How to create a custom google map for your website

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You don’t need any special software to create a custom map for yourself or others. Google Maps is all you need, allowing you to add your own points, shapes, and directions to a custom map. Here’s how to do it.

You’ll need to use Google Maps on your desktop to do this. If you’re having trouble with a blank Google Maps screen, you’ll also need to clear your site’s data.

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Creating a custom map in Google Maps

A custom map in Google Maps doesn’t let you create a new landscape: you’re stuck on planet Earth. What it does allow you to do, however, is add your own waypoints, routes, and locations.

You can also draw your own shapes on the existing map to add detail to the existing map. While you can view a custom map in the Google Maps app for Android and iOS, you can only create one using the web version of Google Maps on your desktop.

To get started, go to the Google Maps website, and sign in with your Google account. Once you’re logged in, hit the hamburger menu icon on the top left.

In the options menu, click on the option “Your places”.

Press the Your Places option on Google Maps

In the “Your Places” menu on the left, click the “Maps” tab. At the bottom of the menu, select the “Create Map” button.

The map creation window will appear in a new tab. To name it, select the “Untitled Map” text at the top of the left menu.

In the “Edit Map Title and Description” menu, add a name and description for your map, then click click “Save”. ” to save it.

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Add a name and description for your custom Google Maps, then press Save

Custom Map Layers

Your custom map is made up of layers, with the ” Base “Map” (the main Google Maps view) at the bottom.

You can customize the appearance of the “Basemap” layer by selecting the options arrow next to “Basemap” and choosing a theme different map .

Choose a custom basemap layer style in Google Maps

When you create a new map in Google Maps, a new “Untitled Layer” is added by default.

You can add as many layers as you want to your custom map, allowing you to separate the different components of your new map from each to one. other, by clicking the “Add Layer” button.

Press Add Layer to add a custom layer to a custom Google Maps map

If you want to rename this layer, select the three-dot menu icon next to to the layer, then click “Rename Layer” in the dropdown menu.

To remove it, select “Delete Layer” instead.

Options to rename or delete a custom layer in a Google Maps custom map

Adding components to a custom map in Google Maps

A custom map in Google Maps can be customized with several different components. You can add marker points, shapes or lines, as well as directions directly on the map.

To get started, make sure you’re in the custom map editor by going to the Google Maps website and selecting the hamburger menu > Your places > Maps > Create Map.

Adding a marker point

A custom marker point is a point that appears on the map. You can use this to add additional descriptions to an area, as well as direct map users to a location or area that is not specified in the “Basemap” layer.

To add a new waypoint marker to your map, make sure you have located a suitable area on the “Basemap” layer. When you’re ready, select the “Add Marker” button from the menu below the search bar in the custom map editor.

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Press Add Marker to add a custom marker point in the Google Maps map editor

Using your mouse or trackpad, click on an area on the map. This will open the marker editor – add a suitable name and description then select “Save” to add it to your map.

Add a name and description to your custom marker point, then press Save

Adding Lines or Shapes

You can add custom lines and shapes to your map to emphasize certain areas.

To do this, click the “Draw a line” option in the menu below the search bar, and then select the “Add line or shape” option.

Add Line or Shape to start adding a line or shape to your custom Google Maps” />

In a suitable area of ​​the map, draw a line with your mouse or trackpad; use multiple lines to create a united shape .

 Create a custom shape in the Google Maps map editor

Add a custom name and description encryption to your object in the popup menu before selecting “Save” to confirm.

Add a name and description to a custom shape in the Google Maps map editor before pressing Save to save

Creating custom directions

A custom map can also be used to share addresses from A to B by creating an address layer.

To do this, click “Add Addresses” in the menu under the search bar to create this layer.

Press the Add Directions option to add a new address layer to a custom Google Maps map

The address layer will appear in the left menu. Add your starting point to the “A” text box and your ending point to the “B” text box.

Enter departure and arrival locations on the custom directions layer in the Google Maps map editor

Once both the “A” and “B” boxes are filled, the map will update and display the route between the specified locations.

Sharing custom maps on Google Maps

Once you’ve created your map, you can access it yourself from Google Maps (hamburger menu > Your Places > Maps) or from the Google My Maps website.

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Only you can see your map custom by default, but you can share it with others. To do this, go to the Google My Maps website, sign in, and then select the “Own” tab where your custom map should appear.

To share it with others, click “Share Map.” button. This will give you options to share your custom map on various social media platforms, via email, or by embedding it on your website.

Select one of these options to continue.

Social sharing options for a custom Google Maps map

You can also get a custom link to your map that will allow you to share it with others directly.

On the “Property” tab of the Google My Maps website, select your map to return to the map editor, and then click the “Share” button in the left menu.

Press Share to share your custom Google Maps

This will open the “Share Link” options menu. In the “Who has access” section, select the “Change” button.

Press Change to change sharing access for your custom Google Maps

In the “Share Link” options menu, select the level of access for your map. You can restrict access to specific Google account users, allow access to anyone with the shared link, or make your map public instead.

Once you’ve selected your chosen sharing level , click “Save” to save the selection.

The link sharing options for a custom Google Maps map

Your sharing settings will be saved at this point, allowing you to invite specific users to view it via email or sharing the link to your custom map to a wider set of users directly.


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