EIP Stimulus Payment FAQ – MetaBank

As a result of the recent “2021 American Bailout Act,” the IRS is issuing a third round of Economic Impact Payments (EIPs) directly to individuals.

  • if you recently received an eip card, please visit eipcard.com for more information or call the number on the back of your card for assistance
  • for general information. If you have questions about the economic impact (stimulus) payments, you can visit irs.gov/eip
  • the irs updates your get my payment (gmp) tool on irs.gov daily to provide timely information to help people more clearly understand the status of their eip. You can also visit https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/second-eip-faqs for frequently asked questions.

Q: Am I eligible to receive an economic impact (stimulus) payment? how much will i get? How will it be shipped?

A: Your card administrator, tax preparer, and metabank cannot answer these questions. Any questions about EIP (stimulus) payments for individuals should be directed to the IRS.

for questions about economic impact (stimulus) payments:

  • get my payment (gmp) on the irs.gov website
  • irs.gov/eip for general questions about the economic impact payments
  • https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/second-eip-faqs for frequently asked questions

Q: Am I getting a paper check or an EIP card?

A: If the IRS does not have routing and account information for you for direct deposit, a check or debit card will be sent to you in the form of an EIP card. If this applies to you, the IRS urges people to carefully watch their mail for any of these during April.

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for questions about economic impact (stimulus) payments:

  • get my payment (gmp) on the irs.gov website
  • irs.gov/eip for general questions about the economic impact payments
  • https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/second-eip-faqs for frequently asked questions

Q: If I received my second economic impact (stimulus) payment on an EIP card, will my third payment be deposited to the same card?

a: no. if you received an eip card for the first and/or second eip payment in 2020/2021, that card will not be reloaded with your third eip payment. If you are eligible for a third EIP payment, you may receive a new EIP card or paper check. Either way, the IRS urges people to watch their mail carefully for any of these during April.

for questions about economic impact (stimulus) payments:

  • get my payment (gmp) on the irs.gov website
  • irs.gov/eip for general questions about the economic impact payments
  • https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/second-eip-faqs for frequently asked questions

q: I need to make changes to my bank information on file with the irs. can you help me with that?

a: Your card administrator, tax preparer, and metabank cannot make updates or changes to your disbursement method or bank information that is already on file with the IRS. Any questions about the disbursement method or making changes to your bank information for stimulus payments/EIPs should be directed to the IRS, the entity that administers that program for the United States. government.

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for questions about economic impact (stimulus) payments:

  • get my payment (gmp) on the irs.gov website
  • irs.gov/eip for general questions about the economic impact payments
  • https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/second-eip-faqs for frequently asked questions

Q: Has my economic impact (stimulus) payment posted to my prepaid card?

a: cardholders who have a metabank-issued prepaid card other than an eip card should contact the customer service number or visit the website on the back of their card if they have questions about your card, card transactions, card account balance, payments, replacement requests, or other customer service issues.

for questions about economic impact (stimulus) payments:

  • get my payment (gmp) on the irs.gov website
  • irs.gov/eip for general questions about the economic impact payments
  • https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/second-eip-faqs for frequently asked questions

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