Use the Craigslist Scraper service by to extract information of from Craigslist listings. Why? Craigslist is a treasure chest of potential leads for your business.Fill in the form to know more about this service. We will get back to you with a sample extraction.
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Craigslist is a huge directory of classified ads and free business listings. It has listings from all around the world. Using Craigslist, you can have any real-time service or assistance sorted at the earliest (and at the best prices). Craigslist ads are a wonderful medium to promote your business. And Craigslist Scraper lets you leverage this medium to the fullest.
Visit: Google Maps Data Extractor
With more than 100 million listings across every possible category, Craigslist is an enormous cache of phone numbers that belong to service providers. If you own a business, phone numbers retrieved from Craigslist can power your marketing campaign. In addition to phone numbers, some of the listings even provide an email address and other personal details. We can get you the phone numbers (and other details, if available) in a neat, structured format.
Want to know what all can you scrape from Craigslist?
Download our Craigslist data set. We give a preview of every possible field that can be scraped. You may reach out to us if you want to extract customized data from Craigslist.
Note: Web scraping works only for the fields visible on the website. The same logic applies to Craigslist’s website. We extract what’s visible to us.
Web scraping has proven to be a game changer for businesses. The extracted data can be used for lead conversion, sales, marketing, and several other purposes. Craigslist Scraper gets you phone numbers, reviews, comments, and a lot more.
Email Extractor
Extract a classified ad”s email address, if it is visible. Create your lead set with these email addresses.
Phone Numbers
Extract phone numbers from the listings on Craigslist to build your customer directory.
Listings Scraper
Get your hands on Craigslist listings . We support multiple formats for your data extraction needs.
Map Data
From address to locality, Craigslist Scraper gets you the map data of listings. Add precision to your target demographic with this information.
Step 1: Submit your Requirements
Send us your requirements which include the following items: fields to be extracted, location, categories, and the frequency of the scraper.
Step 2: Get Sample Data
Based on your requirements, we will share some sample data. Check and confirm if the Craigslist Scraper meets your expectations.
Step 3: Confirm the Crawlers
Once the sample data has been verified, we will configure Craigslist Scraper and run the job.
Step 4: Access the Data
For a one-time job, you can directly download the data. For daily or weekly extractions, the data can be accessed from a dashboard.