Mail order paternity test – AlphaBiolabs USA

A mail-in paternity test is a DNA test kit that you use at home to collect your own DNA samples. these samples are then returned to our in-house laboratory for analysis. password-protected results are emailed to you within 3-5 days of receipt of samples at the lab.

You can purchase a mail-in paternity test online from our website for just $119 and have it shipped directly to your home.

Our paternity test kit includes complete instructions, making it very easy for you to collect your DNA samples. it is a very simple process and only involves rubbing the provided swabs on the inside of the cheek. these swabs are similar to large swabs and are used to collect buccal cells. the swabs are then returned to our lab using a self-addressed envelope included with the kit.

For paternity testing by mail, samples will be needed from the alleged father and the child. the mother does not need to provide a sample.

how do mail paternity tests work?

When we receive your samples at our lab, a DNA profile of the alleged father and son is generated. Our DNA scientists examine specific DNA markers present in repeated sections of DNA from each sample. Alphabiolabs is one of the few laboratories accredited to test up to 42 DNA markers in standard tests; Most relationship tests examine only 16. The child’s DNA is analyzed to identify which half is inherited from the father. If the man undergoing the DNA test is the biological father, both the father and the child will share identical sections of DNA at each marker. If the tested man is not the biological father, there will be differences in the DNA.

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alphabiolabs tests all exclusion results twice so you can be sure of getting accurate results.

a full range of mail order dna test kits

In addition to paternity tests, we offer a full range of mail order relationship test kits, including maternity, sibling, twin, grandparent, aunt and uncle, chromosome, and single genetic profile tests. All of these kits require only one buccal swab; blood is not required for these DNA tests.

We also offer a risk-free mail-in prenatal paternity test, which can be used to establish paternity even before a baby is born. the test can be performed as early as 7 weeks after conception (or 9 weeks gestation). This test requires a blood sample from the mother, which must be taken by a medical professional. the alleged father must provide a buccal swab. prenatal paternity testing costs $975 for confidential results in 7-8 business days.

confident paternity tests

You can rest assured that our DNA and paternity tests are 100% confidential and data security is paramount. We take several steps to help minimize any chance that the company name will be recognized in any correspondence. All of our test kits and charts are shipped in discreet plain packaging with no company logos or branding. furthermore, online payment transactions do not name alphabiolabs as recipient on bank statements.

Do you have any questions? You can learn more about mail order paternity test kits in our comprehensive FAQ and learning center.

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Get your mail order paternity dna test kit now here. If you need more information, you can contact us through live chat or at 727-325-2902.

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