Gtd for gmail: how to get things done with flow

Hi everyone. I am 75% through the book & committed lớn this, but struggling setting up my Gmail Inbox properly and could use some help. Previously, I work with zero inbox using no labels but snoozing heavily. I feel that I need to lớn use labels/folders along with snoozing feature, but not sure the best set up.Also, having some issues determining hard edges for Projects but hope to lớn resolve sầu that on my own.I”d love khổng lồ see screenshots of your Folder/Label structure. Mine is here, obviously very early.I am also struggling with the Waiting For/Delegated thư mục structure. Seems that most things I vì chưng are delegated. Any input here is appreciated. It seems that working with non-GTG folks makes life difficult.The good news is that for the most part, ALL of my GTD Inbox is somewhere in my Inbox or Gmail (snoozed), so my inventory phase should not be that hard.Thanks very much. I look forward lớn being an active sầu thành viên of this community.Scott

You are reading: Gtd for gmail: how to get things done with flow


Here”s mine. It”s nothing crazy or revolutionary – just my key needs.


I keep labels for key statuses – Awaiting Reply, Following, Pay Stubs, Policies, và Receipts.Then I have sầu a master label for active projects, with each project having its own sublabel, & completed project, where I move sầu them when they are done. All active projects have sầu the same label color, as well as all complete, so I can visually associate a label as active or complete when in my gmail danh mục.That”s it, really!Re: snooze, I use it when I cannot act in any way on an gmail until a later date. I will snooze it until then. If I need to lớn see it when going thru my lists, I will add it there, but if it”s just going to be clutter… nah. Snoozed & forgotten!Hope this helps.

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Reactions:Graeme Thom & SCOTTeVESTceo

See also: Postfix: Chuyển Tiếp E Ue – Sửa Lỗi: Email Bị Kẹt Trong Outbox Của Gmail

Thanks so much. So you vị labels by “Project” too, along with the key status too, and color coded?So, if I have a project, e.g. Facebook Advertising, I should have the GTD categories/status for that project?

See also: How Can I Forward An Email Thread That Includes Attachments? ?


Categories: Mail

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