SilverScript Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans – MedicareFAQ

silverscript is a medicare part d insurer with plans available in all 50 states. This company offers comprehensive Medicare Part D prescription drug plans with extensive coverage and low premiums.

millions of medicare beneficiaries use silverscript prescription drug benefits each year. With some of the most affordable prescription drug coverage on the market, Silverscript is ideal for those on Medicare who want a Medicare Part D plan that doesn’t break the bank.

what is silverscript?

silverscript is a private medicare part d insurance company that offers prescription drug coverage to those with original medicare. The carrier offers coverage options in all 50 states and Washington D.C.

silverscript offers three different coverage options for those eligible for medicare part d. When you join a Silverscript plan, you receive several benefits not included with any other company.

medicare part d plans through silverscript offer copays and low monthly premiums. In addition, they provide coverage in thousands of pharmacies nationwide.

Even with changes to SilverScript’s formulary each year, prescription drug plans through this company provide excellent coverage and competitive prices.

whose silverscript is it?

silverscript is a medicare part d insurer owned by cvs health. In 2019, CVS acquired Silverscript Medicare Part D plans. cvs health is one of the nation’s largest pharmaceutical innovation companies with a mission to help its customers get better health care.

With nearly 10,000 retail locations and more than 1,000 walk-in clinics nationwide, CVS Health offers convenient healthcare close to home. By acquiring Silverscript, CVS Health can expand its reach in the healthcare industry by venturing into Medicare Part D.

is silverscript part of aetna?

In January 2020, Silverscript’s Medicare Part D plans merged with Aetna. When the companies merged under the direction of their parent company, CVS Health, members experienced plan changes and expanded benefits.

When the two companies merged, there was no break in coverage. those who originally had an aetna silverscript medicare or aetna part d plan were automatically switched to one of three aetna silverscript medicare part d plans.

aetna silverscript prescription drug plans

silverscript offers three different medicare part d plans.

  1. smart silverscript
  2. choice of silverscript
  3. silverscript plus

When comparing silverscript drug plans, you should know the following information.

  • your prescriptions and dosages
  • how often you take your medications
  • out-of-pocket costs, such as copays
  • how much you are willing to pay pay in annual deductibles

By creating a game plan at the beginning of your medicare part d plan search, you can ensure you get the prescription drug coverage you need.

form silverscript 2022

when shopping for prescription drug coverage, you need to know your medications and how available medicare part d plans would cover them. this way, you can enroll in a plan that covers the prescription drugs you need.

A formulary is a master list of prescription drugs that are covered under a specific policy. You can find the formulary for each plan on the silverscript website or contact a medicare authorized agent to help you understand plan details.

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sometimes a medicare part d plan may not cover your specific drug. however, an alternative to the form may be available. your doctor may consider a replacement if deemed appropriate. Otherwise, you could request a formulary exception, which means your drug can be covered by the plan with approval.

silverscript may make changes to its formularies from time to time, so it’s essential to review your prescription drug coverage each year during the annual enrollment period. By doing so, you’ll ensure you have the best coverage year after year.

silverscript drug prices for 2022

silverscript smartrx (pdp)

silverscript smartrx (pdp) is a lower premium option with a $0 Tier 1 deductible. Additionally, Tier 1 drugs require a $0 copay in this plan, making it a great option for those who only have generic drugs.

key takeaways about silverscript smartrx (pdp):

  • Lowest average national medicare part d premium
  • $0 deductibles and copays as low as $1 for 30-day supplies

Those who take few or all generic medications benefit most from silverscript smartrx (pdp). therefore silverscript smartrx (pdp) is best for those who are generally healthy and active. As the plan with the lowest monthly premium nationwide, this coverage is great for those who want to avoid the Medicare Part D late enrollment penalty.

choice of silver script (pdp)

the silverscript option (pdp) offers comprehensive prescription drug coverage. this policy provides a $0 deductible for tier 1 and 2 drugs.

silverscript choice (pdp) also includes delivery of your tier 1, 2 and 3 prescriptions. this is an excellent plan for those taking low to mid tier medications and generics.

key takeaways from the choice of silverscript (pdp):

  • Copayments as low as $0
  • Zero deductible for Tier 1 and Tier 2 drugs
  • $0 premium and low cost sharing if you qualify for extra help

those who take brand name or tier 1 drugs can benefit from silverscript choice (pdp). this option is suitable for those who want low copays for common prescriptions.

While not the best plan for everyone, those whose recipes change over time may benefit most from this option.

silverscript plus (pdp)

silverscript plus (pdp) offers a $0 drug deductible on all tiers. The policy has even more drug coverage than the Silverscript Choice (PDP), and you can get your prescriptions at no additional cost. This prescription drug plan is a fantastic option for those on high-end medications.

key takeaways about silverscript plus (pdp):

  • more drugs covered by medicare part d are on the formulary
  • a variety of prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction, vitamins and minerals
  • savings on certain insulins with a maximum copay of $35 during the initial coverage phase and coverage gap

Those taking high-end and specialty medications may benefit from SilverScript Plus (PDP). Also, if you take multiple medications or have health conditions that require expensive medications, you may benefit from this plan.

