How to Get Direct Mailing Lists |

Of all the factors that can make or break your marketing campaign, none is as crucial as your direct mail list.

For over 50 years, savvy marketers have followed the formula for success laid out by the late Ed Mayer, who said that 40% of a marketing effort comes down to your mailing list (ie data). ). your offer or message makes up another 40%, and 20% is everything else, like formatting, copy, and other creative elements.

To ensure you reach the right audience, in addition to optimizing your printing and mailing costs, you need to focus on your direct mailing lists.

what is a mailing list?

In its most basic form, a mailing list is a collection of names and physical addresses (and other contact information) of your customers and prospects. but now, in 2021, it is much more.

Today, a mailing list is a collection of customer demographics, as well as lifestyle and buying behavior. It gives you a complete picture of the general audience for your products and services so you can personalize your offers through 1-to-1 targeting and personalization.

types of direct mail lists

There are several types of direct mail lists. which one you use depends on your audience(s) and your goals for reaching them. Other important factors include your budget, your timeframes, and other resources that figure into your campaign planning.

in house lists

Your local mailing list (own data) is a great place to start. should give you some early clues about your audience’s demographic profile, as well as buying behavior and preferences.

direct response lists

Also known as third-party data, these lists are golden because they represent real buyers of products or services that are just like yours. and with breakdowns by average order size, etc., you’ll have plenty of what you need for campaign planning.

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compiled data lists

Third party data is collected from many different sources and is intended to blend well with your existing lists, especially for any demographic or behavioral information.

event lists

Events, both live and virtual, are a good source of names for your outreach. You get current names, contact information, as well as psychographic data about these buyers, especially in the b2b space.

subscription lists

Another good source of new names is a list of subscribers to a publication (physical or digital) or recurring service. again, it’s about matching their interests or preferences with what you offer.

four steps to a strong direct mail list

maybe you are satisfied with your current mailing list. if so, congratulations! if not, you’ll need to work on how to improve it and increase your chances of creating a successful email campaign.

here are several ways to get started.

1. define your target audience

Who are your buyers? more than anything else, you have to realize that. If you have more than one audience, that’s fine, but you may not want to use the same strategy or tactic to target them identically. doing so will risk wasting time and money.

2. choose your shipping strategy

Which direct mailing list technique will work best to reach your specific target group? To help answer this question, you’ll need to consider your current and long-term budget, timeline, and campaign goals.

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Two main strategies can be used to reach your audience.

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