learning a foreign language, you will most likely click on the name of this blog to learn more.

40.Tiny Buddha

Some blog names are interesting because they mix two words that are opposites. That is the case of the tiny buddha blog.

This blog is about using simple wisdom for complex lives. The site’s creator explains: “Much of [the website] has its roots in Buddhism, but this is not a site about religion. These are ideas that make sense and make a big difference when applied.” I love this name, because it’s so simple, but using a synonym like little buddha or little buddha wouldn’t have the same effect.

41. Humans of New York

Humans of New York is a very popular series, blog and book on social media. The title of this blog tells readers that it will likely be an exploration of humans. That alone is a really interesting concept.

But aside from having an interesting name, the popularity and heart of this series ultimately comes from the amazing stories and photography.

42. DIVEIN.com

DIVEIN.com was founded around 2009 by two brothers with a great passion for diving and ocean protection. What was initially a scuba blog became so much more over the years as they went from just writing blogs to doing in-depth reviews of scuba gear. And as more passionate people joined his team, so did the areas they cover.

Today, more than 18 experts contribute to his epic guides and reviews, attracting more than 650,000 people. to your site every month. They’re a great example of a clever blog name idea that helped carve out a special home within its niche.

43. Hike with Ryan

Earlier this year, I started Hike with Ryan, a hiking blog to give me an excuse to spend more time on one of my most meaningful hobbies. Since launching the site, I’ve been posting content like my picks for the best gifts for hikers, reviews of the best hiking boots on the market, lists of the best Yosemite hikes, a guide that breaks down the best time to visit Yosemite, and more. . .

When I was deciding what to name my new blog, I just wanted to keep things simple. For starters, I knew that ideally I would have a hiking-related keyword somewhere in the name to help signal readers (and search engines) what the blog is about. From there, it became pretty simple: I’m Ryan and I like to walk, so come walk with me 😊

44. Digital Photography School

What started out as a side project hobby for ProBlogger’s Darren Rowse, Digital Photography School has grown into a massive business offering photography tutorials, online courses, video, equipment reviews, product sales, e-books. And much more. This is one of my favorite blog name ideas, largely because it leans heavily on the school’s branding, a core tenet of their business.

Today, Digital Photography School shares daily tips, resources and free tutorials designed to help Photographers of all kinds get the most out of their cameras and create stunning photos. They are a great example of how a hobby can become a full-time business.

45. Millo

Another blog that started as a hobby, my friend Preston Lee launched Millo as a destination to share answers to freelance-related questions he was answering from other freelance designers in the industry of him One of the more creative blog name ideas on this sample list, the word Millo actually has deep historical roots and a connection to Preston, making it a perfect blog name.

Yes If you’re still looking for more inspiration when it comes to unique blog name ideas, check out my in-depth case study of examples of successful blogs that are doing great today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blog Names Common Blogs for Bloggers (Frequently Asked Questions)

More than most other questions related to starting a blog, they ask me for my opinion on whether or not I like a particular blog name.

And while I’m genuinely honored to receive such thoughtful questions from so many of you, I’m not always well-versed in the nuances of every niche. That makes it hard for me to consistently give objective advice that feels good to everyone, so I’m taking some of the most common blog name FAQs I get and providing answers here.

I have more questions about blog names for me? Hit reply in the comments below and I’ll give you my advice.

Final thoughts on naming your blog

Naming your blog is an important step, but it shouldn’t cripple you.

If you’re not happy with the name of your blog, you can always rebrand it and change it in the future. Don’t make the blogging mistake of thinking that your name will do all the work for you.

Remember that the quality of your content, the ability to connect with your audience, and the way you’ve branded your site are all factors. a crucial part of developing your blog.

Ultimately, choosing a name for your blog is only a small part of this process.

So if you’re obsessed with how to name a blog, just start with the first decent option that comes to mind, and know that you can always change it a day soon after you’re generating a significant amount of traffic and monetize your blog (the most important things for your blogging business). As a side note, if you’re having trouble with your content planning efforts, you can grab my free blog planner pack today and kick things up a notch.

When choosing a name, try to pick something that interests your ideal audience.

Find a blog name that is simple and easy to remember.

You can use interesting prefixes, alliteration, unusual combinations, or your own name.

You can be funny, weird, shocking, or sweet. The main point is to choose a blog name that suits both you and your readers.

Once you’ve learned how to name a blog, then the real fun work begins. .

Do you still need to start your blog first?

Check out my ultimate guide How to Start a Blog (on the side) today.


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