Some popular web-based e-mail service providers are gmail, , outlook

Are your emails and attachments safe from prying eyes?

Unless you’re using a secure email service that respects your privacy, the answer is probably no. Most of the big email providers, like gmail and yahoo, do not respect the privacy of your inbox. for example,

  • gmail was found to give third parties full access to users’ emails and also track all their purchases.
  • advertisers have been allowed to scan yahoo and aol accounts for ” identify and segment potential customers by detecting contextual purchase signals and past purchases.”
  • yahoo has been caught scanning emails in real time for US surveillance agencies.

While gmail allows users to opt out of some invasive features, the basic business model of these services revolves around data collection.

Big-name email services spend a lot of money on security, but they’re also big, not invulnerable targets. In March, the big news was the ease with which hackers were able to compromise thousands of Microsoft Exchange email servers. you may be safer if you use a smaller, lesser-known email service.

another concern is where your email service is located and how this may affect your data and privacy. Some jurisdictions have laws to protect data privacy [Switzerland], while others have laws to erode it [USA and Australia]. we’ll cover this in more detail below.

On a positive note, there is a relatively simple solution to keep your inbox more secure: switch to a secure email provider that respects your privacy.

what is the best secure email service in 2022?

With so many different types of users, there is no single “best secure email” service that is the best fit for everyone.

While some may prioritize top security and strong encryption, others may want convenience and simplicity with easy-to-use apps for all devices.

These are just a few factors to consider when switching to a secure email provider:

  • jurisdiction: where is the service located and how does this affect user privacy? where is your data physically stored?
  • pgp support: Some secure email providers support pgp, while others do not use pgp due to its vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  • import function: can you import your existing emails and contacts?
  • email applications: due to encryption, many secure email services may not be used with third parties. -party email clients, but some also offer dedicated apps.
  • encryption: Are emails encrypted end-to-end in transit? are emails and attachments encrypted at rest?
  • features: some features to consider are contacts, calendars, file storage, inbox search, collaboration tools and support for dav services.
  • security: what are the vendor’s security standards and policies?
  • privacy: how does the email service protect your privacy? what data is collected, for how long, and why?
  • threat model: how much privacy and security do you need, and which service best suits those needs?

The goal of this guide is to help you find the best secure email solution for your unique needs.

This list is not in rank order. [choose the best secure email service for you based on your unique needs!]

here are the most secure email providers that protect your privacy.

1. mailfence – fully featured secure email in belgium

mailfence is a full-featured secure email provider that offers calendar and contacts features, file storage, and support for pgp encryption. is based in Belgium, which is a good privacy jurisdiction with strong data protection laws.

For those who want full pgp control and interoperability, with no plug-ins or add-ons, mailfence is a solid choice. Whether you’re a personal user or need a secure email solution for your business or team, mailfence is likely to have all the features and options you want.

While many secure email services sacrifice features and functionality for security, you can have it all with mailfence. this makes mailfence a great alternative to full email and productivity suites, such as g suite or office 365.

testing everything for the mailfence review, I found that it works very well with intuitive design, elegant design and tons of features. mailfence also offers phone and email support, as well as cryptocurrency payment options.

+ advantages

  • offers end-to-end encryption and digital signatures
  • mobile and web applications
  • data is stored on Belgian servers
  • offers openpgp encryption
  • messages, documents, calendar, contacts and groups
  • smtp, pop and imap support
  • can be synchronized with other email clients
  • support password protected messages with expiration time
  • remove ip addresses from mail headers
  • openpgp user keystore
  • excellent interface [recently updated]
  • cryptocurrency payment options

– cons

  • log ip address and some other data
  • code is not open source


see our mailfence review for more information.

2. tutanota – private and secure email in germany

tutanota is a secure email service based in Germany run by a small team of privacy enthusiasts, with no outside investors or owners. Although not as well known as Protonmail, Tutanota is a serious player among secure email providers. its hybrid encryption system overcomes some of pgp’s drawbacks, and your privacy rights are protected by gdpr and other pro-privacy eu regulations.

note: tutanota claims that its encryption can be upgraded/strengthened if necessary against quantum computer attacks.

all messages in your inbox, contacts and calendar are encrypted at rest on servers in germany. To send encrypted emails with tutanota, you have two options:

  1. send an email to another tutanota user, which automatically encrypts everything [asymmetric encryption]
  2. send an email to an external [non-tutanota] user with a link to the message and share a password key to encrypt/decrypt messages [symmetric encryption].

