Ryan Perian is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has 12+ years’ experience working in the IT industry support and management positions.
Watching: Edit or delete contacts
Select the three-dot menu above your contact list, and then select Delete.Removing a Gmail contact may or may not have any effect on contacts you have synced with other mail programs.
This article explains how to delete Gmail contacts from Google Contacts, the address book for Gmail.
Delete a Contact From Gmail
To remove a contact or email address that you have added to your Google Contacts:
Open Google Contacts and select the contacts you want to delete. To select an entry, hover the mouse cursor over the contact”s icon to the left of their name or email address, then click the check box that appears.
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Alternatively, use the search field at the top to find specific address book entries and place a check mark next to them. A new searchdeselects any previously checked contacts.

Contacts in Different Places
The procedure outlined above removes a contact from Gmail. So, when you use the web version of Google Gmail, you won”t see these records anymore. However, if you use Gmail with a desktop application like Microsoft Outlook or Windows Mail, or if you add a Gmail account to an app-based mail program like iOS Mail or Outlook, you may still see other contacts.
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Desktop and mobile email programs often include other address lists that are specific to the program or combined address lists that span all the accounts that the program touches. Removing a Gmail contact may or may not have any effect on contacts that are managed outside of Google”s direct control.

Categories: Mail