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If you want to move, delete, or change the status of your Gmail emails, you’ll need to select them first. Here’s how.

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Watching: “select all” option is missing

With an easy-to-use interface on desktop and mobile, plenty of free storage space, and tight integration with other Google products, it’s not hard to see why Gmail is the one of the most popular email services in the world.

Of course, keeping on top of your unread emails can sometimes feel like a full-time job. If you’ve had your Gmail account for some time, you may have a lot of emails that you don’t really need.

Thankfully, Gmail makes it pretty easy to select all of your emails at once. From there, you can hide, set to read, or delete them. To select all of your emails in Gmail, here’s what you’ll need to do.

How to Select All Emails in Gmail

Currently, the only way that you can select all emails easily is by using Gmail on the web. You can select multiple messages on mobile or tablet, but you need to tap each one. This isn’t much use if you want to select thousands of messages.

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To start, open the Gmail website and sign in to your account.

Navigate to the emails that you want to select from, then click the Select checkbox at the top of your list.






Take Control of Your Gmail Account

Gmail is an incredibly useful tool (and free) tool for managing your important messages. The more you know about the features of Gmail, the more useful it becomes.

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If you want to block annoying or harmful emails, you could learn how to block someone in Gmail to stop them. If you’re busy, you could schedule your messages in advance to send whenever you want them to. You can even integrate third-party apps to take Gmail to add even more new features.

Categories: Mail

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