Como configurar uma conta do gmail no outlook 2010

outlook 2019, outlook 2021, outlook for microsoft 365

com like newer versions of outlook, it’s possible to add your gmail account as a contact picture without setting up two-factor authentication and you don’t need an application link. However, to increase contact security, we recommend enabling two-factor authentication for your gmail contact. This adds an extra layer of security that you may enter your name, requesting that you enter a code of your phone to authenticate.

outlook 2016 and earlier versions, or estiver using a pop account

If you are using Outlook 2016 or a previous version or you want to add your gmail account as a pop account, you will need to enable two-factor authentication and create an application senha. You will use the application path instead of your normal path to add your account to your outlook.

to enable two-factor authentication and get an application, face, or follower sign.

  1. Access or gmail in your browser and select or icon of google applications not right on top of the screen.

    select account. em sure, select enter google.

    Entrar no Google

  2. Em Senha, se a Verificação em Duas Etapas estiver DESLIGADA, clique em > ao lado de DESLIGADO. Caso contrário, vá para a etapa 4.

    1. on the first screen, click on introduction.

      it was requested, enter senha do gmail and click on advance.

      Insert your phone number and choose if you want to receive the verification codes by SMS or phone call. em next, click em forward.

      Insert or received code and click on advance.

      click activate to finish setting up a two-stage verification.

      To return to the previous screen, click on the left button at the top of the screen next to verification in two stages.

      em senha, select applicativo senhas.

      Escolher aplicativos

    2. Insira a senha da sua conta do Google e selecione Entrar. Na parte inferior da próxima tela, selecione Email e Computador Windows nas listas suspensas, e então selecione Gerar.

      Escolher o aplicativo e o dispositivo para sua senha de aplicativo

    3. O Google exibirá uma senha de aplicativo para você. Copie essa senha (sem espaços) e insira-a quando o Outlook solicitar uma senha.

      See Also:  Gmail changes you made may not be saved

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