Hotmail login


, and then clichồng Options.In the Options panel, cliông chồng Mail > Accounts > POP & IMAPhường.

You are reading: Hotmail login

If you don”t see these items, cliông chồng Connect devices & apps with POP.. under Managing your trương mục.

Change the POPhường Options from No or Disable lớn Yes or Enable. Cliông chồng Save sầu. On your phone, open the Mail app. Tap or Other (POP3/IMAP) on the Choose a mail provider screen.

See also: Cannot Import Csv File Into Gmail Contacts? Try This Import Gmail Contacts To Outlook

If you don”t see this screen, tap


> Add trương mục.

See also: How To Make Gmail Look Like Outlook With Chrome Extensions, How To Make Gmail Work Like Outlook

Follow the onscreen instructions on your phone to set up your tin nhắn account.
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Categories: Mail

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