How to manage email subscriptions in gmail

Each and every blog is offering email subscriptions, if you check your emails how many email subscription posts you get?

How about managing this part of your web world more efficiently, here is a handy way to optimize your email subscriptions, so you don’t see a bulk of unread emails on your inbox.

Watching: How to manage email subscriptions in gmail

This post is specific to Gmail service. If you are using any other service than wait till we post the tip about that (or you can do a search on Google).

Gmail offers a nice filtration method. With the help of a filter you can redirect your emails from a subscription to specific labels.

1) Create a label for your email subscriptions. You can create a single label for all subscriptions or multiple labels (like one label for each subscription)

(Tip: You can even create a nested label structure. So you can create a label as email subscriptions and under that you can have separate label for each subscription.)

Steps To Create Label in Gmail


You can get label management option at the left of the Gmail view.Click on Create New Label.It will ask you to enter the new label name and if you want it to be a child of any other label than it will ask for the parent.Once you enter the information it will create a new label.


Once you have label ready, you can go ahead and create a filter for the email subscriptions.

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Steps To Manage Email Subscriptions

1) Go to Gmail Settings, to go there you can click the icon at top right corner.

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2) In the Gmail settings click an option as Filter. Click on Create a Filter.

3) You will get the below screen. Each subscription comes with a specific mail address, enter that mail address in from field and click on test search.


Once you click Test Search, you will see how this filter will work and what messages from your existing emails would have been filtered. If everything looks fine than you can click on next step.

4) In the next screen you need to select what action you need to take for selected emails. Click on apply the label and select the label you want your email to go in. If you don’t want the email to appear in inbox than check skip the inbox also.


5) Click on Create Filter and you are done. Now your incoming mails will mark with that label and will be seen under that label and not in your Inbox.

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So manage your email subscriptions or any other emails with this small tip and leave comments below if you like the tip.

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Categories: Mail

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