How to Ship or Mail a Laptop in 5 Easy Steps! | Paper Mart

need to know how to ship a laptop? Would you believe us if we told you that it is quite easy? It is true! Despite being an expensive electronic device, the best way to ship a laptop starts with knowing how to pack it properly.

shipping a laptop

Read on to learn what supplies you need, and to see the step-by-step process to safely and securely pack and ship a laptop in Paper Mart’s How to Ship a Laptop guide.

how to pack and ship a laptop in 5 easy steps

  • know the rules for shipping lithium-ion batteries
  • laptop packaging
  • laptop packaging
  • usage filler
  • seal and label the box

Ship a laptop in 5 easy steps!

Shipping laptops can be an easy and stress-free process, as long as you understand how to prepare them for shipping. Having all your supplies on hand is key – you don’t want to skimp on any part of the process that will protect a fragile laptop before shipping. We promise, the time it takes to pack properly is worth it when your laptop arrives at its destination in perfect condition.

supplies you’ll need

  • scissors
  • shipping tape
  • plastic wrap
  • shipping box
  • buffer supplies
  • original packaging (if available)

Step #1: Rules for Shipping a Laptop in Your Area

Regulations for shipping lithium-ion batteries may differ depending on the place of origin and destination of the shipment. If you’re in the United States, most of the time it’s okay to ship personal electronic devices, like a laptop with a lithium-ion battery, as long as you include a label or note on the outer packaging that says so.

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You may want to check with your carrier about specific regulations, as even if unintentional, failure to comply with labeling and shipping requirements could result in your package being confiscated.

Step #2 – Wrap the laptop in plastic

Wrapping the laptop in plastic will better ensure that it is protected in case liquid or moisture gets into the case. Using high-quality plastic wrap, wrap several layers around the laptop in all directions. make sure even the corners are wrapped, and then tape the plastic down so it’s secure and doesn’t fall apart.

Step #3: Use a padded box to pack the laptop

In a perfect world, you still have the original padded protective case your laptop came in. but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t have it. just use a case that’s slightly larger than the laptop to accommodate room for the protective padding that you’ll want to put around all sides of the laptop.

  • Place your plastic-wrapped laptop in a padded box.
  • Seal the box at all seams.
  • Wrap the box with whatever bubble wrap you have at hand. least 3 inches thick around all sides of the box.
  • secure bubble wrap with tape.

Step #4: Put it in the shipping box and add some protective padding or padding

Place your boxed laptop inside a lined shipping box with padding on the bottom. be sure to completely surround it with padding to fill the rest of the box. you want padding around all sides and the top and bottom of the laptop case. It should be quite snug to make sure the laptop doesn’t move around too much while in transit.

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step 5: seal and label the box

To seal the shipping box, use two layers of packing tape on each seam of the box. affix a clear, legible shipping label to the top of the box. place clear packing tape over the label to protect it from damage or moisture.

Using warning stickers such as “fragile” and “so above” is helpful in alerting shippers that the box contains fragile content.

shipping a laptop is easy with paper mart!

Shipping a laptop is easy once you know how to properly protect it. Browse through paper mart’s large selection of packing and shipping supplies today for everything you need to pack and ship a laptop like a pro.

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