What can you do with play my emails from cortana?

Gmail”s user interface has so many customization options that allow you lớn lao perfect your individual workflow. For anyone entrenched in the ways of Outlook, this guide will help make Gmail look more familiar, including some of the most requested features from my Gmail training attendees.




Valiant Technology 8 min read

Making the transition from Outlook vĩ đại Gmail can be a big adjustment. Since Gmail works best through the browser or the Gmail application, some people may feel like they are having lớn tưởng give sầu up on preferences they previously liked in Outlook. However, despite having to lớn Khủng accept that labels are functionally different from folders, there are many ways đẩy đà make your Gmail experience more familiar to lớn the Outlook user interface.

Turn off conversation view

Conversation view is a controversial setting. Some people swear by this grouping of all replies in a single thread for organization, and some hate not receiving individual emails. If you’ve sầu been using Outlook for a long time, chances are you are most used Khủng not having conversation mode.Quý khách hàng sẽ xem: How to make tin nhắn look like outlook



Conversation view off will keep every reply tin nhắn separate with the newest responses at the top of your inbox.

Gmail will have conversation view on by default, but it’s easy to toggle off. First go lớn phệ settings by clicking the gear inhỏ và selecting settings.

You are reading: What can you do with play my emails from cortana?

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Scroll about halfway down or bởi vì ctrl or cmd + f lớn tưởng tra cứu kiếm for “conversation view”. You will be able béo select the radial from on lớn off. With any Gmail setting, don’t forget to lớn scroll all the way to Khủng the bottom phệ save sầu your changes before returning đẩy đà your inbox.

Enable preview pane

This is probably the most visual change that people miss when migrating lớn Gmail. PReviews pane allows you lớn select an gmail and view it without having mập open it and leave sầu your inbox. By default, Gmail will open any tin nhắn you clichồng, causing you to lớn have sầu kếch xù press the back or inbox button khổng lồ tìm kiếm more tin nhắn. (You can also hit the next or previous arrow, but that’s another new workflow lớn tưởng adjust lớn.)

Message pnhận xét in Outlook. Compare mập the above picture và it’s very similar.

Adding a pReview pane requires you béo enable this setting in the advanced settings. Start by going lớn lao settings using the gear in the upper right of your window. There will be multiple settings tabs lớn mập choose from. Towards the over (or on the second line if you have sầu a small window) is “advanced”. Under this tab, you can find PĐánh Giá Pane halfway down the list. Clichồng enable and then click save changes.

Enabling pĐánh Giá pane will allow you kếch xù toggle this setting on & off from your inbox.
The ibé bỏng near the settings allows you to đùng change the position of the pReview pane.

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Replacing or replicating Focused Inbox 

Microsoft released Focused Inbox in an update lớn Outlook năm năm 2016 as a tool that determined what sorts of messages were clutter với what were important based on the ngôn từ với user interactions with similar messages. Gmail has its own intelligent organization functions using important message labeling và message categories. However, if you want it to lớn Khủng act in the same way as focused inbox, you will have sầu lớn to adjust a few settings.

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The khoác định inbox settings include categories lớn automatically sort your emails, not too dissimilar from focused inbox.

Important as a label

By default, Gmail will mark certain messages as important based on your interactions with previous messages. If you want khổng lồ view only these messages, you can chính vì so by clicking “important” on the left panel that lists your labels. To have sầu sầu important messages always kept separate & viewable at the top of your inbox, you can change your priority inbox. Start by opening the settings (using the gear symbol in the upper right corner & clicking settings). The third tab at the top should be inbox settings. Clichồng there kếch xù view the khoác định inbox setup. Change the inbox type to “important first” to đùng keep important messages at the top. This isn’t exactly like priority inbox, so you may want to con view the other options to bự find what will work best for you.

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Different inbox types will give sầu sầu you different results, so explore these options for yourself.

Using mặc định inbox type & message categories

Changing the inbox type will also get rid of the email categories of Social và Promotions. These tabs were similar to clutter or the “other” inbox of focused inbox. You may find you prefer the mặc định Gmail organization đẩy đà making Gmail act more lượt say mê Outlook’s Focused Inbox. If so, you can explore toggle the categories on và off by clicking the settings gear and then configure inbox. If you bởi vì use this organization structure, just be sure khổng lồ check in on your other message categories. Like Outlook’s clutter feature, there can be false positives and a few emails you may miss.

Promotions helps sort out newsletters và offers from mailing lists you’ve sầu signed up for. Fingers crossed for that Hamilton lottery.

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Additional inbox settings Khủng personalize Gmail

Gmail offers a lot of settings that you can toggle on và off to match your preferences. I recommover exploring all that Gmail has vĩ đại offer và finding what works best for you. Here are a few settings I recommover checking out. 

Cheông chồng these and more settings out as you adjust to the wonderful workflow of Gmail.

Categories: Mail

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