How to get the reply message without the original message from the gmail api

Is there any way to stop Gmail quoting the entire previous message when I hit reply?

I can use the “Quote selected text” labs feature to narrow down when I do want to quote something, but that still leaves me deleting the full message quotes every other time I hit reply, which is a pain.

Watching: How to get the reply message without the original message from the gmail api

(I”m hoping there”s an obscure option somewhere I”ve missed, but if it has to be browser-based, I use Chrome.)



Currently there is no way.

You”ll have to trim or remove the quoted text yourself.

You can make use of the “Quote selected text” labs module by highlighting some blank space in the email and replying to that.

That will then leave you with something along the lines of:

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 4:00 AM, Example wrote: >

Which is far less than before, but sadly still not as empty as wanted.

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Using Ctrl+A and Delete is the fastest way I”ve found. They should add a box to turn off “quote text” like they do on the phone app.



Here is a Chrome extension I wrote. It will keep the signatures and will remove all unnecessary text of previous mails.UnQuote for Gmail

Here is the demo:YouTube Demo

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I understand you are the author of this extension. This affiliation must be disclosed in the post. –user79865 Aug 4 “16 at 18:11
One option is to use IMAP.

Enable IMAP in Gmail. And use a desktop client like MZLA Thunderbird (formerly Mozilla Thunderbird).

In Thunderbird, there is an option in Account (Gmail) > Composition & Addressing > ☑ Automatically quote the original message when replying.

Uncheck that and save.

I just tried that with my friend and it seems to work fine. My reply was added to his thread. I assume that is because of Message-ID.

Thunderbird can auto-configure a Gmail account based off of the E-mail address used during setup. Thunderbird will also trigger a two-step authentication process which will give it a third-party app registration in your Google account.

I”ll also suggest that you limit the number of messages synchronized. As of today, Gmail gives the option to Limit IMAP folders to contain no more than this many messages.

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I selected the lowest option–1,000–from the drop-down list.

I was interested in removing quotes because I wanted to avoid loading inline images in replies, and I wanted my replies to be more like contemporary messaging apps: no quoting. Imagine if text messages or WhatsApp quoted entire threads.

The only time I”ve ever been asked to quote was in public mailing lists where missing quotes confuse newcomers. And it is probably a good idea to use full quotes on business project threads.

Also note there is a throttle limit mentioned in the Gmail Help article:

Note: To avoid temporarily locking yourself out of your account, make sure you don”t exceed 2500 MB per day for IMAP downloads and 500 MB per day for IMAP uploads. If you”re setting up a single IMAP account on multiple computers, try taking a break between each setup.

Each device will have to synchronize. And staggering the setups will prevent you from being locked out because of the initial synchronizations.

Categories: Mail

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