Track Certified Mail Online | Delivery Status – LetterStream

how to track certified mail online?

The quick answer to tracking certified mail online is to simply enter the tracking number on the right hand side of this page. you may need to scroll down, but you will see a box that says certified mail tracking. enter your 20-digit certified mail tracking number here and we’ll get a list of all usps letter tracking scans.

we can track your letter even if you didn’t use our online tools to create your certified letter; just enter your number and click the “follow” button. If you didn’t find the results you were looking for, you may want to try re-entering the number and make sure you entered all 20 digits.

How long does it take for certified mail to arrive?

usps certified mail travels at the same speed as first class mail. is considered first class mail and requires first class postage in addition to certified mail fees.

We have found that certified mail arrives at its destination between 1 and 5 days. home city delivery is the fastest and slows down the further you travel and the smaller the destination city.

Please note that the post office does not always capture all the actions they are supposed to do and it may take some time for the letter to be delivered or returned.

why hasn’t my registered letter been delivered?

If your certified letter has been accepted and the postal service is tracking, you may want to give it more time. If all goes well, your letter will be delivered within 10 days. if the recipient is not at home, the letter will be returned to the local post office. the post office is not obliged to deliver in certified mail letters; your obligation is to try to make the delivery. if no one answers the door, they put a sticker (form ps xxx) on the door or mailbox to inform the recipient that a registered letter is at the post office for them to pick up.

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what if the post office can’t deliver my registered letter?

After a notice is placed on the door for the recipient, the certified letter is returned to the post office and held for up to 15 days, waiting for the rightful owner to come in and claim it. If the recipient does not pick up the letter at the post office, the postal service will return the letter to the sender of the piece.

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