Ontario Election 2022 – The Globe and Mail

when are the next elections in ontario?

Ontario’s next general election will be held on Thursday, June 2, 2022.

when is the campaign period?

The campaign officially began on May 3, when Prime Minister Doug Ford asked Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell to dissolve the legislature. Briefs for the 2022 Ontario election were issued on May 4.

Who is the leader of each party?

Currently, there are four main candidates running in the provincial elections in hopes of becoming Ontario’s next Prime Minister:

  • doug ford for the progressive conservative party
  • steven del duca for the ontario liberal party
  • andrea horwath for the new democratic party
  • mike schreiner for the green party

what are the key platform promises from the pc, ndp, liberals and greens?

Read the full global election platform explainer for policy promises from each of the major parties on health care, the economy, transportation, the environment, education, housing, and elder care.

  • the ndp launched a full platform in april and released cost details in mid-may.
  • the liberals and greens launched full cost platforms.
  • Progressive Conservatives have not launched a platform, but have made major funding announcements on various issues in the later stages of their government.

when are the debates?

the first debate of the 2022 ontario election was held in north bay on may 10. leaders clashed over issues of housing affordability and health care in northern ontario. a second debate was held on May 16. The 90-minute televised debate was hosted by TVO’s Steve Paikin and Toronto Star’s Althia Raj. Catch up on global coverage of the debate on affordability, transportation, and improving public education.

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who can vote?

Anyone over the age of 18, a Canadian citizen and a resident of Ontario is eligible to vote in the 2022 provincial election.

how do I vote?

Election Day: Ontario residents may vote in person on Election Day (Thursday, June 2) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. m. to 9 p.m. m. et at your assigned polling place, based on your current residential address location.

Early Polls for Early Voting: Under the Ontario Election Act of 2021, early voting will be open for 10 days before the election, instead of five, for flexible voting. Ontario citizens can vote at any of the early voting locations in their constituency between May 19 and May 28. early voting locations are open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. m. to 8 p.m. m. et.

Ball by Mail: To vote by mail, Ontarians must complete an application that can be submitted by email or regular mail. This year, Elections Ontario is offering an online process to request a ballot by mail. Voters can register between May 4 and May 27, and the application must be submitted at least six days before Election Day. Once the application is submitted, a voting kit will be mailed so that voters can cast their ballot. the voting kit must be sent before 6 p.m. et on election day to be counted.

How do I register to vote?

Ontarians can register to vote online through the Ontario Electronic Election Registry. Voters will need an ID that has their name and current residential address to register.

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Information may be updated or confirmed through the electronic registration system for all voters, including:

  • persons over the age of 18, Canadian citizens and residents of Ontario;
  • voters who are temporarily living outside of Ontario and intend to return to the province;
  • 16 and 17 year olds who want to be automatically added to the voter list when they turn 18.

How do I find my constituency and who is running in my riding?

Residents of Ontario can search for their electoral district by entering their ZIP code on the Ontario Elections website. the website of each party (pc, liberal, ndp and green) also has the latest information on the candidates in each party.

What should I bring to the polling place?

Registered voters should bring identification with their name on it to the vote center. If you are not registered on the voter list, you will need to present identification showing your name and current residential address to vote. The Ontario Elections website provides a list of identification requirements for registered and unregistered voters.

When were the last elections in Ontario?

The Ontario General Election was held on June 7, 2018. In that election, Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives won 76 of 124 seats to form a majority, beating the incumbent Liberals led by then Prime Minister Kathleen Wynne, who won 7 seats. the 40 seats of the ndp formed the official opposition and the greens elected their first mpp in the province.

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How can I share my opinion on election campaign issues?

Before the vote, the globe and the mail want to hear from our ontario readers. What issues matter most to you when voting? In which areas of the world would you like to see our coverage expand? What is the question you would ask a candidate if you knocked on your front door? answer our survey.

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