While tutanota uses high encryption standards and is possibly one of the most secure email providers in the world, it also has some pros and cons. this includes no support for pgp, imap, pop or smtp. Also, you cannot import existing emails into your tutanota encrypted inbox.

To explain why tutanota isn’t based on pgp standards, tutanota co-founder matthias pfau wrote this article to restore readers’ privacy, let pgp die: why we need a new standard for encryption of email.

If you’re looking for a highly secure and transparent email provider managed by a team of privacy enthusiasts, tutanota is a solid choice.

+ advantages

  • encrypted messages [including subject lines] address book, inbox rules and filters, search index, encrypted at rest and stored on German servers
  • you can search the body of encrypted messages
  • can send encrypted messages to non-users
  • remove ip address from emails
  • desktop, mobile and desktop applications web
  • open source [including mobile apps]
  • great mobile apps
  • free accounts with 1gb storage
  • icard compatible encrypted calendar
  • encrypted contacts
  • spam filter inbox rules
  • multiple email addresses [aliases]
  • support for custom domains and other price+ features
  • discounts and additional support for nonprofits
  • public n regular transparency reports

– cons

  • doesn’t work with pgp
  • currently no way to import existing emails
  • based on 14 eyes country [germany]
  • only accept credit card or paypal; no crypto payments

website: //

see our tutanota review for more information.

3. protonmail – secure email in switzerland

update: a swiss court forced protonmail to record users’ ip addresses for a specific criminal complaint. Learn more in our article on the protonmail registration case here.

protonmail is a Swiss-based email service with a strong reputation in the privacy community. it was started by a team of academics working at mit and cern in 2014. soon after, it was touted in the us media as “the only email system the nsa can’t access”, which was around the time it was closed lavabit for not cooperating with the US government.

Looking at the service itself, protonmail does a lot of things right. uses pgp encryption standards for email and stores all messages and attachments encrypted at rest on Swiss servers. protonmail has a unique “self-destructing message” feature and they have also added address verification and full pgp support.

Regarding encryption, however, it is important to note that protonmail does not encrypt email subject lines or certain metadata, inherent limitations of the pgp standard. Most of the email services we discuss here use pgp, but I wouldn’t count on any of them to keep me safe from the nsa or their counterparts in other major countries.

Furthermore, protonmail’s search function can only search subject lines within your inbox, not the actual content of your emails. this is another functional limitation that comes from integrating more encryption and security into the service.

protonmail offers some excellent applications for mobile devices [android and ios]. you can also use protonmail with third party applications via protonmail bridge feature [restricted to paid users].

See Also:  Yahoo Mail Error 999 - Fix With Brilliant Hacks [2022 ]

Overall, protonmail is a well-regarded email provider and should be a great secure email option for most users. Switzerland remains a strong privacy jurisdiction that is not a member of any surveillance alliance.

In addition to email, the same team also offers a vpn service, which we have tested for the protonvpn review.

+ advantages

  • end-to-end encryption [e2e] and zero access for email, calendar and contact information
  • operates under Swiss jurisdiction
  • all data stored in servers in switzerland
  • apps for android and ios mobile devices
  • web client, encryption algorithms, android and ios code are all open source
  • domain support custom
  • removes ip address from emails
  • can be used with 3rd party email clients via protonmail bridge feature
  • can import contacts and emails

– cons

  • protonmail does not encrypt email subject lines
  • sometimes requires personal information for new account verification
  • price above average
  • incredibly long beta test cycles
  • may be forced to log users’ ip addresses by court order


see our protonmail review for more information.

4. – private email in germany

Another German-based secure email provider worth considering is Not only does it protect your email with top-tier security protocols, is a full-featured email and productivity suite similar to Office 365. It offers a variety of features: email , calendar , address book, drive [cloud storage], tasks, portal, text, spreadsheet, presentation and web chat. despite all the features, the design of is still easy to use.

When choosing a secure email provider, you often have to choose between features and security. With, you can arguably get the best of both worlds. From a security and encryption point of view, offers full pgp support and options to easily encrypt all your data at rest on its secure servers in germany . You can also use with third-party mobile apps and email clients.

Finally, is very affordable, with basic plans starting at just €1 per month and going up for more storage and features. you can get a 30-day free trial if you want to try this privacy-focused email provider.

