What is Google Spaces and how does it work?

(pocket-lint): Before google i/o 2016, google released a new product that is meant to help people in a group share things more easily.

Called Spaces, the new product launches as both a mobile app and a desktop app for all Gmail accounts. the idea is that people in a group often have to use multiple apps when sharing content (because they often have to copy and paste links, find and share articles, find and post videos and images, etc.), but the spaces they make it so you can do all of that within one app, allowing people to instantly share things on any topic.

Here’s everything you need to know about spaces, including how to use it and why you should try it.

google spaces: what is it?

spaces is a new app that allows gmail account users to meet in a group via an invite, then start instant conversations on any topic and share things like links, articles, videos, images and more. The best part is that you never have to leave the app to find links, articles, videos and images. That’s because Google has integrated core services like Google Search, Chrome, and YouTube.

There are also many features within spaces that streamline the process of communicating with multiple people in a group. when someone shares something new, for example, a conversational view lets you see what the whole group is currently talking about, and if you want to find something that was previously shared, you can do a quick search in the spaces to find it. .

google spaces: when and where will it be available?

spaces is now rolling out to android, ios, desktop and mobile web for all gmail accounts.

google spaces: how does it work?

mobile application

(note: we have been using the ios app; the android app may have minor differences).

  • download and open spaces for ios or android. it’s free.
  • when opening spaces for the first time, you will need to select/sign in to your gmail account (you may already be signed in).
  • then you will see a screen that will allows you to create a space. touch create a space to start a topic about anything.
  • a screen will appear with your space. tap the untitled space area and enter a name for your space.
  • Once done, tap the invite link below your space name to invite other people to join your newly created space .
  • while on your new space screen, you can tap the post button at the bottom to make your first post.
  • while on the post screen, you will see four buttons at the bottom: link (google search), video (youtube), image (your camera roll), quote (write a post). choose any of these options to compose and share a post in your space.
  • make sure you tap the post button to share something.
  • once you share a post, you can tap it in your space to see it in a conversation view and maybe say something to the respect, or you can tap the […] symbol above while on the space screen to delete the post.
  • while on the conversation view screen, you’ll notice five buttons on the bottom: quote (write a comment), link (google search) image (your camera roll), camera (take a photo or record a video), sticker (post a sticker). Choose from any of these options to contribute your space again.
  • If someone has contributed to any of the spaces you joined or created, you will receive a notification in the action center, which you can access from the main menu bar (at the bottom of the most screens in the app).
  • You will also see a spaces option on the main menu bar. tap this option to see a collection of all the spaces you have joined or created. from there, tap on any space to open it. you can even create a new space from this screen.
  • To find your spaces, tap spaces on the main menu bar. your space hub will appear, with a search field at the top. enter a keyword or phrase to start searching across all your spaces.
  • To access settings, tap the three-dot symbol in the top right of the center of spaces.
  • to manage which gmail account you’re using with spaces, tap your profile picture from any screen, like the spaces center.
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web application

(note: we have been using the desktop web app in chrome; the mobile web app may have minor differences).

  • open https://spaces.google.com in your browser (desktop or mobile).
  • when opening spaces on the web for the first time, you will need to select/sign in to your account from gmail.
  • You will then see a main screen that allows you to create a space. click create space to start a topic about anything.
  • you will be taken to a screen that allows you to create a space. click the untitled space area and enter a name for your space.
  • Once done, click the invite link below your space name to invite others to join your newly created space.
  • then you will see a post area with three buttons: link (add a link; you can also access chrome extensions), image (your camera roll), quote (type a post). choose any of these options to compose and share a post in your newly created space.
  • be sure to click the post button to share something in your space. everything you share and everything other people share will appear in a conversation view below the post area.
  • To see a collection of all the spaces you’ve joined or created, click the spaces button on the top menu bar.
  • to find your spaces, click spaces on the top menu bar. your space hub will appear, with a search field at the top. enter a keyword or phrase to start searching all of your spaces.
  • If someone has contributed to any of the spaces you joined or created, you’ll receive a notification in the action center, which can be accessed from the main screen (click on spaces in the top menu bar). the action center will appear on the right side of your space center.
  • the slide-out menu on the left also has links to your space center, space built-in search, settings, and the app downloads.
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google spaces: why should you try it?

Google already has products that enable people to collaborate, including all of the productivity apps it offers (like Docs). But each of those productivity apps focuses on letting people share specific things. docs, for example, is about letting people create, share, and contribute text and links. spreadsheets is about letting people create, share and contribute statistics and numbers etc.

spaces is unique in that it allows people to create a theme/space on top of anything. Call it whatever you want. add what you want. you can place an image or you can take a video in real time. you can even do a google search, then copy a link and paste it. you are not limited to entering text in a document or numbers in a cell. it is your space to do what you want.

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