How to create a no

Hey all – our marketing team have requested a no reply email address to be used for their newsletters they send out to customers via Campaign Monitor. I thought the best way to do this is to create the noreply address as a group (that way we don’t have to setup 2FA for a user account) and then configure a reject message within the Gsuite routing section. I applied this on the domain level OU but it’s not working and messages to the address are going through. What am I doing wrong here and is there a better way of doing this? Cheers all.

You are reading: How to create a no


yourdomain” as the from address in the newsletter. The actual account need not exist. If you’re concerned about back scatter just add donotreply
yourdomain alias to a zero member group. If you set the group to not archive messages they will just disappear.

But doesn’t that mean I wouldn’t be able to set a reject message? We don’t want the messages to just disappear, we just want people to use the correct channels for support or enquiries. So ideally we want a reject message to let customers know A) not to reply to this address and B) to tell them if they need support, this in whatever marketing tool you are using and don’t set up an account there. anyone sending mail to that address will get a bounceback message.

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But as with the guy above that said the same thing, that really isn’t helpful to our customers though. That way you just get annoyed customers who potentially think something is wrong with the system if they receieve a generic bounceback email. We want to setup a custom reject message to let them know the noreply address isn’t monitored and to tell them where they can actually go if they need support or queries answering. email but don’t want to receive the emails, just send them manually from a web server for example this worked for me:

Make a app password (if you have 2FA on) in your Google account

Go into your gmail settings for your main account and add it as an account (not-alias) option ticked.

Read more: Learn What The Archive Button Does In Os X Mail, Archive Emails In Mail On Mac

Enter the verification code that you “own” that email address

Go back to your Google admin and remove the alias from your user

Presto! It should work


To discuss mostly Google Workspace (G Suite) administration related topics, but also from the end user perspective.

Categories: Mail

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