Import my contacts from outlook into gmail

Outlook và Gmail are two of the most well-known tin nhắn providers in the world. While most of us are using one or the other, it”s also common to have sầu both Outlook and Gmail inboxes.

You are reading: Import my contacts from outlook into gmail

You might be fine with keeping the contacts in each of these apps separate, such as if one”s personal & the other”s for work, but sometimes you need to keep the same contacts updated in both Outlook and Gmail.

This can sound like a bit of a headabịt, but fear not, it”s actually really simple. Here”s how to keep your contacts synced between Outlook và Gmail.

Where Are Outlook Contacts Stored?

One of the easiest ways to find your Outlook contacts is to navigate to lớn the “People” tab of Outlook Web. This is where you can add new contacts, delete any you no longer need, và organize them inkhổng lồ lists. It will also let you know if those contacts are synced lớn the cloud. When you cliông xã “Manage” in the top right, you can choose to import contacts, export contacts, & link duplicate contacts.

To learn more about how lớn manage your Outlook contacts, here”s a complete guide about it.

Where Are Gmail Contacts Stored?

The contacts you see on Gmail are centralized in Google Contacts, which automatically brings together the contacts of your other Google Apps, including the contacts on your Android phone.

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How khổng lồ Export Contacts from Outlook to Gmail

Export/import contacts from Outlook to lớn Google Contacts

The most rudimentary way to lớn move contacts from Outlook khổng lồ Google Contacts is with a manual export & import. This can be a good choice for a one-off transfer of contacts between the two apps, but isn”t igiảm giá khuyến mãi for an ongoing integration with a true data sync.

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How to export contacts from OutlookCliông xã “Manage” in the top right corner và select “Export contacts”.Choose which thư mục you want to lớn export and cliông xã “Export”, which will trigger a tải về of a CSV tệp tin.


You can also follow these steps for offline versions of Outlook.


How khổng lồ import contacts lớn Google ContactsThen, click “Import” on the left-hvà sidebar.You can then select the CSV tệp tin you exported from Outlook previously, & then cliông chồng “Import”.


Export/Import Contacts From Google Contacts khổng lồ Outlook

What about the reverse? Here”s how to export your contacts from Google Contacts and import them into Outlook.

How to export contacts from Google ContactsChoose which contacts you want lớn export.Select Outlook CSV format và cliông xã “Export”.


If you”re not seeing all of your contacts on the Google Contacts dashboard, first check you”re signed in with the correct Google account. You can also click Frequently Contacted or Other Contacts for a full view of the contacts you”ve contacted via Gmail or other Google Apps.

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How to lớn import contacts to lớn OutlookCliông xã the “Manage” option in the top right corner và select “Import contacts”Upload the CSV file you exported from Google Contacts previously and select “Import.”

Storing Your Contacts in One Database

The tips in this article will help you get all of your tin nhắn contacts inkhổng lồ one database or inbox. Not only does this make it easier to lớn exexinh tươi your next gmail chiến dịch, but it will also help ensure that no contacts are overlooked because they”re stored in an outdated location. Getting all of your contacts in one place can make all of the difference between converting a potential prospect and missing an opportunity to lớn cthua kém a sale.

Categories: Mail

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