How to Use Registered Mail • Liberty Coin

U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail is a very secure method of transporting valuables such as currency. certified mail is suitable for sending up to $25,000.00 per package. The following is a step-by-step procedure to properly package and send certified mail:

  1. Wrap contents securely. Particularly with quantities of coins, place packing materials in and around coins. If the coins are bagged, wrap the outer bag well. the point of emphasis here is to make sure nothing inside the box makes a noise during shipping.
  2. prepare a description of the contents. prepare a packing list of the content you are going to send. Be as specific as possible. provide quantities of items; dates and mint marks on coins, if applicable. list the certification number in any certified currency. also be sure to include your contact information, such as name, address, phone number, and email address.
  3. double package box. place the secure contents and packing list in an inner box and fill with packing materials (such as packing pellets) until the contents cannot move inside the box. close the inner box and use filament tape to seal it. once you have sealed the inner box, place it inside the outer box. the outer box depends on what you ship. If possible, use one of the us. postal service flat rate shipping boxes. the advantages of flat rate boxes are that they are free and ship at a reasonable postage rate.
  4. prepare the outer box. securely wrap the outer box. You can use filament tape to reinforce the box, but it can’t be used on the outer surface. you should use brown paper tape on the outer surface of the package. At a minimum, it should cover all seams on the box. if you are using a u.s.p.s. flat rate box, be sure not to cover the flat rate logo.
  5. address the box. Please print or clearly print your return address. do the same with the recipient. If you are shipping to Liberty Coin Service, simply send the package to Liberty Co. remove any references that could identify a value such as “coin”, “jewelry” or “bullion” from the address.
  6. ship the box. take it to your local post office. the post office will provide you with a registration tag with a unique number. You will fill out a form that will act as your receipt for the package. It will have the registration number, address information and declared value of the package. The declared value of the package is how much it will be insured for, so be sure to declare it for the full value of the contents. You can also purchase other options such as return receipt which requires the post office to return proof of delivery to you. If you want to make sure that only the exact recipient can receive the package, you can get the restricted delivery option. once you have finished selecting your options, the post office will take your package and cancel all seams to protect it from tampering.
  7. confirm delivery. once the post office has taken your package, it is secured at each location. it is tracked by its registration number as it makes its way to the destination. Please note that due to this detailed process, certified mail takes much longer to reach its destination than regular mail. While your package is in transit, you can track it by registration number at you can get basic information about the package in this way. when the package is delivered, an adult at the designated address must sign for it. if no one is present, the package is returned to the local post office and a green tag is left. the recipient must then go to the post office to pick up the package. once the package is delivered, you can find out when it was delivered and who signed for it.
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