Medical examiner who performed George Floyd’s autopsy is NOT in line with experts’ testimony | Daily Mail Online

the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on george floyd says he died because his neck was compressed due to underlying heart disease and chauvin’s knee didn’t cut off his oxygen

  • hennepin county chief medical examiner dr. Andrew Baker took the stand Friday on the 10th day of the murder trial of Derek Chauvin
  • Dr. Baker, one of the state’s most important witnesses, did not echo the testimony of other state experts.
  • He asked if, in his opinion, Chauvin’s knee position would cut off Floyd’s oxygen. supply, dr. baker said, ‘in my opinion, it wouldn’t be’
  • dr. baker stated that he did not find the cause of death to be asphyxiation or low oxygen levels
  • ‘from my impression of the video, it would appear that chauvin’s knee was primarily in the back , on the side or in the area between floyd’s neck, he said
  • his testimony contrasts sharply with that of previous experts, pathologist dr. lindsey thomas and pulmonologist expert dr. martin tobin
  • dr. thomas claimed george floyd died as a result of ‘low oxygen level’ or ‘asphyxiation’
  • dr. Tobin told the jury that Floyd died of ‘low oxygen’ after he was pinned to the ground.

by laura collins chief investigative reporter in minneapolis, minnesota for and kayla brantley for

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