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free ranged heals
dhn distance healing network is an organization that offers free distance healing from experienced practitioners and complementary therapists from around the world who volunteer their time via email and accept requests to help ease the suffering of all. who request it. Free Application for Distant Healing God’s Center for Divine Healing – by SJB Ministries LLC – Reverend Starlene Joyner Burns. your cure request will be processed in turn. the maximum amount of time for distant healing is three months, after which your name will be removed from our healing list. Free distance healing/Monday meditation every Monday night from 10:30 p.m. m. to 11:30 p.m. m. est., vanati offers a free distance meditation/healing as a path of service to give others access to healing energy. the site also offers free daily intention programs and mp3 meditation downloads white eagle lodge distance healing the white eagle lodge offers free personal absentee healings. You can also request healing for animals. Honolulu Church of the Light / Sunday Healings Kahu Fred Sterling of the Honolulu Church of the Light offers free long-distance healings on the third Sunday of every month. healings are available to anyone around the world and with the help of other spiritual seekers and conscious creators. request free aquarius distance healing blessings – holistic medicine & spiritual healing. you can request distant healing for yourself, for others (and also for any animal, plant or place). requests are added to the holy healing list for 2 weeks. free healing services by minerva this site offers free energy healing services for those who need it, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. you must register in order to receive free distance healing by minerva. [back to top of page]
free new age music
lastfm new age radio new age music is music intended to create “sonic spaces”, conducive to artistic inspiration, relaxation and optimism. listeners use it for yoga, massage, meditation, and reading as a method of managing stress or creating a peaceful atmosphere in their home or other settings. Radiotunes (formerly Skyfm) Radio New Age Listen to a live stream of slow, relaxing, open-minded New Age music to relax, think, enjoy or just be. Also check out the New Age Vocal Station to hear soothing vocal melodies mixed with the laid-back sounds of New Age music. Live365’s new age radio artists like Yanni and John Tesh have lent their musical talents to the New Age genre. Live365’s New Age Star Station is a mix of new age piano, ethnic fusion, and spiritual music for meditation and healing. the nature of the inner revolution sounds a collection of audio tracks and music for relaxation, meditation or sleep. Choose from a list of tracks like jungle or rain forest sounds, birds and insects and other sounds of nature, even the sounds of Indian ragas or Navajo flutes. accu radio new age and ambient station a variety of new age music for meditation, spa relaxation or light, energetic and inspiring music for study and concentration. Channels include guitar and acoustic sounds, Gregorian chants, ambient electronics, Native American, romantic piano, yoga and meditation, instrumental, and more. new age internet radio stations a list of radio stations playing new age, ambient, chillout, downtempo music, music for meditation, yoga and massage; music for stress management, inspiration or to create a relaxed and energetic environment. tune new era & relaxation stations a variety of new age stations and background music; stations like peaceful currents, wiccan radio, new age world music, music for your brain, inspiration, deep energy and ambient music, and more. Pandora Radio New Age Station Listen to station playlists or create your own; music and sounds ranging from new age instrumental and ambient, to spa and relaxation, new age pop and new age beats, yoga exercises, new age acoustic, new age piano solo and other mixes. soundcloud new age music tracks a list of new age and related music tracks from various new age artists and genres. stream live new age music or create your own playlists. [back to top of page]
free spiritual and alternative tv shows & speech radio transmissions
