Registered voters can request that an absentee ballot be mailed to them. You must complete an absentee ballot request form and return the original signed form to your county auditor. the application form does not need to be witnessed or notarized. The voter’s county auditor must receive a written request for an absentee ballot mailed no later than 5:00 p.m. m. 15 days before the elections.
A person who is 18 years old on the date of the next election may request an absentee ballot if they are pre-registered to vote.
To receive an absentee ballot, a registered voter must provide the following required information:
- name
- date of birth
- iowa residential address
- voter verification number (ID number)
- iowa driver’s license or non-operator identification number or
- four-digit voter pin located on iowa voter identification card
- Any voter may apply for an iowa voter identification card identification card by contacting the county auditor’s office
For information on how to request an absentee ballot and to download and print a fillable absentee ballot request form, visit how to request a ballot.
All voters are encouraged to provide their phone number and/or email address in case their county auditor needs to confirm any information on the application form.
If you have questions about absentee voting, contact your county auditor.
deadline to request mail-in ballots
The application form must be received in the county auditor’s office by 5 p.m. m. 15 days before the election.
if the request is received so late that it is unlikely that the absentee ballot can be returned by mail in time to be considered for counting, the county auditor shall attach a statement to that effect with the absentee ballot in absence.
reception of the ballot
after receiving an application form, the county auditor will mail a ballot to the voter.
With the ballot, the county auditor will include instructions on how to mark the ballot and how to return it.
return of the ballot
You can return your absentee ballot by mail. absentee ballots received in the county auditor’s office by the time the polls close on Election Day are eligible for counting. read the instructions sent with the ballot.
Absentee ballots cannot be delivered to the polling place on Election Day. If you have not returned your absentee ballot on Election Day, you have the following options:
- turn in your voted absentee ballot at the county auditor’s office before the polls close on Election Day,
- turn in your voted absentee ballot at the the polls and vote a regular ballot, or
- vote a provisional ballot at the polls if you are unable to return your absentee ballot.