+ advantages

  • pgp support [server side or e2e via mailvelope app]
  • company and servers located in germany with strong privacy protections
  • hsts and pfs for messages in transit
  • protected against man-in-the-middle attacks
  • spam and message filters
  • virus protection
  • full-text search
  • pop, imap, smtp, activesync support
  • vcard, carddav, caldav support
  • messages are encrypted at rest
  • custom domains supported
  • mobile apps for some of the office functions
  • open source

– cons

  • no mobile email clients [but can be used with 3rd party email clients]
  • some tracking during registration
  • pgp encryption allows exposed message subject and metadata


See our review of for more details.

5. posting: privacy-focused email in germany

posteo is another German email provider that offers a high level of privacy and security for its users. in some respects, it has a lot in common with Both are full-featured email providers using PGP encryption standards, with similar pricing. but in some key areas, posting is a bit different:

  • custom domains are not supported.
  • there is no spam folder [all emails are sent to your inbox or rejected].
  • there is no free or trial version. [but still quite affordable].

in terms of privacy, posteo really strives to protect the privacy of its users. IP addresses are automatically removed from emails, no logs are kept, and they offer strong encryption standards. In short, this email takes security and privacy very seriously.

posteo also supports anonymous registration and anonymous payments, even allowing you to send cash through the mail without a digital trace. [We also see this trend with VPN services.] And if you pay by credit card, paypal, or some other digital method, they manually separate the account details from the payment information.

+ advantages

  • mail, calendar, contacts and notes are encrypted at rest with openpgp on secure servers in germany
  • configurable spam filter
  • migration service to move from another service email to post
  • subject, headers, body, metadata and attachments are encrypted
  • includes messages, calendar, contacts [address book] and notes
  • completely open source
  • strong commitment to privacy, sustainable energy and other social initiatives
  • self-funded; good track record [operating since 2009]
  • no logs, ip address removal, secure email storage with daily backups
  • allows anonymous [cash] payments
  • compatible with smtp, pop and imap protocols

– cons

  • custom domains are not supported; no “.com” options available
  • no spam folder [spam emails are rejected or sent to normal inbox]
  • germany is a country of 14 eyes
  • no trial or free version
  • no cryptocurrency payments allowed

website: //

see post review for more information.

6. runbox: private and sustainable email in norway

runbox is a long-running private email service in Norway that has been in operation for over 20 years. norway is also a good jurisdiction with a strong legal framework for privacy. all runbox servers are located in secure Norwegian data centers and are powered by clean, renewable hydroelectric power.

a unique feature of runbox is that it gives you 100 aliases to use with your account. secure file storage is also included, at different price levels. runbox fully supports smtp, pop and imap protocols and can be used with third party email clients. this year they released runbox 7, which is a webmail client, but they don’t offer custom desktop or mobile clients.

Unlike other secure email providers, runbox does not have a built-in option to encrypt your entire mailbox. and while you can use pgp with runbox, it’s not built into the platform yet. another downside is that runbox doesn’t offer a built-in calendar, but this feature may be included in version 7 [when it’s released].

runbox offers free 30-day trials and makes it easy to import your existing emails with the guides on their site.

+ advantages

  • ip addresses stripped from messages
  • includes webmail, contacts and files
  • servers run on renewable energy
  • supports smtp, pop and imap protocols
  • syncs with other email clients
  • gdpr compliant
  • norway has strong data protection laws
  • 100 email aliases per mailbox
  • custom domain names on some paid accounts
  • numerous payment methods accepted [including cash and cryptocurrencies]

– cons

  • browser-based; no desktop or mobile apps
  • no open source
  • unencrypted data within the system runbox or at rest
  • no company-specific features


see our runbox review here.

7. countermail – private and secure Swedish email service

Next on our list is Countermail, a secure email provider based in Sweden. countermail has been operating for over 10 years with the philosophy of “providing the most secure online email service on the internet, with excellent free support”. countermail uses openpgp encryption with 4096-bit encryption keys. countermail also protects users from identity leaks and man-in-the-middle attacks with rsa and aes-cbc encryption in addition to ssl.

They also keep no logs and store your mail on diskless servers to protect user privacy. countermail anonymizes email headers and also removes the sender’s ip address. all emails and attachments are stored encrypted at rest using openpgp on servers in sweden.

Although ContraMail is a bit more expensive than other secure email providers, they explain that this price difference comes from using high-quality servers and implementing strong security measures. It may not have all the frills, but countermail is a serious security-focused email provider with a track record of over 10 years.