voiceamerica 7th wave network 24/7 live and pre-recorded internet radio shows related to spirituality, metaphysics, self-help, new age, eastern philosophy, quantum science, consciousness, alternative healing, mysticism and more, all for free! plus check out the health & amp; wellness and empowerment stations. Gaim TV – YouTube Channel Gaia is an online video streaming service and community dedicated to providing transformative media to anyone seeking a fully awake and conscious life. watch free videos that encourage exploration and growth of mind, body and soul, providing new perspectives and collective wisdom. spiritual life tv channel a site that offers free content and videos on practical wisdom and spiritual life. The channel features wisdom teachings from many different spiritual traditions along with practical advice for daily spiritual living. alternative spirituality podcasts free fewts and streaming music for alternative spirituality and mindfulness. mindbodyspirit network free webinars get out of body and discover something new: attend a free online event. The site provides a list of several upcoming webinars on topics ranging from plant medicine, alchemy, self-transformation, qigong, the sacred feminine, and more. Gnostic Radio Teachings A donation-supported service (no ads) that provides Gnostic radio broadcasts and lectures on practical spirituality, consciousness, psychology, philosophy, Gnosis, religion, Kabbalah, meditation, sacred sexuality, and much more. Dimension 11:11 – Live Online Radio Resources A free list of online radio shows, alternative radio, and other spiritual, paranormal, and new age resources, including live radio broadcasts and online shows on topics like cosmology , fringe science, alternative/holistic health, earth changes, ascension, ancient mythology, conspiracies and more. [back to top of page]
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obooko – new age books new age, astrology, horoscopes, occult, wicca, prophecy, divination, crystals, meditation, angels, aquarius, aliens, astral projection, quantum physics, teleology, afterlife, reincarnation, spirits and more. 2020ok – new age ebooks on astrology, chakras, channeling, divination, crystals, dreams, meditation, mental and spiritual health, mysticism, new thinking, reference, reincarnation, self help, theosophy and more. new thinking wisdom free new thinking e-books, videos, audiobooks and articles: new thinking spirituality and ancient wisdom teachings, faith healing, mind science, law of attraction, universal principles, new thinking philosophy, esoteric and mystical topics , self-development and mastery and other related topics. chakras by claudia mcneely take a tour of each of the 7 main chakras. learn where they are located in your body, which organs in your body they affect, the negative and positive archetypes of each chakra, and a wonderful technique you can use to balance them. The God Principle – Nature’s Great Mirror (The Reflection Principle) This book explores in detail, for the first time, what may be called the Reflection Principle: which states that natural and spiritual phenomena are reflections of one another, or that matter is a pool of reflection for the spirit. [back to top of page]
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conscious lifestyle magazine an online magazine designed to provide you with powerful and practical tools, techniques, wisdom and inspiration to create radiant happiness, health and healing and to experience abundance, prosperity, freedom, peace and flow in your life. the conscious lifestyle magazine provides a platform for the world’s leading thinkers, philosophers and conscious leaders to share their knowledge, wisdom and passion with a hungry global community that wants to create a positive present and future. light of consciousness a journal of spiritual awakening. a spiritual magazine known for its interfaith approach, spiritual inspiration, wisdom, and awareness, available online and in print. roc metaphysics roc metaphysics is a monthly online magazine with articles, blogs, videos and more. We welcome a variety of writers who tell their personal stories to teachers sharing their wisdom. we offer event advertising, alternative directory and business advertising. nova: australia’s holistic magazine nova is australia’s holistic magazine launched in western australia in march 1994 and now widely known in australia and internationally. The journal accepts submissions on any aspect of holistic health and lifestyle, including spirituality, naturopathy, nutrition, natural medicine, Ayurveda, acupuncture, yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, astrology, growth personal, mindfulness and community. new dawn magazine, an australian based online magazine for people who think for themselves; From lost civilizations and ancient knowledge, to secret societies and higher states of consciousness, New Dawn magazine explores ancient wisdom and new thinking while fostering greater awareness and open-mindedness. Each thought-provoking theme examines the hidden dimensions of society, culture, history, religion, and current events in a non-dogmatic way. alternatives magazine – resources for cultural creativity alternatives magazine works (and plays) with the ideals and activism of emerging culture. we are a forum for expressing and/or locating the holistic ideas, practitioners, products and events that support a life well lived.
