How to Create an Email Account for Professional Use and Set Up a Mail Client

Email marketing is one of the most effective strategies to drive sales. A business email is also essential for businesses and professionals to enhance branding and authority. Therefore, this article will explain how to create an email account for professional use.

A professional email address refers to an account with your domain name. Having a personalized email address adds credibility to your brand.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to create personalized email accounts for professional use.

How to Create an Email Account for Professional Use – Video Tutorial

Learn how to create a professional email account in this video from Hostinger Academy.

The process of creating business emails used to be complicated and time consuming . Fortunately, now you can get personalized domain-based emails in five simple steps.

1. Register a domain name

The first step in creating a professional email address is to purchase a domain name. Your registered domain will appear after the “@” symbol in the email address, for example,

The domain verifier Hostinger Domains helps you find unique domain names for your business website. You can also register a domain name for free if it’s included with some of our hosting plans. So you don’t need to buy a domain name separately.

Here are the steps to register a domain name using Hostinger:

  1. Use the domain checker and enter a preferred domain. Click on Search to check its availability. If you’re not sure which domain name to choose, use a domain name generator.
  2. Choose an available domain and click Add to Cart → Continue to Cart.
  3. Select a Term between one and three years, create an account and select your payment. Once you click Send Secure Payment, sign in to your account.
  4. After you sign in to your Hostinger account, click Set Up > to configure the domain name.
  5. The next screen will present several forms to fill out. The information you enter is important as it will be displayed in the public database of the WHOIS lookup tool.
  6. To activate your domain name, verify it within 15 days.

2. Choose an Email Hosting Provider

Once you have a domain name ready, choose an email hosting plan.

All Hostinger web hosting plans come with with free personalized emails. Plus, we offer two affordable plans with Titan.

The Business Email plan is $0.99/month, suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. The plan includes 10 GB of storage, with advanced antispam and antivirus. Another option is the Enterprise Email plan, which costs $2.49/month and offers 30 GB of storage.

Both options they offer a one-click import feature to migrate your old email to Hostinger.

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Hostinger also offers Google Workspace email hosting. With this option, you can use other Google tools, such as Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, and Sheets. Google Workspace hosting from Hostinger costs $6/month for 30 GB of email storage.

3. Set up email services

Each email service provider has its own way of setting up an account. The steps to set up a personalized email with Hostinger depend on the service chosen.

Hosting Plans

Some web hosting providers include email services in your plans. For example, Hostinger’s web hosting plans come with a free personalized email.

Once you log into your account, here are the steps to set up a Hostinger email account with your plan. Host:

  1. Go to EmailManage.
  1. Do Click Create Email Account to continue.
  1. Add email address and password, then click Create.
  1. To set up your email account on mobile devices, select the app and click Set Up. Follow the instructions for your application and click Complete.

Alternatively, choose Create another account to create more email addresses. personalized email. .

Titan Email Hosting

If you just want to create custom email addresses, another option is to use a premium email hosting service. For example, Hostinger offers two Titan Email Hosting plans suitable for businesses.

Once you purchase one of the plans, sign in to Hostinger to create a business email account.

Here are the steps to create a new email address using Titan:

  1. Click the Set Up button next to your plan and Enter the name Name → Continue.
  1. Go to Emails in the main menu and select the domain name. Click Email Accounts to continue.
  1. Click the Create New Email Account button and enter the address, password, and recovery email.
  1. After creating the email, you can access the webmail and mobile app. Click Done to finish setup.

Google Workspace

Another option is to get email hosting email from Google Workspace. . After purchasing, sign in to your account to set up email accounts.

Follow these steps to set up Google Workspace email with Hostinger:

  1. If no If you still have one, click Claim Domain to get your personalized email address and follow the registration process. If you already have a domain, click Set Up next to Google Workspace Email.
  1. Follow the instructions on register by entering your business information and create the administrator email address.
  1. Go to Emails to access the email box or login directly from Google.

After creating the email address, verify your domain.