+ advantages

  • supports cryptocurrency payments
  • built-in secure password manager
  • all emails and attachments are stored encrypted on secure servers with no logs in sweden
  • custom domain support
  • message filtering and autoresponder features
  • uses rsa, aes-cbc and ssl encryption to protect against leaks and mitm attacks

– cons

  • design and user interface look outdated
  • more expensive than other secure email options


8. kolab now: full featured swiss email

Based in Switzerland, kolab is now a feature-rich private email service with full email package functionality. a kolab now subscription includes email, contacts, calendar, scheduling, collaboration/sharing tools, and cloud file storage. they are currently running a public beta version of their voice and video conferencing system. all the features and options make kolab now a great choice for business users, teams, and privacy-focused individuals.

While kolab now offers plenty of features and support for all major operating systems and devices, it also doesn’t offer as much encryption for those who want the highest levels of security. end-to-end encryption for emails is not built in and emails are not stored encrypted at rest.

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The price is also on the higher end, especially if you want access to all the features and more storage. however, for those who want a feature-rich email package hosted in Switzerland, kolab may now be a good option.

+ advantages

  • accepts cryptocurrency payments
  • full support for pop, smtp and imap
  • swiss jurisdiction with strong privacy protection
  • full suite of feature-rich email to replace gmail, office365, etc.
  • support for custom domains, teams, and business users
  • end-to-end encryption [e2e] is available, but not is integrated

– cons

  • unencrypted email at rest [but stored in a highly secure Swiss data center]
  • expensive

website: //

9. startmail: private email hosted in the netherlands

startmail is a secure email service brought to you by the team behind startpage, a private search engine based in the Netherlands. While there was surprising news about System1’s investment in StartPage, Startmail is its own unique entity under Startmail B.V. – a company operating under Dutch law in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is a good jurisdiction for privacy and startmail aims to keep as little data as possible to run its operations [see privacy policy]. Unlike most secure email providers, startmail handles encryption on the server side, rather than the browser; check out their white paper which explains why.

startmail allows users to use pgp encryption and emails are also encrypted at rest on their Dutch servers. One cool feature of startmail is that it gives you the ability to create temporary, disposable email addresses “on the fly” for use with different services. imap and smtp are also supported if you want to use startmail with third party applications like thunderbird.

+ advantages

  • can create temporary and disposable email addresses
  • accepts cryptocurrency payments
  • supports imap and smtp; can use custom domains
  • headers and ip addresses removed from all emails
  • accounts come with 10gb of file storage

– cons

  • no custom mobile apps
  • no open source
  • higher prices


10. soverin – basic private email in the netherlands

soverin provides a basic and private email service at a reasonable price. Plans come with 25GB of storage and custom domains are supported. All data is stored on servers in Germany. soverin strips ip addresses from headers while using strong encryption standards, although email is not stored encrypted at rest by default.

For those who want basic private email with lots of storage protected by European privacy laws, soverin may be a good option. it can also be used with third party email clients and importing old emails is relatively simple.

+ advantages

  • 25gb of data storage for all plans
  • data is protected by dutch privacy laws and gdpr
  • can be used with email clients from third parties

– cons

  • no custom mobile apps
  • no open source
  • no built-in encryption options

website: //

11. thexyz – a fully featured private email service in canada

Another privacy-focused email service worth mentioning is thexyz. is a Canada-based secure email and web hosting company that offers solutions for businesses and private users. thexyz email arm has been operating since 2009, as explained on the about page. while canada may not be the best jurisdiction for privacy [five eyes], this may not be too much of a concern depending on your needs and threat model.

thexyz offers excellent privacy and security features. accounts come with encrypted cloud storage, as well as contacts, calendar, and team collaboration tools. all emails are stored encrypted at rest using 256-bit aes encryption, with double geo-location redundancy. With a basic account, you get unlimited aliases and 25GB of storage [expandable to 100GB]. Even with all the perks and features, thexyz is still very affordable at $2.49/month with the premium webmail plan.

+ advantages

  • great apps and user interface
  • encrypted email at rest with 256-bit aes
  • subscriptions include encrypted calendar, contacts, chat and cloud storage
  • unlimited aliases; emails can include attachments up to 50mb
  • support for custom domains
  • autoresponder, spam filters and incoming email filtering
  • ios apps and android</li
  • accounts come with 25gb of email storage [expandable to 100gb]

– cons

  • based in canada [not the best privacy jurisdiction]
  • end-to-end email encryption support is not built in

website: //

worth mentioning

In addition to the secure email services we discussed above, we’re also keeping an eye out for new services emerging in this niche.

cyberscare anonymous email

Cyberfear is an anonymous email service in Poland that has caught our attention. It doesn’t serve ads or log IP addresses, while also offering full encryption on par with our other recommendations. here is an overview of cyber fear:

  • end-to-end encryption of emails and metadata
  • at rest, all of the following elements of the email are encrypted: email body, subject line, attachments, email address sender, recipient address
  • anonymous registration with only username and password
  • no ip logs
  • overseas servers [poland]
  • cryptocurrency payments supported
  • tor support [onion address is cyberfear4hlcsac.onion]
  • disposable aliases
  • custom domains supported
  • no external scripts or captchas
  • pgp support
  • sending encrypted emails abroad [password required for decryption]
  • option to host interface from cyberfear on your own computer
  • push notifications
  • open source frontend [and backend coming soon]

So far, cyber scare is looking good. you can get more information on their website here.

email jurisdiction and data privacy

The location of your email service [jurisdiction] can seriously affect the security of your data. depending on your threat model, this could be an important consideration. For an overview of jurisdiction and privacy, you can read our article on the Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen Surveillance Alliances.

here are some reasons to pay attention to jurisdiction.

united states [leading member of the five eyes]

tech companies in the usa. uu. they may be forced to grant government agencies direct access to their servers for “broad and deep surveillance of live communications and stored information,” as explained in the Prism surveillance program. data requests may also be accompanied by gag orders, which prohibit the company from disclosing what is going on [see also national security letters].

There are some known cases where we, the email providers, are forced to give up data. In one prominent example, Lavabit decided to go out of business rather than hand over user data. another US email provider, riseup, was also forced to hand over data to authorities.

after exhausting our legal options, riseup recently opted to serve two sealed fbi arrest warrants, rather than face contempt of court [which would have resulted in prison for the birds of riseup and/or dismissal from the rebellion organization].

There was a “gag order” that prevented us from revealing even the existence of these orders until now. this was also the reason why we couldn’t update our “canary” [warranty canary that warns users about these events].

germany [member of the 14 eyes]

While Germany has long been a rock-solid jurisdiction for privacy-focused tech companies, I recently noticed some worrying trends:

  1. In January 2019, a German court ruled that Post must log IP addresses if required to do so by a valid court order. Post explained that they would not change their system to record the ip addresses of all users, but would comply with specific users, if ordered by a German court.
  2. In November 2019, a German court ruling forced tutanota to provide unencrypted email access time for specific users targeted by a court order. as tutanota explained, only unencrypted messages sent after receiving the court order would be affected.

europe in general

Once again, politicians in Europe are trying to find an excuse to limit or ban the use of encryption by their people. this time, the argument is that encryption should be banned to combat child abuse. once again, it is up to technology companies including tutanota and mailfence to protect the privacy rights of the population. In April, a group of companies sent an open letter to the European Parliament arguing against the mass surveillance that removing encryption would allow.

It’s unclear how this will play out, but the possibility of the eu banning encryption casts doubt on the viability of any eu-based secure email service.

We will let you know what happens with this.

all email providers must comply with the law

Although these examples may seem alarming, the truth is that all email providers must comply with the legal requirements of the country in which they operate. For example, Protonmail, a Swiss email provider, was also forced to record IP addresses and disable accounts due to valid court orders, as revealed in their transparency report.

[note: if you are worried about your email service logging your ip address, just use a good vpn service.]

All in all, some jurisdictions are much better than others, so choose wisely. As a general rule, I would still avoid email services in the US. uu. and perhaps in other five-eyed jurisdictions.

do you want a secure email? pay for it.

The unlimited “free” email business model is fundamentally flawed. offers a free service, which is used to collect data and thus monetize the user and earn money from ads. With these privacy-abusing “free” services, you’re actually paying for the product with your data.

On the contrary, here we recommend ad-free, secure and privacy-respecting email services. While some of these private email services offer limited free subscriptions, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan to get more storage and premium features [the freemium business model].

support good privacy businesses

Fortunately, you can “vote with your money” by supporting these privacy-friendly companies and upgrading to paid accounts. this will help secure email providers to grow, improve and serve more people with an ethical business model that is not based on exploiting their users’ data.

secure email deficiencies and pgp flaws

Most of the secure email solutions mentioned in this guide use pgp for end-to-end encrypted email. pgp, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy and was invented in 1991 by Phil Zimmermann.

pgp flaws: While pgp is considered a secure and reliable encryption method, there have been some flaws in the pgp implementation that have made headlines recently; see also efail vulnerabilities.

While the news garnered a lot of attention, the “flaws” were mostly limited to the incorrect implementation of pgp by third parties. To my knowledge, this did not affect the secure email providers mentioned in this guide.

