How to Create a Logo in Photoshop
One of the most important aspects of your business is your brand and how you present yourself to potential customers.
Having a cohesive brand will go a long way Long way to get your name out there, but doing it yourself can be daunting for most people. However, as a photographer, YOU ARE ALREADY CREATIVE, WHY NOT USE YOUR CREATIVITY TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN BRAND that perfectly represents you and your business?
There are many elements of Different designs that go into a photography business: website design, blog design, business cards, pricing and packaging, watermarks, the list goes on and on!
One of the best places to start is your LOGO, which will most likely appear on EVERYTHING you post for marketing and advertising in some way.
<img src=" https:/ /" alt="LightroomYou can modify the color of your text in the same way that we change the color of the brush tool. To add contrast, I made the text color a bit darker than the ornament.
Like Photoshop brushes, there are a variety of free downloads for unique fonts, and they are also installed from the same way. I download most of my fonts HERE.
At this point I cropped my image so the text wouldn’t look too small compared to the rest of the image and once again set the blend mode to this layer for Pin Light.
I wanted the word “Photograph” to be a little different (but similar in style to my other text), so I selected a different font that worked well in combination and once again set the Blend Mode (you guessed it!) Pin Light.
I added a finishing touch to my logo design with a faux film brush (which is sadly no longer available).
Step 5. Save your logo as a layered PSD file
Once you’re happy with your finished logo, you may want to do some final cropping, like I’ve done here.
It is always good do not save a copy of your logo design as a PSD file. That way, if you want to go back and make changes later, you can easily modify any layer without having to start from scratch.
As I mentioned earlier, this is just one of the many ways to create a logo in Photoshop. So have fun, experiment, and always strive to keep your brand in mind when putting all the elements of your design together!
Do you have any questions or comments about creating a logo? in Photoshop? Leave us a comment below – WE’D LOVE to hear from you! And PLEASE SHARE our tutorial using the social share buttons (we really appreciate it)!