Google will give you a domain verification code. Verify ownership of the domain by going to hPanel → Advanced → DNS Zone Editor.

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In the DNS Zone Editor, add a TXT record with the Google verification code. You can also verify your domain with a CNAME record.

If your domain points to Hostinger, it will automatically add all the necessary Google MX records. But if your domain points elsewhere, you need to set up the records manually.

For those who already have a website, another way to verify your domain is to add a meta tag from your Google admin console.

In the administration console, click Domains → Manage domains → Add a domain. Enter your domain name and then click Continue and Verify Ownership.

The next page will give you two options to verify your domain: Upload a HTML to your website or add a meta tag.

For the first option, Download the file and upload it to your website via an FTP client. Next, access the file by entering its directory path in a web browser. For example,

If you see the text google-site-verification on your screen, return to Google Admin. Console and click the Verify button.

Another option is to paste the HTML tag in the Google Admin Console into the index.html file of your site . Paste the code after

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to configure each software as an email client:

First, locate the IMAP/POP3 and SMTP server settings. These are protocols that email clients use to get messages from email servers.

The steps to do this may differ depending on your email host. If you’re using Hostinger email hosting as part of your web hosting plan, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your hPanel and click Manage your email plan below.
  1. Go to Configuration Settings. Under Manual Configuration, access your email server settings.

Save the information for the next steps.

If you use For Hostinger Titan email hosting, log in to your account and open your email settings. Click Set up desktop app to get your email server settings.

If you use Google Workspace, sign in to your Gmail account and click the >gear icon at the top right of the screen.

Click See all settings and look for the Forwarding & POP/IMAP tab . Enable IMAP access by clicking the bullet and Save Changes.

Once you have all the incoming and outgoing mail server details, add them to your email client. Each app has its own way of adding this information. This is what the process will look like in Thunderbird and Apple Mail.


These Here are the steps to add mail server details using Mozilla Thunderbird:

  1. Log into Mozilla Thunderbird and click the Email button.
  1. Enter your Name, Email Address, Password and click Continue >.
  1. Thunderbird will determine your account settings based on your domain name. Click Done to finish the process.
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If the system cannot find your account settings, edit your server names and enter the IMAP ports /POP3 manually. Click Try Again until Mozilla Thunderbird can configure your address.

That’s it. You can now send and manage email directly from your Mozilla Thunderbird client.

Apple Mail

Please note that Apple Mail is only available on Mac OS 10.0 or later.

Sign in to your Apple Mail client and go to Mail → Add AccountOther Mail Account .

A pop-up screen will appear. Select your email account provider and click Continue.

Enter the necessary details, such as your name, email address, and password. Click Sign In.

Apple Mail will try to connect to your email server automatically.

If the system fails, you will see the error message “Unable to verify account name or password” will appear. In this case, manually enter the values ​​and ports of the incoming/outgoing mail server. Once you’re done, click the blue Login button to finish the setup.

Now you can effectively manage all your mailboxes in one app. With Apple Mail, you can also include multiple supporting applications from your mobile phones, such as contacts, notes, and calendars.


Creating a personalized email account is a great way to Build brand and authority. Whether for an established business or a freelancer, a personalized email address makes your brand more legitimate.

Here are the steps to creating an email account for professional use:

  1. Register a domain name. Buy a domain from a registrar or purchase a hosting plan to create free domain-based emails.
  2. Choose an email hosting provider. Get a dedicated provider and secure environment to send, receive, and store email.
  3. Set up business email services. Activate your hosting service and start creating business email addresses.
  4. Set up your new email address. Personalize your emails to make them look more professional. For example, use a personal username along with a company name. Also, create general mailboxes to receive inquiries.
  5. Set up an email client. Install email client software to manage your business emails from desktop computers or mobile devices.

After following this guide, it’s time to create your own personalized email account for professional use. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.

Creating an Email Account FAQ

Now that you know how to create an email account for professional use , here are some frequently asked questions on the subject.


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