Edmonds College: Triton Email

newt id and email

all new students will have an edmonds college student email account created within 24-48 hours of registering to earn at least one (1.0) credit. this is triton’s email account. To access your new triton email account, you must activate your triton id.

how to activate triton id

If you need to find your newt ID, use the newt ID lookup tool.

newt id lookup tool

log in to newt email

once your triton id has been activated, go to gmail.com and log in as follows:

username: [email protected]

password: your triton id password

newt email login

what can i do with newt id and email?

Triton Access - Access technology resources with your Triton ID: Access Triton Email, Drive, Docs, and More, connect to Triton WiFi, Log in to Chromebooks, Connect to virtual comoputer labs, log in to computer labs

  • access google suite apps and student email
  • connect to campus wifi
  • log in to chromebooks
  • log on to campus lab computers
  • connect to virtual computer labs


College communications, including financial aid, registration, graduation information, etc., will be sent to your preferred email address in your ctclink account. this can be your personal email address from any email provider (google, yahoo, etc). See below how to verify your preferred email address on ctclink. You are responsible for communications sent to this address.

Note: If you update your preferred email address in your ctclink account, it may take up to an hour for the change to take effect.

request a triton email account

If you are enrolled in a zero (0) credit course and would like a triton email account, you will need to submit a manual creation request. otherwise, students registered for at least 1 credit will have their email account automatically created. To request an email from Triton, please submit a service request.

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students with email accounts

all existing email accounts (@edmail.edcc.edu) will be retired by August. January 31, 2021. Whether you are a current or former student with an email account, please review the instructions below on what to do next. if you are not concerned about your email account, no further action is required on your part and your email account will be removed accordingly.


Call 425.640.1234 (voicemail only during remote operations)

Visit our online knowledge base and submit a ticket at itsupport.edmonds.edu, or go to the virtual support live chat page.

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