Ireland Baldwin reflects on dad Alecs ‘thoughtless little pig’ voicemail from 15 years ago

ireland baldwin is not here for the hate.

The 26-year-old model-turned-screenwriter took on the “that’s not my name” tiktok trend, in which actors use the names of characters fans call them instead of their real names. For her version, also set to the 2007 song Ting Tings, Ireland shared cruel names with those who’ve called her over the years. The list included “thoughtless little pig,” as her father, Alec Baldwin, infamously called her in a leaked 2007 voicemail message in the midst of her acrimonious divorce and co-parenting struggle with Kim Basinger.

“my name is ireland…but the media like to call me…” she wrote in the video. the words “fat”, “attention seeking, voluptuous, promiscuous”, “silver spoon fed brat with no real job” and, yes, “inconsiderate little pig” appeared on the screen.

Fifteen years ago, a voicemail message the rust actor left for his then 11-year-old daughter was leaked and posted on tmz. in it, she screamed and yelled, calling the boy a “rude and thoughtless little pig” for not answering his call at the designated time she set for herself. The call was all over the press in the midst of that rocky era of wicked celebrity journalism, at a time when Britney Spears was spiraling, Anna Nicole Smith fatally overdosed, and the arrests of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton were tabloid fodder.

Alec, whose tantrums are legendary, said he was “driven over the edge by his parents’ alienation” after his acrimonious split from Basinger.

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However, both he and ireland have publicly discussed it, downplaying it and making fun of it, even when she roasted it in 2019, making it clear that’s a thing of the past.

Alec, who remarried in 2012 to his second wife, Hilaria, with whom he shares six children, even becomes friends with Basser again, at least on social media.

ireland has said in the past that the real “problem with that voicemail was that people made it seem so much more important than it was”. she said alec “said stuff like that before just because he was frustrated” and “for me it was like, ‘ok, whatever.’ i called him back. i was like, ‘sorry dad, i didn’t have my phone.’ it was all.”

it seems that today feels the same. In his social media post on Wednesday, he criticized the media, presumably including social media.

“I can’t even tell you how much time I wasted worrying about headlines and comments,” he wrote. “can you believe that? can you believe how much control we give to others and how much power we give to their narratives? you may not experience this on the scale that I do, but most of us have been insulted and had assumptions made about us. I hardly ever read articles that talk about me in general, but a lot of times when I do, they always sexualize me in some way or compare me to my parents in another,” the model wrote.

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said she would “care less” what they call her because “I know who I am for the first time in a long time.”

ireland recently completed a script, it’s unclear for which medium, telling her followers she’s “excited to show you what I’ve been working on. I know my decision to work in the entertainment industry of course will bring constant comparison to the accomplishments of both of my parents, and I continue to embrace the parts of me that are truly like them…but I’m so excited to show you the individual that I am and the person that I’m so proud of.”

He ended by saying, “I don’t give a fuck what you think about how I look, what I wear, what I think and say, and damn, it feels good to get to this point.”

Meanwhile, Alec has returned to work for the first time since the fatal Rusty shooting. She was holding a prop gun that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins in October. The investigation into the shooting continues and Alec is sued in two civil lawsuits brought by crew members.

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