Should You Ship Your Stool?

If you’ve seen the commercials with the talking box encouraging you to mail in a stool sample to get tested for colon cancer, you may be wondering if that’s something you should do. It’s true that sending poop in the mail is no longer something that is only done as a joke. it is actually recommended and could save your life. however, there are a few things you should know before you reach the nearest box.

why would you choose the mailing option?

If you are at average risk for colorectal cancer, there are several advantages to choosing the mail-order fecal immunochemical testing (appropriateness) option. No. 1: You can brag to your friends that you’re getting fit, and they’ll think you’re just working out and not sending poo in the mail. No. 2: Just go to number two, which is considerably less invasive and uncomfortable than a colonoscopy (hopefully, if not, call your doctor now). No. 3: We are still in a pandemic, and the less contact you have with other people, the better. No. 4: You don’t have to prepare for the exam. just let it go as you normally would.

However, there are a few reasons why this option is not as comprehensive as a colonoscopy. Mail-in stool tests have a 92% sensitivity rate for detecting colon cancer, which is on par with a colonoscopy, but only a 17% sensitivity rate for detecting cancer-causing polyps. Also, if you go this route, testing should be done once a year. If your test results show signs of colon cancer or polyps, you’ll end up needing a colonoscopy anyway.

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colonoscopy is the gold standard

The traditional option for detecting colon cancer is a direct look at the colon through a colonoscopy. this procedure is more, um, invasive…in that it involves advancing a tube with a high-definition camera and light throughout the colon to look for precancerous polyps. The procedure is usually done under sedation, so most people don’t feel a thing. The test has a 95% sensitivity rate for detecting existing colon cancer and an 85% sensitivity rate for detecting polyps that may become cancerous. The good thing is that it only has to be done once every 10 years if no polyps are detected. the downside is that you need extra preparation to empty your colon before the procedure and you can’t drive home afterward.

Regardless of which option you choose, doctors agree that any recommended colorectal cancer screening test is critical to preventing the spread of cancer through early detection.

How do I know which is the best option?

The only way to schedule a screening test is to talk to your doctor about your options so they can determine your risks for colorectal cancer, which you can now do virtually. Your doctor will give you recommendations based on your family history and discuss your options, usually a colonoscopy or a mail-in stool test.

If you choose to have a colonoscopy, your doctor will give you the information you need to make your appointment and prepare.

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If a stool test sounds better to you, ask your doctor for a mail-in kit to send in your stool sample. After filling the container provided, seal that stinker and mail it out as quickly as possible. to get the most accurate results, the sample needs to be as fresh as possible, so don’t wait. your package will end up in a lab and your doctor will get the results and share them with you.

who needs to be tested?

When it comes to colorectal cancer screening, the American Cancer Society recommends getting tested starting at age 45. statistically, black men and women are at higher risk. there’s a 4% to 5% lifetime risk in the average person, but that jumps to around 33% if you have a family history of cancer. If you have a close relative who has been diagnosed with colon cancer, you should be tested every five years starting at age 40 or 10 years before the age your youngest affected relative was diagnosed. The most important thing to remember is that early detection can make a big difference in outcomes: colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable and curable cancers if caught early.

If you qualify for screening, talk to your doctor about getting a test kit. then grab a book and some air freshener and head to the bathroom. Screening is vital for early disease detection, plus you can always imagine the package being delivered to that person who called your Lizzie McGuire headband stupid, looking at you, Cody.

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