Limited Use: Another fundamental problem with secure email adoption is that few people are willing to go through the hassle of pgp key management, encryption, decryption, and so on. There are some workarounds for this, however, and by some measures, the use of encrypted email continues to grow.

many providers work around this problem by making encryption automatic and seamless. tutanota, for example, uses built-in aes encryption that automatically encrypts emails between tutanota users, including the headers, subject line, body, and attachments. they also provide a secure two-way communication contact form called a secure connection.

vulnerabilities: Even when using a secure browser, there are still vulnerabilities to be aware of with browser-based email clients. phil zimmermann gave an interview highlighting some of these shortcomings:

“The browser is not a terribly safe place to run code. browsers have a huge attack surface,” she said. however, wherever encryption and decryption takes place, it is a vast improvement over no encryption at all. but even encrypting messages may not be enough, depending on the threat model. the very nature of email makes it vulnerable.

“Email has a huge attack surface,” Zimmermann said. “Not only do you have cryptographic issues, but you also have things like spam and phishing and uploading images from a server somewhere that might have stuff embedded inside it.”

On a positive note, however, there are plenty of options to protect and harden your browser: check out the Firefox and Secure Browser privacy guides. furthermore, most secure email providers offer protection against these attack vectors by blocking email images by default while also using virus filters.

Note, however, that browserless email clients can also be problematic, as they can reveal unique information about your operating system [user agent], as well as your IP address and location.


Regardless of these limitations, using a secure email provider will help prevent big tech companies from collecting your email data for third parties.

secure email vs. secure messaging apps

Depending on your threat model, you may also consider using secure messaging applications, which do not have all of the vulnerabilities discussed above with email.

We’ve tested many different secure and encrypted messaging apps and compiled a list of our favorites. here are some reviews of some of the best options we’ve tried:

  • signal check
  • cable check
  • wicker check
  • threema check
  • base check keys
  • session review
  • telegram review

Encrypted messaging apps generally offer a higher level of email security, plus they’re much easier to use than pgp email encryption.

Finally, encrypted messaging apps are also convenient for back-and-forth conversations, document sharing, and collaboration with others. To learn more, check out our roundup guide to the best secure messaging apps.

always use a good vpn with email

A fundamental problem with email is that it can expose your IP address and location to third parties, by design.

While some secure email services strip IP addresses and hide metadata, many do not. And as we saw with the protonmail logging case, email services can be forced to log users’ IP addresses by valid court order, without disclosing any information to the user. We’ve seen this with email providers in the US, Germany, and even Switzerland.

Finally, there is also the fact that many email services keep logs for security, which can include user IP addresses, connection times, and other metadata. Of course, as long as you have logs, this data could end up with third parties [for various reasons].

To effectively hide your ip address and location, you will need to use a good vpn [virtual private network] service.

a vpn will protect your email and other internet traffic from hackers, while also hiding your real ip address from anyone snooping on you.

a vpn creates a secure tunnel between your device and a vpn server, encrypting your traffic and hiding your real ip address and location. the vpn will encrypt and anonymize your internet traffic, while you carry on with your business as usual. Some of the largest providers, like nordvpn and surfshark, offer apps for all major operating systems and devices, along with large server networks around the world.

Because of the security and privacy benefits a vpn offers, it’s a good idea to use one whenever you’re online. internet providers in many countries are recording the user’s browsing history by registering dns requests. Depending on local laws, this information may be sold to advertisers or provided to government agencies in countries with mandatory data retention laws. With a VPN, your DNS requests are encrypted and handled by the VPN server and cannot be read by your ISP or other parties.

For more information, check out these best vpn services.

conclusion on secure and private email services in 2022

Whatever your situation, using a secure and private email provider is a smart step to protect your data. Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, and the other big email players don’t put your privacy at the top of their game. Paying for a good email service that values ​​privacy ensures you’re not paying with your personal data.

Once you switch to one of these email services, you’ll be much more secure. then all you need to do is avoid non-technical attacks like typical email scams that never seem to go away.

see the main guide to privacy tools for other privacy and security essentials.

We also have a guide on how to encrypt email.

and if you want to learn more about these secure email providers, you can check out the reviews below:

  • protonmail review
  • tutanota review
  • mailfence review
  • review
  • hushmail
  • post check
  • quick mail check
  • runbox check

Have you used one of these secure email providers? feel free to leave your comments/review of the service below.

This secure email guide was last updated on May 10, 2022.

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