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However, this is not your best policy if you take primarily generic medications. typical low-cost medications are more expensive in this plan due to the formulary.

is silverscript a good drug plan?

silverscript is one of the best medicare part d providers available. In addition to being one of the popular companies in terms of enrollment, the policies also provide extremely low monthly premiums and drug costs.

Depending on your prescriptions, silverscript tends to outshine other companies when comparing low-tier and generic drug prices. For more expensive medications, it’s vital to research and compare plans, as there may be a more cost-effective option depending on your prescriptions. overall, it’s hard to beat silverscript’s medicare part d plans.

how much does silverscript cost per month?

Each silverscript medicare part d plan has a different monthly premium. In addition, SilverScript monthly premiums vary by zip code.

however, silverscript smartrx (pdp) is the lowest cost medicare part d plan in many areas. the plan starts as low as $7 per month.

The silverscript medicare part d plan with the highest monthly premium is silverscript plus (pdp). the monthly premium for this plan starts at $70.

which pharmacies use silverscript?

silverscript allows you to use thousands of pharmacies across the country to receive your prescription medications. the silverscript pharmacy network includes more than 65,000 pharmacies in the united states. most chain pharmacies will accept your silverscript medicare part d coverage.

however, not all pharmacies are preferred. a preferred pharmacy allows you to receive the medication at the lowest possible cost. standard network pharmacies still provide coverage at a slightly higher price than preferred pharmacies.

silverscript preferred pharmacies

  • walmart
  • cvs
  • wegmans
  • kroger
  • publix
  • also local pharmacies at the national level

standard silverscript pharmacies

  • walgreens (this pharmacy is out of network for the smartrx plan)
  • sam’s club
  • plus local pharmacies nationwide

Using a preferred pharmacy is vital to receiving medications at the lowest cost.

silverscript mail order pharmacy

many people prefer to use mail order pharmacy services. mail order can be especially beneficial when you can’t leave home to pick up prescriptions.

You can have your medicine shipped to your home or place of work. silverscript choice (pdp) and silverscript plus (pdp) members can use this service.

aetna silverscript mail order pharmacy is one of the highest rated mail order pharmacies for a medicare part d plan. When you choose to get your medications through the mail order pharmacy, you can fill prescriptions for up to 90 days. therefore, it allows you to reduce inconvenience by reducing the number of times you need to order your medications.

Anyone with a silverscript rx plan can use the mail order pharmacy. the covid-19 pandemic has taught us that comfort does not have to be forced. mail order pharmacies do just that. They allow you the comfort and peace of mind that your medications will always arrive on time.

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how do i sign up for silverscript?

To enroll in a silverscript medicare part d plan, it is essential to speak with an authorized medicare agent who has access to the company and is familiar with the benefits of each plan. while you speak with an agent, you can be sure that the coverage you choose will provide your prescriptions at a low cost.

your prescriptions will determine which silverscript medicare part d plan is best for you. once you choose a policy, you must provide your medicare card and other demographic information to complete the application.

if this is your first time signing up for medicare, your medicare part d plan is effective with your medicare part a and b. If you enroll during the Annual Enrollment Period, your new coverage will begin January 1.

remember, if you have a medicare advantage plan, you can’t join a silverscript medicare part d plan. You can only enroll in Medicare Part D if you have Original Medicare, with or without a Medicare Supplement plan.

how do i pay silverscript online?

Paying for your silverscript medicare part d plan has never been easier. Most seniors who sign up for Medicare Part D choose to have their monthly premium automatically deducted from their Social Security check each month. this way they will never accidentally miss a payment and lose their coverage.

If you don’t receive Social Security or don’t want your payment automatically deducted, you can pay your monthly premium online. To do this, you will need to visit and create a login. you can pay your bill, review your claims and more.

silverscript payment gateway

silverscript has a unique and convenient online portal through cvs caremark. caremark is an online platform that allows you to check your pharmacy benefits and more.

The portal also allows you to:

  • review current prescriptions
  • check the status of your order
  • review your drug coverage
  • check drug costs.

caremark’s portal will allow you to obtain valuable information with ease. in addition, the caremark portal also allows you to order medications through the online pharmacy.

Through the portal, you can check and compare your drug costs, view your savings opportunities, understand your plan benefits, review coverage details, and find answers to frequently asked silverscript questions.

silverscript reviews

silverscript has a medicare star rating of 3.5 out of 5, which is a fantastic score. Medicare annually rates prescription drug plans based on their performance and quality. Customer satisfaction also heavily influences the rating of each plan.

silverscript offers excellent 24-hour customer service. A prescription drug plan through this company also comes with many online tools.

silverscript gets a b+ rating through better business bureau for customer reviews. Several customer reviews cite low drug costs and affordable monthly premiums as selling points for this company.

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