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aura, a technologically advanced mindfulness app that provides the user with daily 3-minute micro-meditations to relieve stress and anxiety. You can also keep a gratitude journal, track moods throughout the day, and listen to the sounds of nature. the app can even turn your meditative practice into a game, allowing you to level up as you learn and participate in daily challenges. Law Of Attraction Library: A Collection Of The Best Law Of Attraction Audio Books And Audiobooks. ebooks that will inspire and empower you to manifest the life of your dreams. ‘youarecreators’ app designers are dedicated to improvement and improvement; enlightenment of all humanity helping to inform the masses of the greatest secret in history, that we literally create our reality! omvana omvana contains hundreds of transformative audio tracks, meditations and hypnosis to help you improve different areas of your life. The app can help you in medium, physical and spiritual growth, productivity, relationships, family and career. Brainwaves: 35 binaural series of advanced brainwave training apps including ambient music or nature sounds, or your own iTunes music. The app also includes binaural programs for sleep, focus, memory, energy, positive mood, confidence, anxiety relief, stress relief, relaxation, meditation, and more. Daily Horoscope Astrology Zone If you are looking for a daily horoscope app that offers accurate daily and monthly horoscopes, compatibility reports, essays and more, you have come to the right place. astrology zone is an award-winning app that offers everything you need to know to plan your day, month or year ahead. sattva sattva is an inspirational and personal growth app with guided meditations and chants, daily mood trackers and timers. The app also allows you to track and monitor your heart rates. You can also earn “trophies” for taking on different challenges. Gaia Stream Yoga, Spirituality, and Meditation Videos Stream videos on mindfulness, yoga, spirituality, chakras, and more. Discover exciting alternate perspectives every time you watch videos on Gaia. use the app to help heal and replenish your body with a yoga class, or discover exclusive original programs that stimulate your mind, from fascinating metaphysics to astrology videos. [back to top of page]
free tests/quizzes on the new age
Chakra Test Take this free chakra test from to find out if each chakra is underactive, open, or overactive. also includes chakra descriptions, chakra opening mantras, enneagrams, iching and more. how old is your soul? Have you ever wondered if you are an old soul or a newcomer to this reality? what are the characteristics of an old soul? how do you know if you have passed into a new soul age? This little quiz will give you a look at how your soul age measures the zener card psychic test test your psychic ability with this simple and fun psychic test. Zener cards are cards used to perform extrasensory perception (ESP) experiments, most often clairvoyance. SelectSmart Religion Test This Religion Selector, a free online personality quiz, is created by Jeroen and is for fun purposes only. the explicit and implicit opinions expressed herein are those of the author. does not necessarily agree. new age movement & spirituality study course & uexcel test introduction to sociology course chapter on new age movement and spirituality, includes video lesson, transcript and course test. [back to top of page]
free astrology & divination offers free astrology and horoscope readings, tarot readings, i-ching, runes, daily and weekly biorhythms, numerology and more. dimension 11:11 astrology & free numerology astrology tutorial guide with descriptions of zodiac signs and planets, free horoscopes and astrology readings, free astrology calculators, natal charts, chinese horoscopes, zodiac and astrology humor and more. the site also has a numerology tutorial & numerology calculators. [back to top of page]
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articles on ascension articles on personal and planetary ascension and other topics related to spiritual awakening such as consciousness, meditation practice, energy healing, personal growth and transformation. planet lightworker many spiritual and new age articles on indigo children, crystal children, star children, starseeds, and the indigo/crystal generations. new age metaphysical articles and metaphysical articles on topics ranging from alternative spirituality, the paranormal, healing the mind and body, the 11:11 phenomenon and synchronicity, creative visualization and the law of attraction, cosmic beings , as well as inspirational and self-help articles. [back to top of page]
miscellaneous gifts
earth clinic natural home remedies our readers have been testing and developing these home remedies, with contributors from all over the world, since 1999. they have sent us some of the most exciting remedies to date: dozens of restorative remedies , plus natural cures for cancer, fibromyalgia, back pain, and over 350 other diseases and conditions all things spiritual: new age resources a list of random internet websites about new age, spirituality, paranormal, mystical and alternative and more. add your own site. universal life church monastery ministers ordination universal life church monastery ordination is quick, free, and lasts a lifetime. allows anyone over the age of 18 to perform legally recognized wedding, baptism, and burial ceremonies in most states and counties in the united states. Universal Life Church monastery ministers are expected to be open-minded in their spiritual beliefs and willing to learn about the beliefs of others. A – Z New Age Dictionary This free dictionary gives you definitions, origins and etymology results for any new age word or phrase. This is a specialized dictionary that can help you find the meanings of a wide range of new Ahge, metaphysical, spiritual, religious or magical terms. The World Center for Meditation Online Resource Room a list of sites that offer resources for mindful living, yoga, various types of meditation, alternative healing, spiritual classes, self-help and transpersonal psychology and educational resources, and more.
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