How Do You Send An Attachment In Mailchimp?

If you are new to Mailchimp, you may be wondering how to send an attachment in Mailchimp. Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform that allows businesses to create and send email campaigns to their subscribers. It is a powerful tool that offers many features to help businesses grow their email list and engage their audience. One of the features that Mailchimp offers is the ability to send attachments in your email campaigns.

Sending attachments in Mailchimp can be a great way to share files with your subscribers. You can send PDFs, images, videos, and other files to your subscribers to provide them with valuable information and resources. However, it is important to know how to send attachments in Mailchimp properly to ensure that your emails are delivered successfully and that your subscribers receive the attachments.

In this article, I will explain how to send an attachment in Mailchimp and provide some tips and best practices to help you get the most out of this feature. By the end of this article, you will be able to send attachments in Mailchimp with confidence and ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to your subscribers.

Understanding Mailchimp Attachments

Sending attachments in Mailchimp can help you provide valuable resources and information to your subscribers. However, it is important to understand the types of attachments that can be sent in Mailchimp and the file size limitations and accepted file formats.

Types of Attachments That Can Be Sent in Mailchimp

Mailchimp allows you to send a wide variety of attachments, including PDFs, images, videos, and other files. You can attach files to your email campaigns, autoresponders, and other types of emails. However, it is important to keep in mind that some types of attachments may be blocked by email clients or marked as spam. Therefore, it is important to use attachments that are relevant and add value to your subscribers.

File Size Limitations and Accepted File Formats

When sending attachments in Mailchimp, you should keep in mind the file size limitations and accepted file formats. Mailchimp allows attachments up to 10MB in size. If your attachment is larger than 10MB, you may need to host it elsewhere and include a link in your email campaign.

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Mailchimp also accepts a variety of file formats, including PDFs, images, videos, and other files. However, it is important to keep in mind that some file formats may not display properly on all devices. Therefore, it is important to test your attachments on different devices and email clients to ensure that they are displayed properly to your subscribers.

By understanding the types of attachments that can be sent in Mailchimp and the file size limitations and accepted file formats, you can ensure that your attachments are relevant, valuable, and delivered successfully to your subscribers.

How to Send an Attachment in Mailchimp

Sending attachments in Mailchimp is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. Here’s how you can attach a file in Mailchimp:

Step 1: Create a New Campaign

The first step is to create a new campaign in Mailchimp. To do this, log in to your Mailchimp account and click on the “Create Campaign” button. Select the type of campaign you want to create and fill in the necessary information.

Step 2: Add a Content Block

Next, you need to add a content block to your campaign. Click on the “Design Email” button and select the content block where you want to add the attachment.

Step 3: Upload the Attachment

Click on the “Insert” button and select “File” from the dropdown menu. Choose the file you want to upload and click on the “Insert” button.

Step 4: Test and Send your Campaign

Once you have added the attachment, it’s important to test your campaign to ensure that the attachment is delivered successfully. You can send a test email to yourself or a colleague to check if the attachment is working properly. If everything looks good, you can send your campaign to your subscribers.

Tips for Ensuring Successful Attachment Uploads

  • Keep your file size small to ensure faster upload times and better deliverability.
  • Use accepted file formats such as PDF, JPG, GIF, and PNG.
  • Avoid sending attachments that are too large or that could be considered spam.
  • Use descriptive filenames to help your subscribers understand the content of the attachment.

Best Practices for Sending Attachments in Mailchimp

When sending attachments in Mailchimp, it is important to follow some best practices to ensure that your email campaigns are successful. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this feature:

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Importance of relevance and timeliness of attachments

Before sending an attachment in Mailchimp, ask yourself if it is relevant and timely for your subscribers. Sending an attachment that is not relevant or timely can result in your subscribers ignoring your emails or worse, unsubscribing from your list. Make sure that the attachment provides value to your subscribers and is something that they will find useful.

Ensuring attachments are virus-free and secure

When sending attachments in Mailchimp, make sure that they are virus-free and secure. Attachments that contain viruses can harm your subscribers’ computers and damage your reputation. Use a reliable virus scanner to ensure that your attachments are safe to send. Also, make sure that your attachments are password-protected if they contain sensitive information.

Avoiding spam filters and ensuring deliverability

To avoid your emails ending up in spam folders, it is important to follow some best practices. Avoid using spam trigger words in your subject line and email body. Also, make sure that your attachments are not too large as this can trigger spam filters. To ensure deliverability, make sure that your email list is up-to-date and that your subscribers have opted-in to receive your emails.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your email campaigns are successful and that your subscribers receive your attachments without any issues.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Common issues encountered when sending attachments in Mailchimp

While sending attachments in Mailchimp can be a powerful tool for engaging your subscribers, it is important to be aware of some common issues that can arise. One of the most common issues is file size limitations. Mailchimp has maximum file size limitations for attachments, and if your attachment exceeds this limit, it will not be delivered to your subscribers.

Another common issue when sending attachments in Mailchimp is the format of the attachment. Mailchimp accepts many file formats, but some formats may not be compatible with all email clients. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your attachment is in a format that is compatible with all email clients.

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Troubleshooting tips and solutions for these issues

If you encounter any of these issues when sending attachments in Mailchimp, there are several troubleshooting tips and solutions that you can try.

For file size limitations, you can try compressing your file or using a file-sharing service to send larger files. Additionally, you can try breaking up larger files into smaller segments and sending them individually in separate emails.

To ensure that your attachment is compatible with all email clients, you can try converting the file to a more widely accepted format, such as PDF or JPEG. Additionally, you can test your attachment by sending a test email to yourself or a colleague and checking the attachment on different email clients.

Another common issue that can arise when sending attachments in Mailchimp is spam filters. If your attachment contains certain keywords or phrases that are commonly associated with spam, it may be blocked by spam filters. To avoid this, ensure that your attachment is relevant and valuable to your subscribers and avoid using spammy language in your email content.

By following these troubleshooting tips and solutions, you can ensure that your attachments are delivered successfully to your subscribers and that they are able to access the valuable information and resources that you are providing.


In conclusion, sending attachments in Mailchimp can be a powerful way to share valuable resources with your subscribers. Whether you are sending a PDF, image, or video, it is important to follow the best practices outlined in this article to ensure that your attachments are delivered successfully and that your subscribers receive them.

Remember to keep your attachments relevant and timely, and to ensure that they are virus-free and secure. Also, make sure to avoid spam filters and ensure deliverability by following the best practices outlined in this article.

By following these tips and best practices, you can get the most out of the attachment feature in Mailchimp and provide your subscribers with valuable resources that they will appreciate. So, start attaching files in your Mailchimp campaigns today and see how it can help increase engagement and grow your email list!